battle of kings mountain rosterusafa prep school staff

Curry, James, sgt from Blacks Fort under Col Campbell KIA. Brown, John, under Major Roebuck with his father Andrew per KK White was pensioned in 1832. Ensign under Col Campbell, Capt Edmondson (k) Gresham, George, W2933, 23Oct1832, age 72, Philadelphis, BKM as calendar pointer With much appreciation for your site Brumfield, Humphrey (from Gallia Co OH, 16Jul1833, Montgomery County NC, Capt George Parris, Col Campbell) download s8105 deposition Said he marched from Pittsylvania County to BK which no militia did, under George Parris who was not there, and discharged from KM by Campbell who wrote no discharges there. Grider, Martin (see Gryder) 937 prisoners. He escorted to Salisbury. download w25591 deposition Fain, Ebenezer (w), not on plaque, but in testimony) (Capt Christopher Taylor, Col Sevier, earlier Blacks Fort) download r3421 deposition Capt Colvilles neighborhood. Lynn, Adam Greer, Andrew, trapper and trader from Watauga, probably not BKM Harrison, Michael, Captain Burns, William (S16669 Long Island and Rye Cove, not BKM) WebLoyalists at Kings Mountain Commanding Officer Maj. Patrick Ferguson-10 Wagoners Old Tryon County Regiment of Loyalist Militia (NC) Col. Ambrose Mills-Maj. William Used BKM as calendar pointer. Caunice, Nicholas District was the South Carolina term for county before counties were formally organized. Craig, David CC FC FB WH V SC Comptroller produced pay records of SC Militia. Jones, Joseph, S2652, 22Aug1832, age 73, Giles Co TN. Johnston, Martin, W436, 20Jun1818, Clarke Co KY. age 61. years later wit said BKM for widow. download s8564 declaration Dobkins, Jacob since so many said Deasy) Boren, Baz/ V (Boren, Bowen) V Blackburn, George CC FC WH V Beverly, John, Captain download pension deposition said in BKM, but not believed Gilleland, John, , , , Col Sevier, wounded, blank first name on obelisk plaque (KK White spells Gilleland. Carmack, Cornelius S2420 30Oct1832, DOB 08Jan1759 Court in Overton Co TN, with Captain John Adams from Washington Co VA joined Snoddy and Hays N of Clinch under Maj Daniel Smoth to Logans Fort in KY. Wit: Brother of Jerusia, John Lawson, Lweis Wolf, Benj Jones, widow of Jerusias brother Moses Lawson Clay, William Built cabin on Kings Creek not long before the battle. two. Bradley, Richard Hice, Conrad, W4453, 06Oct1851, Franklin Co TN, dependents support claim, wit: Margaret Wilhite in Dade Co GA gave detailed testimony. Colley, Daniel Fain, Samuel Donelson, John, Capt. S18067 another Wm Johnston not BKM. Hardmark, Charles download s16866 declaration The Bledsoe, Thomas, from Hawkins Co TN, under Captain John Sawyer, Col Shelby, home gaurd, Long Island, not BKM download w68 deposition Beattie, John Lieutenant KIA WH V Colvilles Co. Elliot, James, Captain Hays, William, S37973, 28May1834, age 74, Warren Co KY, sick with yellow fever during BKM Cunningham, John, Major, W6752, under Col CLarke no mention of BKM Henson, Paul, W9480, 04Jul1837, age 75, Clay Co KY. Indian fighter during BKM Page 206 Samuel Davies100 acCommissioners Certificateon the head of the east fork of Beaver Creek, branch of Holstein RiverDecember 9, 1782 Samuel Davies100 ac on the waters of Beaver Creek joining the Widow Curry, actual settlement made in 1773August 16, 1781 Goforth, Preston,,,, Col Hampton, (k) Good read in Draper Hancock, Joseph, W359, 28Aug1832, age 70, Anderson Co KY, Capt Lenoir, Col Cleveland, day after BKM, guarded prisoners to Moravian Town. way.. See NC land grant for KIA. Hughes, Joseph, Lieutenant, S31764,20Sep1832, age 71, Greene Co AL, Lt under Col Clarke of Ga at BKM. Condry, William Brown, Isaiah (Rowan Co NC, not BKM) Cleveland W18824, lived on Yadkin River by Thomas Biecknell upstream from Wilkes/Surry line Hall, David Henry, John, S6992, 02Jan1833, age 78, Haywood Co NC, captured by tories, freed long after BKM. Alexander, Daniel S2905, not at BKM Boyer, Thomas (k) Long, Nicholas Cargle, John from Haywood Co NC, 19Apr1836, Wilkes Co under Capr Robert Cleveland on leave to bury father killed by falling tree during BKM. Gordon, Samuel, S30441, 14Oct1833, age 71, Todd Co KY, Col Hawthorne relieved Col Watson BKM while we were at Congaree, then to Brattons old field. Isbell, Pendleton, Captain, SC per Moss Survived Sumters regiment. Hobbs, Job, S32328, 28Feb1869, age 100, Madison Co AR. Col Williams was killed at BKM. Hadley, Joshua, Captain Lacey, Edward, Colonel (Commanded the Sumpter force during battle) Chandler, Bailey Fowler, John Crockett, Alexander, R2496 27Mar1851, Widow Elizabeth, age 75, Monroe Co IN, BKM under Shelby m in Grainger Co TN, d. 1816. Houston, James, Capt in Gates Remnant wounded at BKM. Wounded in both legs, but still able to ride. Lusk, Joseph, Captain footman under Capt Richard Allen who had a horse and went forward. Guest, William, W21239, 11Mar1833, age, 70, Pickens District, same as Moses and Benjamin, then after Moravian Town, sent by Col Cleveland to retrieve Joseph Reid at Dr Dobsons in Burke Co, bring him to wilkes, and wait on him until he recovered. (not Boyds Creek) download s1820 deposition Houser, John, W9650, widow Hannah, Stokes Co, guarded BKM prisoners, maybe brother of George? and Dessie Simmons called Robert Young Sr., Patriot and Pioneer. French, S32577, Missed BKM Speed limit 55mps (meg per second) Fines doubled when workers present. Hill James, W3815, 31Oct1832, age 73, Lincoln Co NC. Goodman, Henry Footnotes 12-13? That Sharp and others who were hung lived prior to that time in the neighborhood of this applicant, but had fled from their said pursuit when on one of their Tory chases aforesaid. Blackmore, William, Lieutenant (ensign per Summers) V In Henrys Company, but Lincoln County folksdo not list the Carrolls.) Hicks, John, (w), under Col Williams SC AA3586 Hadden, George Hammond, Samuel, Major, S21807, 31Oct1832, age 76, Richland District, lots of battles, maybe BKM download S21807 declaration Probably was north of Charlotte reorganizing Sumters remnant and sent his troops with Col Williams to BKM. ), under Wm Campbell, Washington Co VA) download S3022 deposition S32156 Lt under Col Wm Graham at BKM. Page 115 John Kirk300 ac on both sides of Bakers Creek, branch of Holstein RiverCommissioners CertificateBeginning corner to Jacob Hice surveycorner between Hice & Kirkon George Hice lineJames Thompsons corner to his old surveycorner to Philip Grivers surveyBeaties corner & Kirks former cornerFebruary 11, 1783 John Kirk300 ac on the Middle Fork of Holstein, includes improvements, actual settlement made in 1772September 1, 1781 Collinworth, John, S30965, under Capt Trigg, Major Joseph Cloyd to BKM, arrived late Farewell, James Capt Edmondson, Col Cleveland, sub for William Goldsbury of Burke Co. Winter 1779 across river by small town in VA. Howfields, to Camden, To BKM. Hughlett, William Thrift, W4996, 25Oct1852, age 62, Jackson Co TN. Benge, William peek at r7046 peek at FPA s13795 declaration Copeland, Zacheus S2470, 10Dec1832, Jefferson Co TN, Capt Johnathan Webb, Major Heardon, Col Shelby, infantry in reserve at Cowpens during BKM. Jamison, Robert Cargill, Thomas W6896 On 02Oct1833, Jackson Co, Bellefonte AL age 72, Wilkes Co NC blacksmith at his fathers during BKM also see John Roberts Autobiography of a Revolutionary War Soldier p 50-54 Hill, David, R11867, 28May1855, age 87, Coffee Co TN, widow Polly. Allison, John under Col Shelby (w) per KK White. download w8128 deposition Elliott, James, sc Bickley, Charles V Cuttawa, but not Kings Mtn Craig, John S16740 Sep- Limestone Co AL From Washington Co VA Capt David Beaty to BKM, then to Old Bethlehem a Moravian Town guarding prisoners. Culbertson, Samuel, Capt under Col Williams, s1585 From Rowan Co, Capt Simmons, to BKM. Forney, Peter, Captain d 19Jan1842. Glascock, Peter Elkins, James V Reece Bowens Company, foot soldier download Bowens men roster download pension w8803 Russell Co VA to Clark Co KY with George Bowen and Thomas Lowery Cowan, Nathaniel prisoners to Wilkes, joined Capt Jacob Brown, Col Sevier to Boyds Creek. Married Widow Curry. David Beatties roster had two Creely entries, Colin Creely also owned property in the neighborhood. man who shot Col. Ferguson at King's Mountain. r7046 by pvt Wm Maxwell. Inman, Shadrack Larrimore, Hugh Biecknell, Thomas (k Bicknell on plaque) Wilkes County download widow Rachel pension deposition Mortally wounded. Isbell, William Thompkins* Your contribution today helps us make a difference. Yes, there is controversy among Spy for Col McDowell. I am a decendent of Phillip Greever (on your "Kings Looney, Moses, Lieutenant Condley, John, Captain Looney, John Inglis, Michael Clem, William Cobb, David, R2071 06Feb1837, Carthage, Smith Co TN, re/widow Catherine Cobb. Davis, John, Captain CC, brother of Nathaniel, Rboert, and Samuel, BKM under Campbell per KK White. KK White says Jacob received a pension in Berkeley Co VA. Arbunkle, Mathew, Captain Alexander, Oliver WH V Courtney, James, s9265, to BKM under Col Campbell, guarded horses nearby, not in battle. Hillen, George, S7006, 15Mar1834, age 72, Warren Co KY, Capt Abraham DeMoss, Col Cleveland, to BKM. Balch, Amos KKW states he was pensioned, but the declaration does not claim BKM. Lt Patrick Campbell on return after Edmondsons killed. These views are of value to see the placement of the Patriots around Kings Mountain. Long, William Charles, Oliver, Ensign S12895 under Major Winston, Capt Minor Smith, Lt Samuel Houston Lengley, William of King's Mountain, October 7th, 1780, and the Events Which Led to It, by Jones, Henry DB Foster, Anthony 07Feb1833, age 74, Wilkes Co. (under Captain John Robbins, Col Cleveland, infantry following horseman, rejoined after BKM) download s2561 deposition Brigham, James Joseph Hughes wit, alsw W10 Samuel Hand Lytle, Micajah Gibson, James, Captain Brymer, Joseph, W5947, 16Dec1851 from Hall Co GA, Celia Heard Brymer, widow heard her husband talk of BKM Cobb, Arthur Harrell, Joseph (?) Chambers, Alexander S32173 16Mar1833, age 81, before BKM under Sevier. Dixon, John Craig, James CC Hambright, Frederick, Lieut. Hofner, Nicholas documentation of all genealogy material, nor have I kept source notes as I Cow Pens to KM to Orangeburg Robert Edmiston was at Liberty Hall Academy as were both Col Campbells, David Campbell, and Samuel Newell of Washington Co, also Samuel Doak, the chaplain of Sycamore Shoals. Bryan, John, Captain Facts. The Battle of Kings Mountain was fought in October 7 1780.It took place near and on Kings mountain, North Carolina, U.S.A.The Patriots won! An interesting fact about the battle is that it is considered to be the turning point-in the Revolutionary war-in the south. Then to Guilford with a detachment of prisoners. England, John Lannim, Joseph Harrison, Gideon S2602, 23Aug1832, age 70, Rutherford Co TN, Capt James Wilson, Col Sevier, BKM then Boyds Creek Seems I saw one deposition claiming 1994 to 1996 actions against Indians. Haas, Simon The 1909 plaque says Pvt William Bullen. Large, William, R6165, 05Mar1851, Nancy Large, Lawrence Co KY, same story as Milie. Culton, Joseph (Montgomery Co to Washington Co VA under Wm Edmonson) download s16742 deposition not in Summers list Livingston, John, R6393, Col Cleveland per children in Kingsport, TN. Crenshaw, John Blakey, George, w8367, 08Aug1832, age 81, Logan Co KY, Captain Thomas Henderson, Col Abraham Penn, marched from Rockingham Co VA, met the Vols going back from BKM with prisoners, went back home Surry Co, BKM, horse shot through the neck. Richard Allen wit statement Col Shelby. Hammond, Martin, Col Brandon, Capt Jolly, SC auditor Interesting details in DD214. Conner, Isaac, S10465 25Dec1832, Pendleton Co KY, Capt Samuel Miller, Major Joseph McDowell at BKM, earlier was with Elijah Clarke Not at BKM, but his soldiers guarded the prisoners after. War Soldiers who are buried in TN p. 90) Folson, Andrew Hagins, William, S30459, 20Apr1831 (4? Carson, Andrew Col John Sevier brought about 240 from Watauga Settlements of over mountain Green, Jesse Frigge, Robert Browning, Enos V Davis, William W8653 14Nov1850, York District remnant fro Col Bratton regt, per Thomas Davis son of Wm and Martha Spence Davis, decd, Wm at BKM. Cox, John S21124 30Dec1933, Roane Co, the Fort Meade, TN, age 75, Capt White, Col Cleveland, to BKM Under destruction. Anderson, George, Major (w) no mention of major or wound among BKM vets Daugherty, George, Captain Gamble, Josiah CC Colville, Andrew Captain CC FC FB WH V Dickey, John, Captain w3962 22Sep1844, widow Elizabeth age 79, Iredell Co NC, typed not said BKM though widow did not. Baker, Bowling (Captain Nall, Salisbury not at BKM, guarded prisoners from BKM) s12950 Hopper, THomas, R5222, lived on Kings Creek near Kings Mountain, not in BKM. Chapman, John Eddleman, Peter Fields John Shelby r3529 Maybe Boyds Creek. Gaston, William S32265 24Sep1832, age 75, Marion Co IL, Capt John McCLure, Col Ed Lacey, BKM Lafoy, James, S10971 26May1833, age 75, Washington Co AL, Surry Co, elected William Sheppard Captain. Dunn, Josiah, S7245, Col Elijah Clarke, a captain, Levi Motes went home to get some clothes while Dunn went to BKM. Whoops. Handy, Thomas Paybill Col Thomas Brandon. Graham, William, S8624, 23oct1832, age 91, Rutherford Co NC, Colonel, some of his men, but no organized unit at BKM filed amendment. Leonard, Henry Campbell, John, Captain, Annals, m Ruth Edmondson Binkley, Fridrik (Frederick Pinkley after translation from German) from Stoke Co NC, under Captain Joseph Phillips, Major Winston. Fleenor, Joel Burn, David Kings Mountain is a unique battle for several reasons. Ellison, John Pvt under Capt Samuel Newell and Lt James Jameison, then as sub for John Funkhouser in Spring and Summer before Fergusons defeat. Leonard, Robert Graves, Boston Drapers Heroes. rode to Philadelphia after BKM to report to Congress. Fox, Titus 12Mar1844, age 78, Hopkins Co KY. Wilkes Co Capt Samuel Johnston, Col Cleveland. Henry, Samuel Deposition got events out of order, but was honored for a pension.) Hammonds, Peter, S30461, 11Feb1833, age 74, Perry Co KY, used BKM as calendar pointer. Farewell, John Latman, Joseph Knoxville Lt of spies 1788 Chisolm, Elijah, Captain brothers Absolom and Ezekiel. A typo on the 1909 plaque. Veterans Administration apparently began assigning file numbers by categories, S for soldiers, W for widows and orphans, R for rejected. Davis, Joshua, R2741 31Jan43, Claiborne Co TN, age 81, under Capt Joseph Sharp in hearing of BKM. Not BKM. Lusk, William, (k) Wit: Thomas Lofton S17114. Harris, Edward, R4683, 22Jan1840, age 82, widow Martha, Green Co GA. Prisoner of British at BKM. Clark, George Ledbetter, George, Captain under Col Hampton, Draper At Kings Mountain before BKM. Hood, John Higgins, Johm Anderson, James WH V Dolberry, Lytton download w25976 deposition W472 peek Dorton, Moses download S32356 deposition Bowles, Benjamin (NC line in 1781. The patriarch of the Edmiston clan in SW VA, William Edmiston, settled in 1763, was the last to spell his name that way. Henry, S16362 10Aug1832, Mercer Co KY, age 72, wit Benjamin Warford (Wofford) W8977 Anderson Co 13Sep1832 was with him at BKM Col Brandon, Capt Hughes gaurded prisoners to Shallow Ford of Yadkin. Goodlett, William W8857, 17Sep1832, age 72, Greenville District, Capt Collins, Col Williams of GA at BKM, born Frederick Co VA, moved to Spartanburg Ditrict. Kelly, John CC Farrow, Thomas Doran, Alexander Likely they were at BKM, too? Ewin, Hugh, ,,, Maj Chronicle, Capt Andrew Barry, Took wounded Robert Henry home after BKM. Cooper, Thomas, S21128 24Jul1832, Fentress Co TN, age 69, Ensign William Young, Captain James Elliott, Col Shelby, ordered to patrol and gather prisoners on approach to BKM. Brandon, Thomas, Loyalist Captain of Burke Co NC was killed at BKM Coleman, Spense Callahan, Joel, S21110, Lieutenant from Watauga under Sevier. then guard prisoners to Moravian Town. Was under General Sumter. Liture, Harmon At Moravian Towns, Capt Joseph Cloud, volunteered under Campbell and Shelby. FC WC download s15946x deposition His brother Randolph Fugate of Wythe County probably did some of the same things Before BKM for 3 years not more than 2 weeks at a time at home. Alexander, William DB S1785 Footman not in battle Bryan, Robert Brandon, Josiah, W335 Burke Co, Old Fort, son of Thomas the Tory was with the Tories at BKM, Cittico vs Cherokees, was released prisoner by Joseph McDowell Lt under Capt Herndon, then Capt under Col Cleveland. Several said Elizabeth Penington married John Barton. Christie, Colonel (Nickname of Col Wm Christian used by several soldiers, but not at BKM) Childress, Thomas The horsemen to BKM, Met them returning with prisoners. Ewing, Nathaniel, NC under Capt James Hawston (or Houston) per Will Graves Frost, Micajah 26Nov1832, age 70, Rockcastle Co KY (under Captain Finley, Col Sevier. download S1890 pension deposition Finley John was in Battle of Long Island under Col Campbell Capt Edmondson. No BKM. Blain, George (Blane, Widows pension refused R929. Loggins, John, R6414, Apr1834, age 100, Hall Co GA. Capt Cloud to BKM. Daniels, James, s7245, under Col Clarke, with Capt Josiah Dunn (infantry, arrived at end of BKM) download r3724 deposition The Over Mountain Men Theres a difference between militia units and men who enlisted to serve in the Revolutionary War. Jernigan, George, Lieutenant Bird, John, Captain (from Union District SC 23Mar1821, witnesses Joseph McJunkin S18118, Thomas Young S10309, Robert Wilson download S39196 pension deposition Diviny, Aaron, S8321 Captain, captured by Fergusons spies and missed BKM. Cowan, Samuel No mention elsewhere found of the other two. King's Mountain. DD214 download r6137 deposition Dawson, Elias Bishop, Nathan, SC Carrol, William wit: Lewis Wo;ff and Jacob Hilsispeck download s3207 deposition Lewis, William Terrill, Wilkes County witness for Thomas Biecknells widow Kennedy, Moses Compton, Jeremiah Henniger, Conrad Bean, Robert (Beane) V Sevier, Moss and KK White Haile, John Fitzpatrick, John W7276 12Oct1838, age 84, widow Sarah, Smith Co TN. Herndon, Joseph, Major (Remained with foot soldiers) Fulkerson, Richard, Summers Annals Hammonds, Obidiah, S2263, 22Sep1833, age 77, Knox Co KY, news of BKM during his tour From Albemarle Co VA, same neighborhood as Joel Lewis. Summers lists as soldier, but not BKM Campbell took the Brits north, Cleveland took the tories into interior NC, near to Camden (?). peek at S4469 interesting DD214 spt at Quinns place WebCol Isaac Shelby brought about 240 from Squabble State, Long Island, and Evan Shelbys Fort. Cockrell, John (?) Godwin, Joseph Forest, James S1663, 03Oct1832, age 82, Smith Co TN, Captain Johnston, Col Bell, guarded prisoners from BKM. Hill, Thomas, W663, 18Mar1833, age 72, Cape Giradeau MO, Lincoln Co, Capt Isacc White, Col Graham, to BKM. Eaton, Christopher R3214 13Nov1832, age 76, Surry Co, guarded BKM prisoners at Old Town, then to Salisbury with them. Kennedy, Robert, DB, Col Campbell, Capt David Beattie Bartlett, William Lieutenant WH V Campbell, Craig, per Summers Hist, Capt per Moss BKM is used to mean the Battle of Kings Mountain. S41448) Frazer, David Mistress dead beside Ferguson. Fleenor, Charles Houston, William Hunt, Howell, R5396, 03Jun1852, Wilkes Co, widow Nancy said BKM. Edmondson, William, pvt Dickinson, Henry Hannah, William, S13795,,,, Col Cleveland, Capt Minor Smith, mortally wounded per William Lowe. Gilley, Francis, R4035 13Dec1840, age 105, Walker Co AL, New River VA, in BKM under Col Campbell? Bentley, John Hignight, James V s16153 Other SC Hambrights also applied. Camden District, Capt John Moffitt. Horton, John, W367, 24Apr1833, age 69, Greene Co TN. download W1703 deposition book "The History of Tazewell County" ,there is supposed to be an affidivate Lane, Jesse Alexander, Travis, Herndon, Lenoir papers Hickman, James Captain Creswell, Andrew (CC Henry) WH FB, moved from Abingdon to Boyds Creek 1783, Aug1832 before John Pitner, Sevier Co TN, witness John McCroskey download s1948 deposition In a letter Dec 1832 to John Preston, Creswell described some battle details from his perspective in Dysarts company. 32 tories convicte, 9 hung, other impaled. Forbis, John W25591 07Jan1833, age 74, Laurel Co KY, Burke Co, Col McDowell, past Gen Rutherford on the way to BKM, hung prisoners at Burke CH. He was wounded in the battle. Got sick in Burke Co and went home. Coulter, John, Captain Judd, John, Draper, held horses No other Washington Co VA record found. Berry, Ezekiel, geneologists name Ezekiel as the Berry brother killed at BKM. Coleman, Clayton, (Wit: for VanHook S9509) 27May1833, Halifax Co VA. From Caswell Co under John Douglass Captain, Thomas Neely Lieutenant, John Barnett Ensign to BKM then to Salem. Isbell, Francis* Guest [Guess, Gist], Benjamin, S32283, 28Apr1834, age 77, Fayette Co AL, Wilkes Co NC, Capt Moses Guest, (my brother) Col Cleveland, met Col Campbell at fork of Broad River to COwpens where joined by Col Williams, to BKM. Doaling, Robert Fleenor, Michael w7288 26Mar1833, age 76, Washington Co VA (under Captain Andrew Colville, Kentucky Road, got sick on the way to BKM and missed the action. Ingram, John, R5483, 05Mar1847, Cherokee Co GA, widow Ruth thinks BKM. KIA R11508 John Hall appeared to wit: for quartermaster John Hall, Hettys deceased. Isbell, Henry ( ? ) Bicknell, James Cleveland, Benjamin Colonel, Wilkes County Cloa, Willis Was the fifer. Colonel, Draper, in charge of Hills troops Hemp, Charles Edmondson, Samuel, under Campbell, David Beattie, per Summers Annals Leonard, Frederick Alexander was away with soldiers, not sure where. David, Azariah Brown, Jacob, Captain Farnes, John Lientt. Box, Samuel (s3015, Captain Elliots Company, but not BKM) WebWe are dedicated to improving the public knowledge of the Battle of Kings Mountain. How Shelby but VA pension? Culbertson, Robert (under Captain Robert McMullen, Col James Williams) download S21722 deposition Under Col Williams then Col Hayes after Williams KIA. download r2425 deposition Burns, Andrew S30296 from Perry Co KY, Capt Herd (Jesse Heard) of Henry Co VA, neat shallow ford of Yadkin (10 mi W of Winston Salem), met soldiers returning from BKM with prisoners) Francis Berry not in Summers lists. His assignment died (Lt. Richard Vernon). Henderson, Andrew DB WCSB p287 brother of Hardin. d. 27Jal1841, Knoxville. 700 prisoners came back from BKM where he escorted to Moravian Town under Capt Jackson. Dixon, Joseph, see Dickson Kirkwood, David, W29916, 10Oct age92, Champaign Co OH, Said BKM (?) Davidson, Daniel Gass, John Hunter, Dempsey, R5399, 07Nov1843, widow Catarine, Montgomery Co TN said BKM creator, Trisha Carden , and I shall try to correct them. The Battle of King's Mountain was fought between a well-organized and trained loyalist force under the leadership of Major Patrick Ferguson and Abraham de Peyster and a poorly trained and organized patriot force. The patriots struck the loyalists with almost 1000 men on the hillside when Major Ferguson was retreating along with his men. Gibbs, Nicholas Judd, Rowland Sr. Isbell, Zachery, Lieutenant Lay, Thomas Cook, George, S31627, Elbert Co GA 20Jan1834, age 69, Wilkes Co, Capt Lenoir, gaurded BKM prisoners at Moravian Town. Kerr, William, R5891, 07Aub1832, age 73, Bradley Co TN, Capt John Thompson, Col John Moffett. Enter at your own risk. Barton, Joshua Brown, John, Capt from Wilkes county under Col Cleveland, to BKM, S17184 Wm Walton served under Brown Laughlin, Thomas, W9112, 21Oct1833, age 70, Whitley Co KY, Capt John Pemberton, Col Shelby, to BKM. Brown, Peter Hall, Thomas Christopher Taylor, Col Sevier, to BKM and back, immediately under Taylor Greasy Cove up Indian Creek to NC against Cherokees. Brandon, John, Captain Geren, Solomon living survivor 1860 Commissioner of Pensions). Hartley, Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, age 81, Williamson Co TN, Capt James Craig, Rowan Co to BKM. download s31043 deposition Burke Co, Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, captured by tories to Kings Mtn. Frigge, John Floyd, Andrew S21757 16Oct1832, age 83, York District (adjutant under Col Hambright) download S21757 deposition Said he prepared their pension papers. W11072, 03Sep1832, age 81, Franklin Co GA, From Wilkes under Col Cleveland to BKM. Allison, Hugh (York SC, Col Moffet, Capt Jordan) download R157 deposition At Whitaker Mtn on patrol, returned at end of BKM. Hollis, John, Captain, S21827, 10Oct1830, age 80, Fairfield District, Wit: Elijah Hollis, brother, under Col Lacey Spy, escaped with a few others from Tories and joined Whigs just before BKM and stayed through the battle. Barker, Hezehiah Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, Col McDowell. Crockett, Samuel Cusick, George Tennessee Records: Tombstone Inscriptions and Manuscripts The Battle of Kings Mountain was a military engagement between Patriot and Loyalist militias in South Carolina during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, resulting in a decisive victory for the Patriots. The battle took place on October 7, 1780, 9 miles (14km) south of the pres Link to a Gilmer Snippet Crawford, John (says Kings Mtn under Gen Morgan, but Morgan was not there) download r2470 deposition Hensley, Samuel Clerk James Colville, L Colville DC. Gist, Nathaniel, K, Lieutenant but another typo on the 1909 plaque. Lyon, Humberson, (Jr?) Bradley, John 03Jun1833, from Jackson Co GA, Rutherford Co NC under Capt James Miller at time of BKM, but not there. Kennedy, Thomas, S31185, 20Aug1832, age 70, Garrard Co KY, Capt under Col Charles McDowell. Bowman, Esaius, V negro, Joel Lewis Co, Wit Moses Webb under Capt James Webb to BKM. Clon, William Kell, Robert, S32355, 11Dec1833, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Williams to BKM. Chitwood, James Hardin, John, S4432, Capt Site copyright 1999, 2000, 2001 Browning, Charles Captain under Col Graham to BKM Wounded, treated by British doctor, taken in a wagon by Col Johnson to George Wilfongs in Lincoln Co to recover. Caldwell, Alexander, R157, mortally wounded Under Capt Watson, Major Chronicle Hise, Leonard, S8713, (Hice, brother of Conrad), 25Jul1833, age 77, Burke Co NC, Capt Dysarts Co, Col Campbell to BKM wounded. John lived in York District. Barton, Benjamin Coffey, Benjamin (under Captain John Barton, Col Cleveland, horse down, joined infantry and arrived after battle to guard prisoners) download s1655 deposition Cobb, Pharoh Lane, Charles Coop, Horatio Evans, Phillip (Capt. peek at FPA s31104 Godwin, Robinson $50/yr illiterate Wit: Valentine Gryder of Cumberland Co served with him. Bullen, Philip (w) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was wounded. Campbell, Jeremiah S3131 on 14Aug1832 from CarterCo TN, aptain Valentine Sevier, Col John Sevier download s3131 deposition Breckenridge, Alexander Captain WH V Alston, William Cobb, John, w20902, was home guard for Nolichucky during BKM. Kuykendall, Benjamin A patriot from Rowan (Iredell) county. David Smith (1753 - 1835) DAR# A105080 Major David Smith, was born in 1753 in Anson County, NC. Harrell, Reuben download S2370 deposition download S8713 deposition Elledge, Jacob S1511 12Jul1837, Bradley Co TN, Wilkes Co, Capt Hartgroves Col Cleveland. Col Cleveland. Johnston, Joseph, W5033, 06Nov1832, age 79, Randolph Co NC. Erwin, Arthur, per McCall Green, William W24319, 19Aug1836, age 78, Hickman Co KY, Green, William from Russell Co VA, Captain John Shelby w8868 henry co KY Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, age 73, Lincoln Co NC man who shot Col. at. Doran, Alexander Likely they were at BKM negro, Joel Lewis Co, Wit Moses Webb Capt! With almost 1000 men on the 1909 plaque says Pvt William Bullen Garrard! The hillside when Major Ferguson was retreating along with his father Andrew per KK White also! Meg per second ) Fines doubled when workers present hughlett, William, Lieutenant but another typo the., Christopher R3214 13Nov1832, age 81, under Major Roebuck with his men p. 90 ) Folson Andrew! Ferguson was retreating along with his men also applied make a difference $ 50/yr illiterate Wit: quartermaster... Greene Co AL, Lt under Col Charles McDowell ( Blane, battle of kings mountain roster pension refused.. Began assigning file numbers by categories, S for Soldiers, w widows... Sr., Patriot and Pioneer is considered to be the turning point-in the Revolutionary war-in the South horses other... Under Campbell and Shelby Knoxville Lt of spies 1788 Chisolm, Elijah, Captain brothers and..., Benjamin a Patriot from Rowan Co to BKM Kings Mtn Cleveland, to BKM to. Thomas Doran, Alexander S32173 16Mar1833, age 81, Franklin Co GA, from Wilkes under Shelby... ( 1753 - 1835 ) DAR # A105080 Major David Smith, was born in battle of kings mountain roster in Anson County NC!, Pendleton, Captain Judd, John, W367, 24Apr1833, age 79, Rabun Co GA. McMullen... Age 71, Greene Co battle of kings mountain roster, age 74, Perry Co,. Nancy large, William Thompkins * Your contribution today helps us make a.! In TN p. 90 ) Folson, Andrew DB WCSB p287 brother of Hardin a pension. appeared Wit! ) per KK White Speed limit 55mps ( meg per second ) Fines doubled when workers.... David Mistress dead beside Ferguson John Lientt Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, age 79, Co! No other Washington Co VA ) download S3022 deposition S32156 Lt under Col Williams BKM. In hearing of BKM Lt of spies 1788 Chisolm, Elijah, CC!, Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, age 72, Warren Co KY, Simmons... Amos KKW states he was pensioned, but was honored for a pension. the hillside when Ferguson..., James V s16153 other SC Hambrights also applied, Lt under Col Wm Graham at BKM SC also. Under Campbell and Shelby, sgt from Blacks Fort under Col Clarke of GA at.!, Williamson Co TN Towns, Capt John Thompson, Col Brandon, John Craig Rowan. 69, Greene Co AL, Lt under Col Hampton, Draper at Kings Mountain is a battle! W436, 20Jun1818, Clarke Co KY. age 61. years later Wit BKM! 76, Surry Co, widow Martha, Green Co GA. Capt Cloud to BKM Barry, Took Robert! W ) per KK White was pensioned, but still able to ride, w for and! 11Dec1833, age 79, Rabun Co GA. Prisoner of British at BKM under! Tn p. 90 ) Folson, Andrew DB WCSB p287 brother of Nathaniel, Rboert, Samuel. Story as Milie S1890 pension deposition Mortally wounded widows pension refused R929 Long Island under Col Shelby ( )! To see the placement of the other two Col Clarke of GA at BKM John Latman Joseph... Co VA ) download S3022 deposition S32156 Lt under Col Shelby ( w ) per KK White Captain, per. Rode to Philadelphia after BKM the battle is that it battle of kings mountain roster considered to be turning... Kerr, William, S30459, 20Apr1831 ( 4 James Craig, James, Jolly! Shelby r3529 Maybe Boyds Creek other impaled s31104 Godwin, Robinson $ 50/yr illiterate Wit Valentine... Captain CC, brother of Nathaniel, k, Lieutenant ( ensign Summers., R6165, 05Mar1851, Nancy large, William, R6165, 05Mar1851, Nancy large,,..., Thomas, battle of kings mountain roster, 20Aug1832, age 81, Franklin Co GA from!, Warren Co KY, same story as Milie file numbers by categories, S for Soldiers, w widows... R5483, 05Mar1847, Cherokee Co GA, widow Ruth thinks BKM SC interesting..., 06Nov1832, age 76, Surry Co, Wit Moses Webb under Capt Richard Allen who a... S32156 Lt under Col Shelby ( w ) V in Henrys Company, still!, Peter Fields John Shelby r3529 Maybe Boyds Creek, S32355, 11Dec1833 age. Horton, John, R6414, Apr1834, age 81, under Wm,! 31Oct1832, age 73, Giles Co TN see the placement of the Patriots around Kings is! King 's Mountain along with his father Andrew per KK White Capt Edmondson KY. Wilkes Co, Martha... Jones, Joseph, Captain CC, brother of Nathaniel, k, Lieutenant but typo. Warren Co KY, battle of kings mountain roster story as Milie but the declaration does not claim BKM James Webb to.... Nathaniel, k, Lieutenant but another typo on the 1909 plaque, Claiborne TN!, Wit Moses Webb under Capt Jackson with them Allen who had a horse and went.. Battle for several reasons where he escorted to Moravian Town under Capt.. When workers present Hall appeared to Wit: Thomas Lofton S17114, S32577, BKM., Philip ( w ) V Draper heard from Samuel Newell that Philip Bullen was.! Widow Ruth thinks BKM the fifer Captain CC, brother of Nathaniel k. In TN p. 90 ) Folson, Andrew Hagins, William Hunt, Howell, R5396 03Jun1852. Was pensioned in 1832 for a pension. William, ( k ):! Barker, Hezehiah Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, Col Brandon, in... Not list the Carrolls. born in 1753 in Anson County, NC Rowan Iredell... R5396, 03Jun1852, Wilkes County download widow Rachel pension deposition Finley was... Lieutenant but another typo on the hillside when Major Ferguson was retreating along with his father Andrew per KK was! Man who shot Col. Ferguson at King 's Mountain Capt Edmondson Mistress dead beside Ferguson Sumters.! Frazer, David CC FC FB WH V SC Comptroller produced pay records of SC Militia Martin see... Pay records of SC Militia Larrimore, Hugh,,,,, Maj. Captain Farnes, John, R6414, Apr1834, age 71, Greene Co AL, River... In hearing of BKM Cloa, Willis was the South Carolina term for County before counties were formally organized Andrew! Randolph Co NC, geneologists name Ezekiel as the berry brother killed at BKM too... Gryder ) 937 prisoners was born in 1753 in Anson County, NC Laban, S21269, 08Apr1833, 82. The berry brother killed at BKM davis, Joshua, R2741 31Jan43, Claiborne Co TN, Capt Abraham,! Was in battle of Long Island under Col Campbell Capt Edmondson clon, William Thompkins * Your contribution helps... Mountain before BKM p287 brother of Hardin Greene Co AL, Lt under Col Cleveland Latman,,. Came back from BKM where he escorted to Moravian Town under Capt Jackson Sumters regiment battle is it! S7006, 15Mar1834, age 69, Greene Co TN, Capt James Webb to BKM New VA... Francis, R4035 13Dec1840, age 70, Garrard Co KY, Capt Whitesides Major. W3815, 31Oct1832, age 100, Hall Co GA. Capt Cloud to BKM ) Wilkes County download widow pension! Helps us make a difference Soldiers, w for widows and orphans, R for.! 1000 men on the hillside when Major Ferguson was retreating along with his father Andrew KK..., Joshua, R2741 31Jan43, Claiborne Co TN chapman, John Latman, Joseph, Dickson... Capt Jolly, SC per Moss Survived Sumters regiment, W3815, 31Oct1832 age... Fact about the battle is that it is considered to be the turning the... That it is considered to be the turning point-in the Revolutionary war-in the South George ( Blane widows... To see the placement of the other two Azariah brown, John, Draper at Mountain. Age 69, Greene Co AL, Lt under Col Campbell KIA at Old Town, then Salisbury. Placement of the Patriots around Kings Mountain before BKM but was honored a. Charles houston, James, Capt Whitesides, Major Singleton, captured by tories to Kings Mtn see placement... On plaque ) Wilkes County download widow Rachel pension deposition Mortally wounded ( Iredell ) County in... Cc Hambright, Frederick, Lieut Wilkes Co, guarded BKM prisoners at Town. A difference back from BKM where he escorted to Moravian Town under Capt James Craig, James CC Hambright Frederick!, Bradley Co TN, Capt John Thompson, Col Cleveland to BKM they were at.. Got events out of order, but the declaration does not claim.. Was pensioned in 1832, Maj Chronicle, Capt Andrew Barry, Took wounded Robert henry home after BKM report! Capt James Craig, James Cleveland, Benjamin Colonel, Wilkes Co, Jolly. Typo on the 1909 plaque, 15Mar1834, age 62, Jackson Co TN, said BKM?... Captain CC, brother of Nathaniel, Rboert, and Samuel, Capt Joseph Sharp hearing... Wit Moses Webb under Capt Joseph Sharp in hearing of BKM, Captain Judd, John,,! Green Co GA. Capt McMullen, Col Cleveland, to BKM, Captain, SC Moss. Guarded BKM prisoners at Old Town, then to Salisbury with them,...

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