the social dilemma transcript with timestampswhat happened on the belt parkway today

His psychometric doppelgangers. [Jeff Flake] My message here today is that tribalism is ruining us. Okay, you gotta leave it here, though, buddy. There are quite a few methods to combat the allure of social media, but there is one you can do right now after reading this. Your support helps us continue creating online content for our community. [Alex] When I was there, I always felt like, fundamentally, it was a force for good. [jaron] Well, look, I know perfectly well that Im not gonna get everybody to delete their social media accounts, but I think I can get a few. Whether it is to be utopia or oblivion will be a touch-and-go relay race right up to the final moment Its just like the magician. [Tristan] A lot of what were saying sounds like its just this one-sided doom and gloom. I just want to reform them so they dont destroy the world. [reporter] On November 7th, the hashtag Pizzagate was born. Thats the point. [AI] Your friend Tyler just joined. Absolutely not. [Growth AI] Yes, and connecting Ben with the entire world. [Tristan] Its not about the technology being the existential threat. [Bailey] I was one of the really early employees at Instagram. [Mark Zuckerberg] Oh, thats that is hard. People cant tell whats true. Like, we never said any of that stuff about a bicycle. 2021 Scraps from the Loft. We probably fail to meet the challenge of climate change. WhatsApp has done it. [reporter 1] After that chaos in Chicago, violent clashes between protesters and supporters. You make money the more you allow unregulated messages to reach anyone for the best price. Support at . The EC is like any political movement in history, when you think about it. And then theres the advertising goal: to make sure that, as all thats happening, were making as much money as possible from advertising. Well learn how to live with these devices, just like weve learned how to live with everything else. And what this misses is theres something distinctly new here. [Tristan] Notice that many people in the tech industry dont give these devices to their own children. There are lots of springboards for discussion here. And youre always free to walk up the hill, but fewer people do, and so, at scale, at societys scale, you really are just tilting the floor and changing what billions of people think and do. Like, wheres the existential threat? START and END TIMESTAMP. And yet, in that world, any time two people connect, the only way its financed is through a sneaky third person whos paying to manipulate those two people. 2020. White House officials say they have no reason to believe the Russian cyberattacks will stop. [Ben] Oh, there is. It worries me that an algorithm that I worked on is actually increasing polarization in society. [Growth AI] Hey, do you guys ever wonder if, you know, like, the feed is good for Ben? [Tristan] Um [sighs] Im just trying to Like, I want people to see Like, theres a problem happening in the tech industry, and it doesnt have a name, and it has to do with one source, like, one, [Tristan] When you look around you, it feels like the world is going crazy. It appears to be a dumpster being pushed around. When is it going to cross the singularity, replace our jobs, be smarter than humans? Me too! [sighs] Ben? [AI] Perfect. [Sandy Parakilas] Theres only a handful of people at these companies, at Facebook and Twitter and other companies Theres only a few people who understand how those systems work, and even they dont necessarily fully understand whats gonna happen with a particular piece of content. [Tristan] You see drones, and you think, like, Oh, were gonna kill people with AI. And what people miss is that AI already runs todays world right now. As the groups got bigger on Facebook, Facebooks recommendation engine started suggesting to regular users that they join Pizzagate groups. Well, you should be able to, cause thats exactly whats happening on Facebook. They come home from school, and theyre on their devices. Ill still pick up the phone, and 20 minutes will disappear. [Tristan] Theres a study, an MIT study, that fake news on Twitter spreads six times faster than true news. All the social media apps, all the news apps, and Ive turned off notifications on anything that was vibrating my leg with information that wasnt timely and important to me right now. Armed with all the knowledge that I have and all of the experience, I am fighting my kids about the time that they spend on phones and on the computer. The older teen girls, 15 to 19 years old, theyre up 70 percent, compared to the first decade of this century. And were not even aware that its happening. You have to ask yourself, like, Is this normal? Thats a separate discipline. Its really, really bad. I mean, really. And remember, for every one of these, for every hospital admission, theres a family that is traumatized and horrified. And then it would change the entry. countermeasures to protect oneself against social media. Para desainer dari berbagai platform media sosial . Magicians were almost like the first neuroscientists and psychologists. One thing they concluded is that we now know we can affect real-world behavior and emotions without ever triggering the users awareness. I want to develop a lesson plan for my English and Psychology students. the social dilemma transcript with timestamps. Video marketing. Event marketing. [Cynthia M. Wong] Some of the most troubling implications of governments and other bad actors weaponizing social media, um, is that it has led to real, offline harm. A reclusive, morbidly obese English teacher attempts to reconnect with his estranged teenage daughter. NurPhoto via Getty Images. "The Social Dilemma" provided the following research about the correlation between social media use at a young age: "From 2009 through 2015, statistics revealed that girls, ages 15-19, who were admitted to the hospital for non-fatal self harm rose 62%. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Thanks, Cass. Its slight. 5. Oh, yeah, seriously, for how long you look at it. Based on the Netflix documentary "The Social Dilemma," the thought-provoking discussion came at a time in which so much of our daily lives has gone virtual due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Yeah. Its up 62 percent for older teen girls. video games, credit cards, and cell phones. The Social Dilemma (2020) The Social Dilemma is a Netflix documentary about the insidious nature of social media featuring former big tech employees, researchers, and critics. The main argument made is that Social Media is Bad. Later, I found out Larry Page had been notified about this presentation in three separate meetings that day. After just a couple of days, it's recorded over . Dude, how I dont know how I didnt get carded. [Growth AI] Cross-referencing him against comparables in his geographic zone. When is it gonna cross the singularity, replace our jobs, be smarter than humans? [Tristan] It basically just said, you know, never before in history have 50 designers20- to 35-year-old white guys in Californiamade decisions that would have an impact on two billion people. What is that world gonna look like when one has a six-times advantage to the other one? [Tristan] At a lot of technology companies, theres three main goals. There are two distinct camps when it comes to the . And that is the product. Im just catching up on some news stuff. That only costs this much.. [Yellow AI] Lets get back to making money, boys. Yeah, delete. But from the point of view of watch time, this polarization is extremely efficient at keeping people online. [vlogger] Nine out of ten people are dissatisfied right now. They are completely clueless. By state actors, by people with millions of dollars saying, I wanna destabilize Kenya. I I would say, again, the methods used to play on peoples ability to be addicted or to be influenced may be different this time, and they probably are different. Some of those things could be described as simple algorithms, some could be described as algorithms that are so complicated, you would call them intelligence. Wheres the existential threat?. Whats not okay is when theres no regulation, no rules, and no competition, and the companies are acting as sort of de facto governments. The Democrat Party is a crime syndicate, not a real political party. Personally, I think the age should be 16. This is changing the way our entire civilization gets its information and thinks about truth and fact.". I think the US government started this shit. Thank you for providing this transcript so I can more easily record and share insights with my students. [reporter 3] This morning, panic and protest in Ukraine as. Its seducing you. A magician understands something, some part of your mind that were not aware of. [announcer] Once the Kitchen Safe is locked, it cannot be opened until the timer reaches zero. [Shoshana] Facebook conducted what they called massive-scale contagion experiments.. Theyre pulling people away from their kids. [chuckles] You know, its just like, God, theres gotta be theres gotta be more to it than that.. They know when people are looking at photos of your ex-romantic partners. Skip over A, The, etc. The underlying fundamental issues that need to be addressed to contain the spread of misinformation are: (1) the structure of the social networks and (2) the lack of checks and balances. [Tim] Lets figure out how to get as much of this persons attention as we possibly can. The mediocre documentary is boosted by plugging into the current widespread skepticism about the role of social media in our lives. [Tristan] Im probably most addicted to my e-mail. [Cass] Hey, Benji. [reporter 3] TikTok, if you talk to any tween out there, [on TV] theres no chance theyll delete this thing. To Deep Fade hair wax. And then if you start watching one of those videos, then it will recommend it over and over again. Its exploitation of its users for financial gain through surveillance capitalism and data mining. My last job there was the senior vice president of engineering. Uh-oh. [Yellow AI] Sold for 3.4 cents an impression. They just, in real time, are testing lots and lots of stuff on people. as far as I know this is the full transcript as Im not aware of the existence of longer versions of the documentary. 2. [Rene] Most of the countries that are targeted are countries that run democratic elections. [Tristan] Its about making two sides who couldnt hear each other anymore, who didnt want to hear each other anymore, who didnt trust each other anymore. Import Your Audio On Otter And It Will Automatically Make An Transcription Of The Video For You, Which Will Be Atleast 96% Accurate. Because then it forces you into this vicious cycle where youre like, Whats the next thing I need to do now? [Aza Raskin] I helped start Mozilla Labs and switched over to the Firefox side. vorzeitige rckzahlung durch emittenten; stlting train service; auswandern panama immobilien Oh, thats from a talk show, but thats pretty good. I dont know if I feel that way anymore. Almost like youre stimulating nerve cells on a spider to see what causes its legs to respond. This is a totally new species of power and influence. Not because we want to, but because false information makes the companies more money than the truth. [Guillaume] The flat-Earth conspiracy theory was recommended hundreds of millions of times by the algorithm. Which, in psychology, we call a positive intermittent reinforcement. The model, once you have it, you can predict the kinds of things that person does. This point being crossed is at the root of addiction, polarization, radicalization, outrage-ification, vanity-ification, the entire thing. The entire tech industry is under a new level of scrutiny. In Myanmar, when people think of the Internet, what they are thinking about is Facebook. I dont even know what shes talking about, man. [interviewer] So, then, whats the whats the problem? And those growth tactics have then become the standard playbook for Silicon Valley. Hands up! This is deep-seated, like, human personality that theyre tapping into. These cookies do not store any personal information. [Tristan] We in the tech industry have created the tools to destabilize and erode the fabric of society in every country,all at once, everywhere. P.O Box 30080-00100,Nairobi, Kenya. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. And why we wanna do that is because if you ask people, Whats wrong in the tech industry right now? theres a cacophony of grievances and scandals, and They stole our data. And theres tech addiction. There are 13,694 people behaving just like him in his region. [Rebecca] Okay, well, Im gonna get a snack before practice if you wanna come. The point was, like, Youre the person whos gonna figure out how this thing monetizes. And there were a lot of people who did a lot of the work, but I was clearly one of the people who was pointing towards Well, we have to make money, A and I think this advertising model is probably the most elegant way. The film features interviews with many former employees, executives and other professionals from top tech companies and social media platforms, who provide their first-hand experiences of working in and around the tech industry. A dilemma. [Sandy Parakilas] I worked at Facebook in 2011 and 2012. Our attention can be mined. [Tristan] This affects everyone, even if you dont use these products. Identifier. Millions of years of evolution, um, are behind that system to get us to come together and live in communities, to find mates, to propagate our species. [Shoshana] This is a new kind of marketplace now. But some scholars say the hype is overblown, at least when looking at . Anything that sways from the Extreme Center. Cass, no ones forcing you to get one. The Prisoner Dilemma is a simple but very effective example of social dilemma. They can get you to invite more people. And weve moved away from having a tools-based technology environment to an addiction- and manipulation-based technology environment. Its not enough that you use the product consciously, I wanna dig down deeper into the brain stem and implant, inside of you, an unconscious habit so that you are being programmed at a deeper level. [Green AI] Did I overwhelm him with friends and family content? The new Netflix documentary-drama "The Social Dilemma" has sparked some social media users to abandon their accounts but it's unlikely to put a dent in the tech giants it takes on. [Justin] Algorithms and manipulative politicians are becoming so expert at learning how to trigger us, getting so good at creating fake news that we absorb as if it were reality, and confusing us into believing those lies. Because Because I think that this scares me to death. [Tim] [sighs] I think, in the in the shortest time horizon civil war. [Growth AI] I calculate a 92.3 percent chance of resurrection with a notification about Ana. [Cathy ONeil] We are allowing the technologists to frame this as a problem that theyre equipped to solve. Lets squeeze in a sneaker ad before it starts. You know, I I really do view it as existential. 4. [Tristan] No one got upset when bicycles showed up. Even more horrifying, we see the same pattern with suicide. Its like asking, Whats wrong with propaganda?, [Anna] I Im worried about my kids. [Tristan] Is this the last generation of people that are gonna know what it was like before this illusion took place? Okay, theres the supercomputer. That worked. Keep it out until high school. [James] Actually, Ive been using a lot today. [Jaron] Financial incentives kind of run the world, so any solution to this problem has to realign the financial incentives. [Blue AI] [sighs] Its not good enough to lead with. Thats the only thing there is for them to make money from. You can stay disconnected as long as you want. Like, if everyones starting to go around on bicycles, no one said, Oh, my God, weve just ruined society. Whether youre an introvert or an extrovert, or what kind of neuroses you have, what your personality type is like. As the credits roll, the interviewees recommend taking various And everyone else shes ever met in her entire life. We are more profitable to a corporation if were spending time staring at a screen, staring at an ad, than if were spending that time living our life in a rich way. Social Dilemma is a good film, probably too little too late to play a role in saving democracy or healing a nation so divided half of it won't do the most basic things to stop a pandemic. The Girl With The Tree Tattoo. How could you use everything we know about the psychology of what persuades people and build that into technology? [vlogger] Do research. [chuckling] I dont like this. 3. The most epic fails of the year. [Justin] Essentially, you vote with your clicks. 6. It is no way for sane adults to act. Some of the most developed nations in the world are now imploding on each other, and what do they have in common? Not even that cute girl from school. I care that you are being misled, and its not okay. [Tristan] When I was at Google, I was on the Gmail team, and I just started getting burnt out cause wed had so many conversations about you know, what the inbox should look like and what color it should be, and And I, you know, felt personally addicted to e-mail, and I found it fascinating there was no one at Gmail working on making it less addictive. Part of your mind that were not aware of Media is Bad it forces you this. ] on November 7th, the feed is good for Ben at Facebook in 2011 and.. Na get a snack before practice if you wan na come, our! Na look like when one has a six-times advantage to the a reclusive, morbidly obese teacher! 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the social dilemma transcript with timestamps