how much fire resist for illidanusafa prep school staff

He targets a random player in your raid, and deals 2550 to 3450 Fire damage to them and any other player within 10 yards of the original target. Illidan should not go below 30% during the demon phase, else Phase 5 starts immediately, which is bad because positioning is wrong. If there are 3 players standing next to each other, theyll take ~10,500 damage, likely dying. of the fire patches left on the ground. Almost every phase change comes with a threat reset, so be sure to allow the 20 badges. Also be sure to avoid standing in any Illidan should point away from the raid at all times so that Draw Soul can only hit the tank. You are most likely going to encounter Illidans mechanics in the following order: Shear > Parasitic Shadowfiend > Shear > Flame Crash > Draw Soul > reset. The flames however hurt, so your main tank should begin moving Illidan away from his original spot the moment he leaps into the air, so your melee DPS are out of the fire as soon as possible. these should be the number one priority for DPS players, as these will instantly Maiev Shadowsong joins the fight to help the raid defeat Illidan. They are Demon type enemies with 1.15 million HP each, and their attacks deal 8-10k Fire damage each, which is why you will need tanks with capped Fire Resistance to tank them regular tanks will simply die in 2 hits. Phases 2 and 4 have In addition to the tanking requirements, some of the phases will require vastly How important is hit on prot warrior TBC. If you have good ranged DPS, killing them wont be too hard as they are level 70 and only have 21k HP. The enchanted Soulguard set on its own will net you 236 Shadow Resistance. Similarly to Phase 3, Phase 4 can transition into 2 different phases: An aura that increases Illidans physical damage done by 500%. How much defense does a feral Druid need TBC? In both cases, youve seen all of Illidans most difficulties and youve persevered, so its highly unlikely that seeing them again will prevent you from coming out of this fight with some tasty loot. Your healers will likely not have a good time here, but if theyre skilled enough, the first part of Phase 4 wont be too bad. Sometimes an ability will come slightly before another, but due to their timings, this will be their general pattern. This is the main thing you will have to worry about during Phase 2. Illidan uses this ability every ~40 seconds. different phases. The two off-tanks each pick up one of the flames. Arcane Mage Many guilds will choose to ignore the trap if its placed in a bad spot for this very reason, instead having the tank rely on defensive cooldowns exclusively to survive Illidans Enrage. 2 second cast, Illidan will constantly spam this spell throughout Phase 4. The Demo Warlock is fine early as it does decent damage through its pets. Typically a prioritized to, see the links below. Here you can find Guides, News, Tools, Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, and Shadowlands! WebIllidan Stormrage phase 2 requires 365 Fire Resist (cap) for tanking Flames of Azzinoth, this is a 4 tank fight (counting the Warlock), however. WebGetting 365 fire resist is nice but not exactly needed even if your elemental is not the first to die. Web0% resist 25% resist 50% resist 75% resist At chosen resistance ( 25) Resist calculation details Spell hit/miss roll This roll is based on the level difference and Spell Hit bonus. The fight starts after a lengthy dialogue between Akama and Illidan, as the last line Illidan yells "You are not prepared!". This makes killing him significantly easier, particularly if you stun him while hes Enraged. Thus, a tank that manages to reach a total of 101.8% total dodge, parry and block, will be guaranteed to avoid this attack. heals for a large amount per target hit. Flame Burst Deals 3,500 Fire damage to all raid members and deals splash damage to players closer than 5 Note that the Flames can never be moved more than 25 yards away from their respective glaive, hence youre tanking them in a circle-ish pattern, and no player can move further than 25 yards away from both glaives, hence the raid stacks up in the middle. About every minute, Illidan is not a gear dependent fight, it's possible to beat him even with Tier 5 or badge vendor gear on most of the raid, only the tanks really need good gear. Phase 5 is very similar to Phase 3, except that he enrages after 40 seconds (attack speed and damage increased, soft enrage). Two times per Phase 5 cycle she semi-randomly places a special demon trap on the ground that can be used against Illidan. It will be very helpful to have your Hunters use a Misdirection on each tank here, to prevent unfortunate accidents. Fire Resistance gear. It is okay if you are a tad lower than cap, but do not be more than 1% or so lower in this occasion Your melee DPS meanwhile should switch target if the Eye Blast is coming towards the Flame of Azzinoth theyre currently attacking. only used in a certain phase. Make sure to The last line of the dialogue is Illidans well known You are not prepared!, and at this point he will engage with the player closest to him. It will be loaded at Illidan Stormrage Encounter and updated on Resistance changes. There is one catch here: Illidan will transition to Phase 4 after 60 seconds, which is one of the hardest phases in this fight. Classic WoW is my jam, with a passion for PvP. Your raid should have enough DPS such that you only see this ability once during Phase 2, else things can get ugly. Has a 2 second cast time, but there will be roughly 3 second gaps between each hit due to the travel time. Orc and Human Heritage Armors Confirmed for 10.0.7 Dragonflight, WotLK Classic Hotfixes March 1st Blood Lust/Heroism Bug Fix, Move to the melee DPS if you get targeted by, Go to your assigned spot, stand right on top of other players, and dont ever move unless absolutely necessary, Dont ever move away from the center of the arena, or the Flames of Azzinoth will enrage and wipe your raid, Same as Phase 1, but make sure you are more than 5 yards away from other players, Make sure you are more than 20 yards away from Illidan & more than 5 yards away from other players, Same as Phase 3, but make sure you move away from Maievs traps if the tank is taking Illidan to it, Be careful of fire as you follow the Flames of Azzinoth & never be in front of them, Avoid being near any of the ranged groups, so you dont hit them with splash damage, Save your major DPS cooldowns for Phase 3, Same as Phase 1 you dont have to avoid being around other players as melee, Move to the back of the room and stay more than 5 yards away from other players, you cannot DPS Illidan during this phase, Watch your threat tanks are using Fire Resistance threat and thus have lower threat output, Attack Illidan from your max range, while standing more than 5 yards away from other players, If you transitioned to this phase from Phase 4, use threat reduction abilities like, This phase is extremely healing intensive make sure you understand whats going on, Theres a small break after every phase in this fight, so dont hesitate to use max rank spells and use a lot of mana if necessary, If you dont need to heal anyone, help DPS with, Stay more than 5 yards away from other players, Once Illidan is trapped, help DPS him down with, Illidan hits hard always be prepared to react to a damage spike with a defensive cooldown, Quickly move Illidan out of the flames created by, Make sure Illidan never faces your raid it will be very bad if hit hits them with his, Make sure your Flame never faces the raid, or people will die to, Kite the Flame in a circle-ish pattern as shown in the, The green flames do about 1250 damage / second to you, so you can use defensive cooldowns & move through them quickly if necessary, You cant move your Flame more than 25 yards away from its glaive, or it will enrage and wipe your raid, The blue flames only do about 500 damage per second to you, so you can move through them or stay in them if necessary, Do not hesitate to use your defensive cooldowns if your HP drops low or you have to move far from the raid if you die, its a wipe, You can keep attacking Illidan during his 10 second transition animations, but move out the moment he enters his, If Maiev drops a trap near you or to a convenient spot, move Illidan to it, While moving, never show Illidan your back, keep using, If you cant get Illidan into a trap to counter his, Do the same thing as regular ranged DPS players, Youre doing the same thing as other ranged DPS players for most of this phase, If it doesnt look like your raid can get Illidan to 30% HP before he transitions to Phase 4, start moving to your designated spot, You will want to be more than 20 yards away from Illidan & other players, ideally at your maximum, Make sure to yell at any players that come close to you (/range 20 with DBM) they will die, If you have a big aggro lead on Illidan, you can help kill, Same as Phase 3 move to your designated spot a few seconds before the Phase 4 transition & start spamming, After 60 seconds, Illidan will naturally transition to Phase 4, If you manage to get him down to 30% HP within 60 seconds, he will transition to Phase 5, After 60 seconds, Illidan will revert back to whichever phase you were in before, Phase 3 or 5, If you manage to get him down to 30% HP within 60 seconds, he will end Phase 4 early and transition to Phase 5, Your entire raid spreads out at their maximum range, making sure they are more than 5 yards away from any other player, Melee and tanks spread out in the back of the room, far away from Illidan. Lets see what the Boss dropped. Illidan cannot cast other spells while casting Dark Barrage. Alliance Horde Have 3 healers on your main tank this should be your Holy Paladins & Restoration Druids, as well as a single Restoration Shaman if possible using Chain Heal on the MT for the Ancestral Fortitude buff & healing the melee. Flame of Azzinoth, simply change targets to the other one. Your tank will need to use major defensive cooldowns to survive this Enrage. Feral Druids unfortunately have no way of consistently reaching this amount of avoidance, and will thus be unable to main tank this fight. These effectively deal 50,000 damage to Illidan every time he uses Draw Soul, which will add up to a significant amount over the fights duration. target. Maiev joins the fight, which sounds cooler than it is actually helpful, and then Illidan starts attacking you again. This positioning will make it slightly easier for your healers to heal off Illidans massive damage from Fireball, which he will spam throughout the phase. While in Bear Form the Druid becomes an effective tank whose primary role is to absorb damage and prevent others from being attacked. Your healers should all be using +healing consumables for this fight, such as Elixir of Healing Power and Golden Fish Sticks, as well as mana regen consumables, such as Super Mana Potions and Dark Runes. The tank must use cooldowns to survive the 20 seconds until the end of the phase. Feral Druid tanks have the best armor in the game with their bear form. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Someone once said that you cant go home again. ANY raid member is more than 25 yards away from either Blade of Azzinoth, Chest Illidan Stormrage in Black Temple; Legs The Illidari Council in Black Temple; Shoulders Mother Shahraz in Black Temple; Gloves Azgalor in Hyjal Summit; Its set bonuses are: 2 pieces reduces the energy cost of your Mangle (Cat) ability by 5 and increases the threat generated by your Mangle (Bear) ability by 15%. At the same time, the raid must spread out to minimize the damage taken from Illidan's Fireballs. to avoid this debuff from hitting all melee at once. Illidan will use this ability every 25 to 30 seconds. Illidans pull is one of the most straightforward pulls in the game. This phase requires a ranged He will stun the entire raid with as Horde. The Inferno Tempered plate gear sold by Geras in Shattrath on its own will net you 232 Fire Resistance when enchanted. High Fire damage with every attack isnt all there is to these mobs however they also have 3 terrifying abilities. This wiki contains inaccurate and out-of-date information. Ranged DPS should be Spell pen and spell hit values Spell base damage Spell power Spell power coefficient It's a good idea to place all AoE capable damage dealers within AoE range of Illidan, so that they can AoE the demons right when they spawn, while they're still snared. If they reach their target, they will instantly kill them with Consume Soul before picking another target to Paralyze and repeating this chain until your entire raid is dead hence your raid must focus them down ASAP. If either of these rules are violated, the Flames will enrage (Uncaged Wrath) and wipe your raid. At the start of Phase Two, Illidan throws his warglaives It deals 6,000 Frost damage per tick over a 12-second duration. Black Temple The tank needs to drag Illidan towards the trap, click to activate it, and position Illidan on top of it. Illidan is one of the harder-hitting bosses in the game, dealing high damage WebIllidan in Demon Form Shadow Blast: 20 yard AoE for ~11k shadow damage centered on highest aggro target, cast every 2 sec, resistible. Alliance: Kul Tirans with their strong Brush It Off and Rime of the Ancient Mariner. now continue to alternate between Phase Four and Phase Five until Illidan is It will be a good idea to have a player assigned to keeping up a healing reduction effect (Mortal Strike / Wound Poison / Aimed Shot, with Mortal Strike being the best option if your raid has an Arms Warrior) on Illidan at all times, reducing the amount of healing he receives from Draw Soul significantly. Congratulations on besting Illidan! Early phases mostly only have tanks taking damage, so be sure to focus your While trapped, Illidans damage taken is increased by 100% and he loses his enrage buff. They will follow Flame Blast up with Blaze, spawning a patch of green flames on the ground which deal very high damage. Maiev Shadowsong. Phases 1, 3 and 5 are fairly straightforward. It will therefore be imperative that your Fire Resistance tanks move them around very slowly, so the flames dont get too close to your group, while also giving your melee DPS a chance to attack them. to save Shield Block for when he begins this cast. 30 to 40 seconds into Phase 4, Illidan will summon 4 Shadow Demons. First, its important to note that a raid boss mob is considered three levels above the player. And a temporal discombobulator! break down how to best approach this fight and the tactics needed to achieve Uncaged Wrath, wiping the raid. as these will instantly kill you while they are landing. This makes him significantly more dangerous, as your tank will now take a lot more damage, while your raid healers will need to heal a lot more, with Parasitic Shadowfiend and Agonizing Flames both dealing 50% more damage. Inferno Tempered Gauntlets: 52 stamina, 40 fire resistance. face them away from the raid at all times. Illidan kneels down and casts The Demon Within, turning him into a Demon. Lastly, about halfway through the phase, Illidan will summon multiple You can also see him live on Twitch. Illidan deals to 3238 to 3762 Fire damage to the raid, and every player within 5 yards of each player. Thus it will be extremely important that every player in your raid is at more than 5 yards away from every other player during Phase 4, so nobody gets hit twice. By keeping those abilities up at all times, they will completely nullify this ability. Shadow Prison for 30 seconds, then a short RP event will play where At Warcraft Tavern were huge fans of World of Warcraft. 40 to 45 seconds into Phase 5, Illidan will enrage, increasing ALL of his damage done by 50% and his attack speed by 30% for 20 seconds. dealing very high Shadow damage to his target and anyone within 20 yards of the After a 1.5 second cast, Illidan applies a debuff to his current target, reducing their maximum HP by 60% for 7 seconds. The catch however is that Maiev isnt very smart; she tries to prioritize placing the trap nearby Illidan, but may place it elsewhere instead, occasionally placing itvery awkward spots. They can only attack the. If you move Illidan to the trap, he will get stunned and take double damage for 15 seconds a huge boon for your raid. The Warlock has three great Raiding DPS specs for T4 progression. Furthermore, a trail of blue Demon Fire will follow his eye beam, persisting for 75 seconds and dealing 2k Fire damage per second to anyone who touches them. Your healers will need to heal your tank even more while theyre moving, to heal off any unfortunate crits or extra attacks generated by parry haste. A few seconds later, a Flame of Azzinoth monster will spawn next to each glaive. This is most easily accomplished by staying in the area between the two circles. It can help if you slow them down with abilities like Frost Trap and Cone of Cold. Positioning for Phase 1 is very straightforward. then summoned. At 65% HP, Illidan will fly up Since theres an aggro reset when Phase 4 starts, your main tank should also stay in and keep dealing threat but they should quickly move out if Illidan transforms into his Demon Form, as Illidan will 1-shot them. When you get Illidan down to 30%, he will trap the entire raid in his Shadow Prison, stunning all of you for 30 seconds, as he taunts you for not being angry enough or whatever. 30 badges. This fight will require 2 tanks with Fire Resistance gear, as Flame Burst 3 times during this phase, dealing damage to every raid Further Reading Note that both of your Fire Resistance tanks should be crit immune in their Fire Resistance sets the Flame of Azzinoth hit hard. Phase one of Illidan is a fairly straightforward boss fight. Illidan in the demon form possesses the Aura of Dread, which deals 1000 shadow damage to all players within 15 yards of Illidan every 2 seconds, while also increasing their shadow damage taken by 30% (effectively dealing 1300 damage per 2 seconds). This Phase 5 Illidan will Enrage temporarily, greatly increasing Phase 5 is virtually identical to Phase 3, so positioning will be the same. Your tank will have to be careful with moving him, never exposing his back and keeping up Shield Block / Holy Shield at all times, while players near the trap move away from it, as shown in the picture above. This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to be fully prepared for this fight, finally bringing Illidans reign of terror to an end. Due to the way Illidans Shear ability works, you will need a Protection Warrior or a Protection Paladin main tank Feral Druids will not work. Two tanks wearing Fire Resistance gear are required for this fight for Phase His abilities in Phase 3 are the same as in Phase 1, with the addition of Agonizing Flames. into the floor and spawns Flame of Azzinoth at the location of each First kills (prior to patch 3.0.2) by raids with about 4 members having the full Tier 6 bonus and most of the others wearing at about two pieces of Tier 6, typically experienced the following phase sequence: 1,2,3,4,3,4,3,5,4,5,4,5, the whole fight taking about 16 minutes. Re: Illidan - warlock & Flames of Azzinoth tanks.. With the nerf, you can tank the elemental almost nude, and /dance on the fire. Additionally, many raids will additionally require a Warlock tank with Shadow Resistance gear in order to tank Illidans Demon Form, known as Phase 4, but this requirement can be bypassed by raids with decent damage output and 3-4 Shamans using Heroism / Bloodlust at the same time. before DPSing as being in the wrong spot can easily get you and others Mages should use Blizzard, and warlocks can use Seed of Corruption on Illidan 15 seconds before the spawn. Since the HP reduction in Patch 3.0.2, it is possible to kill Illidan without him ever switching to demon form (Phase 4). Killable Shadow Demons at his feet. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Theres an absolutely colossal amount of AoE damage coming out during this fight, so every raid member should have a Master Healthstone. If youre tanking the first fire ele you can get away with like 250-275 fire resist, and crit cap. If youre tanking the second one its recommended to be FR capped (365). If you have good healers and split dps on the elementals, prob dont need to cap FR. It's always incredible to me when people try to give detailed answers and they're wrong. When below 30%, he switches between Phases 5 and 4. Unknown While the damage of this ability isnt too bad, the healing component is absolutely massive, and should thus be avoided at all costs. on random raid members, be sure to quickly top them up. If he reaches 30% health, Phase 5 starts. Melee damage dealers can try to follow one of the flames, but this incurs the danger of "bridging" two groups, so that the Fireballs again deal more damage than necessary. cast will kill anyone near you. During Phase 4, Illidan will no longer use any of his previous abilities, instead gaining brand new abilities and a massive 500% boost to his physical damage done, which is why you require a ranged player (typically a Warlock) to tank him. To that end, your main tank will need to always have Illidan facing away from the raid, so they are the only player getting hit. After the burst, players have about 15 seconds to move around and kill demons, and 5 seconds to get back to their places before the next Flame Burst. The searing pain spam high fire resist warlock tank needed for KT in Tempest Keep. WebEveryone else also received quite a lot of EXP even more than Lu Li had obtained from Illidans Shadow. Each phase transition is a threat reset, so be sure to keep cooldowns and Horde: Highmountain Tauren, due to their Rugged Tenacity, Bull Rush and Mountaineer, or Troll with their powerful Berserking. They are level 70 Demons and only have 21k HP, so they can be defeated fairly easily, fortunately. Just like Leotheras the Blind in Serpentshrine Cavern, you must have a Warlock tank one of the phases of this boss. sure to turn and quickly kill the Parasitic Shadowfiends that are Aim to keep up either Your raid will need at least 3 tanks in order to take Illidan down 1 of them needs to be a Protection Warrior or Protection Paladin, while the other 2 tanks will require high Fire Resistance, capped if possible. The Flame tanks need two healers each, the remaining 4-5 healers heal the raid. It is crafted. Illidan cannot cast any of his other spells while channeling Eye Blast. Never mind the best TBC Classes, the Warlock is the best class in TBC, period. Furthermore, the Shadow Resistance tank should stand away from the raid, with no other players within 20 yards of them, as everyone else will instantly die. Akama can and is triggering parry haste on Illidan. Now, based on some of my own WWS data on lone bosses, roughly: 45% of threat is affected by Spell Hit 35% of threat is affected by Hit 30% of threat is affected by Expertise However, it will still be a good idea to have one if your DPS is not good enough to skip Phase 4, you will very likely be unable to kill Illidan without a Shadow Resistance tank. Therefore, the Flame of Azzinoth tanks will need to make sure that the Flames are always facing away from the raid, so the only person getting hit by this ability is the tank tanking the Flame that used it. Illidan Stormrage As your tanks are preoccupied with tanking the Flames, they might not be able to notice the Eye Blast headed their way, so a ranged player in your raid with a better vantage point should be prepared to call out on voice which tank the beam is headed for. A patch how much fire resist for illidan green flames on the ground which deal very high damage resist is nice not! 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