my husband has asperger's and i want to leave himusafa prep school staff

Your mental health Your psychological, emotional, and social well-being has an impact on every aspect of your life. I read the article My husband is on the spectrum. He was so frustrated. People with Aspergers may have difficulty communicating, and they may also have difficulty forming relationships. Its a lifelong disorder. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? But that led to a bad incident which forced me to separate. My husband and I have been having marriage counselling, on and off, for a year. If you think your husband has Aspergers, there are some signs that can help you identify his condition. If the expression of your feelings has not been shared it is wise to do so in a compassionate supportive environment where you can experience the reciprocity and connection of your emotions. It really varies from person to person. I dont know much about this topic, but I wanted to share what Ive seen. They may lack the intuitive inner context to even understand what a relationship IS, what its for, or why they would want it. It did not change because the damage came from an Aspergers man. Spouses with Aspergers can initially meet a need within the relationships and these traits can often be seen as attractive. I cannot say enough about this point. Lastly, one of the biggest challenges faced by those who have Aspergers is the lack of awareness and support from society. The damage feels the same, the PTSD diagnosis is still PTSD. People on the Autism Spectrum are also sensitive about what others wear because certain fabrics feel uncomfortable for them or something else about their appearance bothers them. I literally looked at him one day and said I am genuinely worried that I am going to hurt myself. However, their emotional intelligence and sensitivity may be underestimated by others. This can include things like always needing to have a specific routine, or doing the same thing over and over again. I suspect that my husband is on the spectrum. Forms of support can be a group of other spouses, individual counseling or couples counseling. Get simple, Biblical solutions that can give you clarity on what you are going through and what God sees. 2.6K Followers. writer and actor. This may include family, friends, or even a therapist. My husband, and his mother, have Aspergers. The challenges faced by parents of teenagers with developmental disabilities are far more difficult than those faced by average teenagers. He was the only counselor who discerned what was really going on in my first marriage, by prayer, wisdom, and a dream. Obsessive Interests It is not uncommon for people with Aspergers to fixate on one or two particular subjects. He would not have it any other way than for us to live together as one big happy family along with our three cats, dog, and baby. Accepting the unintentional abuse is very hard for me after all of these years. It used to be called Cassandra Phenomena but has recently been relabeled Ongoing Traumatic Relationship Syndrome (OTRS). And my children think I'm a crazy person." Then the tears came in earnest. You can also book afree therapyor download our freeAndroidoriOS app. Then I had this new thought. This condition impacts how a person perceives and interacts with their environment, affecting all areas of life from socializing to working. In another example, lets say your husband is diagnosed with a brain tumor that causes him to become paranoid and dangerous, wielding a knife around the house. Id encourage you to look for some videos by Dr. Stephanie Homes ( I just did an interview with her and she specializes in working with people who are on the autism spectrum and also helping their spouses understand the impact and what to do. My Husband Is On The Spectrum. I struggle trying to maintain the house and have to pay people to do most things now. I'm in a situation where I feel at a complete loss as to what I should do. Having a therapist who specializes in offering support to couples where a spouse has an Aspergers diagnosis, who is also grounded makes the difference of how the strengths that already exist are built upon and the challenges worked through in a structured and concrete way. But may lead to spouses feeling lonely and unsafe within the marriage. He doesnt know how to maintain friendships and the behavior and conflict between us has escalated. He is obsessed with counting our investments on a daily basis. The younger they are, the more creative they may be and the more interested they may be in exploring their interests. Here is an example of a man who accepted his diagnosis and was thoughtful about the impact his problem had on his wife and their marriage. We met in college and he was the only person who truly understood me. She is the author of Marriage and Lasting Relationships with Asperger's Syndrome. The happy couple now have two children together. The issue cannot be solved by naming it. He told me I was not his type. People with AS exhibit empathy despite being stigmatized as such, despite the fact that this is a mental illness that harms their ability to communicate. Despite all of these challenges, there are also many benefits to living with a husband who has Aspergers. I have been married to my husband for a little over a year now, and I can honestly say that it has not always been easy. This is not very good advice for people like me much of the time. Around 1% of the general population are thought to be autistic, according to research. There can be a number of ways to deal with this if my husband has Aspergers. He knows the right things to do. This can make it hard for them to understand the needs of their husbands. As a couples counselor and author working with couples where one (or both) partners have a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of Asperger's or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Ive found that there are certain ASD traits that often make a relationship challenging. Being a workaholic is often an ASD hallmark. I dont think Ive ever heard him say anything nice specifically about me or anything Ive ever done. People with AS may experience emotions and feelings in addition to feelings, but they are just like everyone else. They can provide you with valuable information and resources that will help you through this difficult time. Reviewed by Ekua Hagan. As a wise friend once said to me: "Eva, if we're not improving, we're regressing!". Admit where you may have messed up and take responsibility. Ill be speaking 7 different times, some on panels, but I will need. There are big issues (carrying most of the load of family life, his meltdowns/shutdowns, no sex life, being treated like a business partner, info-only communication, etc.) You will be able to teach your husband social behavior that is less awkward and rude because he functions at a high level of cognitive ability. I married them because I trust their judgment. Here are some tips to make avoiding resentment a daily habit: 4. Listen More, Talk Less. It has also been used to shame and control others, especially in Evangelical and Fundamentalist traditions. He said he only looks a girls under age 25 otherwise there is nothing to look at. Its not his fault and I hope you would feel great compassion for his plight. This can be difficult, but it is important to try to understand your husbands perspective. Many of my clients have found this 8-point list to be a useful tool in working on modifying behaviors to create happier/healthier relationships. My husband is often unable to do things that he does not usually feel comfortable doing. He has eye contact, his facial expression changes, he smiles, laughs and he knows a little about everything, never lost for words. However, would you feel guilty separating yourself for your own safety and sanity? It is important for you to consider your decision carefully before making a final choice. After 10 years of marriage I want out. They may also have difficulty understanding sarcasm or jokes. People without Asperger's often tell those who are struggling in social situations to "be themselves.". The marriage never really started and there was never any home life. At TherapyMantra, we have a team of therapists who provide affordable online therapy to assist you with issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, workplace Issues, addiction, relationship, OCD, LGBTQ, and PTSD. It is important to communicate with your husband about how you are feeling. Asperger's syndrome is a complex developmental disorder in which the normal (NT) spouse's situation is difficult to grasp for others. They can contradict what their partner is saying or criticize them without fully thinking the matter through. Asperger's is a form of high-functioning autism spectrum disorder, and while people with Asperger's learn to cope with "normal" behaviors, they have difficulty regulating their . It is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner if you feel like they are being too selfish. I often feel appreciated by my husband. Several years ago, Miriams son was diagnosed with autism. People who have Aspergers may have trouble reading facial expressions which can make social interactions difficult. His brain speaks a different language than an NT (Neuro-typical) persons brain does. It can be both an emotional and a logistical relief to discover that you have Aspergers Syndrome or to be married to someone who does. I have a friend who is dealing with this very thing, and I plan to forward this to her. Dont doubt what your partner says just because they dont phrase it like you would. The attraction of the partnership first offers safety, stability, and connection; things promised within a marriage that protect the sense of identity. The difference, Id say, is that the narcissist is malicious, whereas the person with ASD is clueless. When I saw the words feel guilty I felt like this was going to be a much-needed question and answer to read. People on the spectrum often have a special interest topic that they fixate on. I feel for you. Seek professional help if necessary in order to make the best decision for yourself. The interactions between Aspergers spouse and the other spouse can have a long-term impact leading to ongoing stress cycles. I have a spa pillow cushioning my head and back and I could choose to simply enjoy this moment. Be curious. If you think your husband has Aspergers, these are some of the signs you may be dealing with. But it is indeed important to distinguish between them. This gift can lead them to become experts in their fields of study. He can not understand why this caused a major fight that ended with me leaving home for a few days. I'm married for 35 yrs and my husband has AS. However, when the Aspergers partner focuses on improving certain traits, the marriage is able to often come back from a crisis or even divorce. He cares. But I need a divorce. Understand yourself and your partner. People with Aspergers often have difficulty reading social cues and may not pick up on the subtleties of communication. One of the most important things you can do is to be patient and understand that your husband may not always understand what you are saying. Did not feel safe. Take 10 deep breaths. Some people may be high-functioning and able to live relatively normal lives. This is not an easy decision to make, but it is important to remember that you have the right to end the relationship if you are unhappy. Years of breastfeeding due to weight issues, keeping him from hitting his head when people would say Just let him learn and I knew he would hurt himself. Taking care of you is important, Biblical, and not selfish. He is a good father and the kids love him. Or does his blindness now give him a pass to not care about the impact his unintentional act has on you? This is mainly because of the challenges we face on a daily basis, but also because I am often the one who has to take care of him and advocate for him when he cannot do it himself. Work can be rewarding, especially in their area of interest. I think as long as I dont require anything normal in the marriage or require him to interact as husband wife or act HUMANE we are good but if I have a concern and express it that is when I caused a problem! There are some difficulties associated with Aspergers dating, but there are also some opportunities. Please note that its still called Aspergers Syndrome for those who have this diagnosis and dont wish to change its wording. This can be difficult to do sometimes since I know that while there are support groups for ASD or Aspergers, they tend to lean more towards men who have the disorder while leaving out their partners who also need help navigating through this world with someone diagnosed on the spectrum. Want to have a happier, healthier marriage? In any marriage, but especially one with unique challenges, your anchor must always be in God, not your husband, not your marriage, or even your own temporal happiness. However, as long as we communicate what works and doesnt work from both sides then hopefully over time we will learn new ways of coping with these challenges together as a couple regardless of whether one partner has been formally diagnosed on the spectrum or not. Thank you. Question My husband is on the autism spectrum. No house or car payments 1.4 plus million estateyet if i buy a pair of work shoes all hell breaks loose. This can also be difficult for the family members of those with Aspergers. It seems that throwing in religious jargon would require an initial exploration of what biblical means to the author. Even so, I feel isolated and totally exhausted from the continual effort at what often feels like a one sided relationship. I want to leave but feel extreme guilt. One last benefit of living with someone who has Aspergers Syndrome is the openness-mindedness about our family life. I want to go to part time at work now that i am 62 and you can imagine what kind of a fight has ensued. Asperger's syndrome may cause many relationship problems, especially when it's undiagnosed and your partner is not aware of it. They may also have trouble understanding and maintaining eye contact, which can make conversation very difficult. Living with Aspergers spouse is tough and a little help from a therapist can bring about a marked change in your relationship. With husband and wife working hard, the marriage may be salvageable. Aspergers is a disorder that can have a lot of negative effects. This may be because they find it difficult to process what they see and hear simultaneously. My experience sounds almost word-for-word like yours. But not literally. 5. Maybe it's me. I can talk with him about it. She enhances her clinical skills with respectful curiosity and non-judgement exploring strengths and resilience to gain access to inner wisdom we possess inside. This is because I have made an effort for us to be together. Put the Jeopardy Championship in a new light. Some of what is happening in your relationship may be due to Aspergian traits and some may not, his therapist can help you understand which are which. The neurotypical partner may experience difficulty in accepting their partners opinions or desires; sometimes they experience communication difficulties as well. He let me know he was only attracted to short blond and young women. You need a lot of patience, love, and care. In such a situation, the ASD partner might use the following skills: 2. Give Up Control: Would You Rather Be Married Than Right? Is he compassionate over the pain hes caused you, even if it was unintentional? I am very fearful of how incapable of caring for the children he is. But there are certain challenges that you must be aware of if you are contemplating living with Aspergers spouse. Marriage Counseling vs. What happens next has nothing to do with his blindness, it has everything to do with his character and yours. ), Try, Sounds like a good idea. Tell me more.. Some people with Aspergers syndrome manage to forge successful relationships despite their condition. The problem is he has no idea. My husband is his own secret island. Your husband has a disorder that basically caused him to be unable to socialize and mature at the same rate as his peers growing up. When in doubt, go with your partners point of view. If things get too heated, stop and pick up the conversation later. I appreciate your wisdom in advising this woman. We existed like this for 6 and a half years after which I told him to move out of our bed. Having grown up in a fundamentalist pastors home, I am well aware of the possible harm from using The Canaan Language indiscriminently, ignoring that to those of the group it can be both a turnoff and a barrier to communication problems endemic to why others view Christians with distaste, disinterest or derision. so is mine. I do not know if there is a way out of this mess for me? Their children might also inherit other genes associated with autism and mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. How do I get him to recognize this?? Please choose yourself Linda. The parts that hopefully rightly resonated with me were more generalized thoughts that I have been thinking but wondering if I am being selfish. There is no need to feel guilt. Ive been practicing living more in the moment lately and I have to tell you its freeing. Just say yes. Think before saying no. Whats the worst that could happen? I know God hates divorce and he may or may not leave me or divorce me but I dont think God expects me to not be a full person for myself just so he will stay and be happy. When their partner complains, they might take that to mean that their partner doesnt understand their pressures or that theyre getting in the way. Due to the unique challenges that Asperger syndrome presents, many people with it are unable to form meaningful relationships. Connections that validate the lived experience means that both parties have to be willing to find ways to support each other. He is not a talker unless its with somebody he can talk to about something hes interested in. Its not just the differences between neurotypically normal and on the spectrum. If youre not willing to put in the work, it may be best to leave. What man wants to do laundry at 23 or cares whether the dishes are clean. Try to understand the needs of their husbands Aspergers can initially meet need! Eye contact, which can make it hard for them to understand the needs of husbands. Predict how Smart it is important for you to consider your decision carefully before making final... A need within the marriage never really started and there was never any home life can include like! Biggest challenges faced by average teenagers still called Aspergers Syndrome is the of. Aspergers often have a long-term impact leading to Ongoing stress cycles his mother, have Aspergers have... For the children he is not a talker unless its with somebody he can talk to about hes... 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my husband has asperger's and i want to leave him