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The fell or jumped scenario at the window never really made sense. The real story is like a murder mystery in which the tale begins with a body that floats to the surface of a murky lake. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided that Olson and Lashbrook would return to New York, and that Ruwet would go to Olsons home in Frederick, Maryland, to explain the situation to Olsons wife. Everyone considered him to be a sympathetic family friend. Lashbrook also had hotel bills and papers with phone numbers, including those for Vince Ruwet and Dr. Abramson. Thomas, whose books include a 1988 study of the CIAs forays into mind-control,Journey into Madness: Medical Torture and the Mind Controllers, says Sargant told me that he had urged the British government to distance this country from it. Colonel in the Chemical Corps and a man who described himself as a close personal friend of the Olson family. Upon arriving in New York City I had my usual professional difficulty of finding my way successfully from Point A, Grand Central Station, to Point B, the District Attorney office where I was to meet a member of the Medical Examiners staff. Net Worth in 2021. Instead, the son says, his father was killed by the CIA because officials there feared he would divulge classified information concerning the United States use of biological weapons in Korea. Did MK-ULTRA spin off a wave of history-altering assassinationsit whelp a brood of hypnoprogrammed killers? Lashbrook and Gottlieb hastily made arrangements for Olson to see Dr. Harold Abramson, a New York M.D. To put this differently, an author may know more than he realizes he knows, or, in some cases, more than he wants to know, and, as in a collage, he may convey this knowledge implicitly in choices concerning spatial positioning. ''I was outclassed,'' Eric remembers. He developed serious side effects and was sent to New York with a CIA escort for psychiatric treatment. The CIA allergist talked to Olson for about an hour, then gave him permission to spend Thanksgiving with his family. As sections 2,3,4, and 5 were written solely for use by men working alone the manual needs two further sections. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 4, 1977 He was a rock-em, sock-em cop not overly carried away with playing spook, according to a friend who knew him at the time. a. Roy Meachums columnFredericks Candidate'(News-Post, Aug. 4) makes a very useful contribution to the burgeoning literature on the death of my father, Dr. Frank Olson. But now it was time for him to prepare his taxes. Mulholland summed up his suggestions as to what this covert guide would have to contain in a letter that he sent to Gottlieb the following week. The CIA man with the shifting story was Robert Lashbrook, deputy to the spy agencys wizard of mind-control and exotic assassinations. Elvis first visited a recording studio, and Bill Haleys Rock Around The Clock gave the world rock and roll, and subsequently the teenager. She inquired no further nor did I volunteer anything more. Of course one cant contemplate Bissells recommendations for shutting off curiosity without being reminded of the CIAs Assassination Manual of late 1953, where the device of the contrived accident is the recommended method for disguising a murder as a suicide: For secret assassination, either simple or chase, the contrived accident is the most effective technique. These men interacted with, one might say surrounded, Frank Olson in his last days before he either committed suicide, or as some suspect, was murdered. Meanwhile, at the CIAs Technical Services Staff (TSS), the department specializing in unconventional weaponry such as poisons, biological warfare, psychoactive substances, and mind control, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb was searching for a candidate to head MK-ULTRA. Well, hes gone, said the voice of Sidney Gottliebs deputy, Robert Lashbrook. 3.31 He makes no statement regarding the reason the two were visiting New York. Ruwet told him to calm down. Lincoln asked himself a related question, I remember. The Rockefeller commission report on domestic CIA activities said it did not know how many Americans were given behavior influencing drugs by the CIA, declaring that all persons directly involved in the early phases of the program were either out of the country and not available for interview or were deceased.. From 1918 to 1924, he taught industrial arts at the Horace Mann School in New York. 37.24 Voice of Norman Cournoyer/Friend of Frank Olson: Im dying to hear., Julia, said Eric, called Norman. The President assured us that the White House would support our efforts to obtain justice. There his wellbeing was again restored, and in September they once more went back to London, where my father almost immediately suffered a relapse. He repeatedly stressed that this was no longer a family story. Documents uncovered by the authors reveal that within 48 hours of Blauers death, Dr. Amedeo Marrazzi, the Chemical Corps contract officer for Project Pelican, traveled to the New York State Psychiatric Institute on Jan. 10 and met with Hoch. Lashbrook also told police that Olson had journeyed to Manhattan to be treated by Abramson for depression related to an ulcer.. It was Frederick itself. Only geniuses need applyhow did they ever miss you? And know the place for the first time. Dr. Gibson informed me that he had been the psychiatrist on duty at the Chestnut Lodge hospital in Rockville, Maryland when Lashbrook, without identifying himself, had called from New York City just hours before Dr. Olson died. Which is why in summary he sounds like nothing but pieces and parts. My mother also recalled that my father was short-tempered during that last summer. We took a $65,000 financial interest in this place of research around 23 February 1953, after the referenced incident occurred., The memorandum goes on to explain that following Lashbrooks telephone conversation, Gottlieb contacted the Pentagon officer the next day and advised him we did not want the Agencys name mentioned in connection with the case since we were in no way involved. The officer, according to the memo, assured Gottlieb that the Agency will not be mentioned and that he would keep us informed. The last several sentences of the memo read: Further information supplied by [officer] was that the lawyer [for the Blauer family] was a military man and had been advised the case involved military connections. Everest, confident as God. If it were impossible to employ nuclear weapons without assuring mutual total destruction, what other weapons could the boffins come up withgiven virtually unlimited funds and no moral restraintsthat would win any future war? Testing for the presence of drugs in the bodily tissues and the hair of Dr. Olson was a first order of our scientific sequelae following the autopsy. A similar impression came from a CIA investigators report in Colbys documents. He received them pleasantly but conceded nothing. Both made a specific request that I should not publish in any form what they told me about your fathers death because, as they believed they were among the few who knew the true circumstances, publication of such information could almost certainly be traced back to them. His chemical division laboratory stored a vast array of poison pills and potions. Most of the people [at Fort Detrick] didnt know what was going on in SO, Pannier said. A molecular biologist and a country musician might seem an odd pair, but Dr. Eric Olson and Willie Nelson share musical and scientific interests that have benefitted both fields. In the United States, Senator Joseph McCarthys anti-Communist crusade was raging. December 23, 2001. The Agency has never admitted this, but an Italian judge deciding in 1979 whether to try Stark for armed banditry in relation to Starks many contacts with terrorists (among other things, Stark accurately predicted the assassination of Aldo Moro) released the drug dealer after finding an impressive series of scrupulously enumerated proofs that Stark had worked for the CIA from 1960 onward.. The mystery of the death cant be solved until that body is reinserted into the sprawling network of crime, corruption, and power that motivated the murder. When I first met Eric Olson in 1974, both of us were working on doctorates at Harvard. Tomorrows press conference was really Erics last chance to convince the world that his father was not an LSD suicide. Among its projects, according to what Erics research taught him, were the development of assassination materials, collaboration with former Nazi scientists, LSD mind control research, and the use of biological weapons during the Korean War. The essential point of assassination is the death of the subject. The C.I.A. Apparently the cover story was changed later on Saturday morning, after the call to Gibson had been made. We may never know the full truth about projects ARTICHOKE and MK-ULTRA, and, if we do, it probably wont come from Gottlieb. The chemical was D-lysergic acid diethylamide, better known today as LSD. With their mother locked in silence, the children were left alone with their own sense of shame about their father's death. White even set up massage parlors for Operation Midnight Climax another C.I.A. In some instances, the blacked out text could be deciphered simply by holding the page to the light; others were identified by their context. They might be put to death., Eric said, Norman declined to go into detail about what this meant but he said it wasnt nice. Leaders in Cardiovascular Research: Eric Olson. American prisoners of war, paraded before the press by their North Korean captors, confessed in Zombie-like fashion that the US was using chemical and biological warfare against them. The world runs on bullshit. By look and demeanor, the magician fit the Agency mold. Armond D. Pastore Now in his 70s, Feldman still looks and talks like Edward G. Robinson playing gangster Johnny Rocco in, Posing as Joe Capone, junk dealer and pimp, Feldman infiltrated the seamy North Beach criminal demimonde. Frank Olson often uses the Air Force to test germ warfare in the field, for example on the Caribbean island of Antigua. The Cold War. FROM: Gordon Thomas Research on one hundred subjects began at Harvards Boston Psychopathic under Hydes direction in 1950 The moment was one to be savored by him and the Olson family. What, then, had the CIA accomplished? But they werent a band of al-Qaida fanatics or enemies of any kind. Second it was not revealed: the name was not given. When Eric was 16, he and Nils, then 12, decided to cycle from the end of their driveway to San Francisco. According to Eric Olson, his father was eliminated because he posed a threat to the agencys top secret drug experiments, including some that may have been conducted abroad. But it wasnt until Eric showed me a letter his mother received out of the blue on July 13th 1975 that I began to understand just how narrow it was. Meanwhile, ex-CIA man Robert Lashbrook fought the New York D.A.s attempts to interview him; he eventually submitted to a deposition. And then he told me something he hadnt told Eric. (SeeNew York TimesIndex, ibid.). One-fourth of the American scientists who were approached by the CIA agreed to work for it, according to one of the agencys documents. He was turning, no doubt about it, Cournoyer says. He, alone among the interrogators, had a scientific knowledge of how to administer drugs and chemicals. There is no evidence they were ever used. But declassified invoices the division submitted to the CIA give a sense of the work. In the wake of theNuremberg trialsin the late 1940s the United States could not afford to be exposed as a sponsor of the sort of research it had prosecuted the Nazis for undertaking. The next morning the two men returned to Manhattan with Abramson. Hairs from a number of bodily locations on Dr. Olson, some fitted with a root structure, were also submitted to Dr. Caplan. Consultant, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine Administrative Appointment Chair, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine Academic Rank Professor of Medicine EDUCATION Fellowship - Sleep Medicine Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine During those visits he had also met with Dr Ewan Cameron and, on one occasion, he had met Dr Lashbrook and your father, Frank Olson. When Starrs raised the lid, he was surprised to find Frank Olsons body remarkably well preserved. On Friday, we transported the remains to the biology department at Hagerstown Junior College where we would conduct the autopsy, analyze the skeletal features and obtain specimens for toxicological analysis. After all, the mystery of what killed Frank Olson and, perhaps, who killed him was buried on that day along with the body. It was Gottlieb who travelled to Congo to assassinate the countrys first democratically elected Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba by putting toxins in his toothbrush (he failed: the story goes that someone else, a non-American, managed to assassinate Lumumba first). This thing Feldman held up the fountain pen gas gun the boys in Washington sent it out and told us to test the gas. W. as George White and M. In order to facilitate these conferences, Mulholland was provided an additional travel allowance. Accident, Maryland. Oh, it could be this, it could be that, and everything in the CIA is a hall of mirrors, layers, you can never get to the bottom When people say that, what theyre really saying is, Were comfortable with this because we dont want to know. Its like my mother always said, Youre never going to know what happened in that hotel room. Well, something DID happen in that room and it is knowable., Suddenly, Eric is 60 years old. Hoch, along with associates Dr. Harold A. Abramson and Dr. Max Rinkel, was among an elite group of five private researchers and six U.S. Army physicians who began quietly conducting LSD experiments in the U.S. in 1949. They designed deadly, silent biological dart guns and hid them in fountain pens and walking sticks. Their skepticism is understandable. The C.I.A. This is how Regis tells the story of Olsons death in New York three days later: Just in case Olson should try to leave the room and wander about the neighborhood as hed done two nights earlier, Lashbrook took the bed next to the door. The exhumation at Linden Hills Cemetery took place on Thursday, June 2, 1994, commencing at 8:30 A.M, under clear skies and in the presence of the Olson brothers, my team members, representatives of the press and a smallish group of voyeurs. At the same time the actual skull from our exhumation was forwarded to Dr. McDowell. The sort of contrived accident that the manual recommends for the purpose of disguising a murder as a suicide is a fall from a high window or roof onto a hard surface. Contact. Feldman told Eric that Frank Olson had been murdered. He might have jumped., Anyhow, said one of the men. I could read no further. Manual He went home every Thanksgiving weekend, and because Frank Olson went out of the window during the Thanksgiving holiday of 1953, the family invariably ended up watching old home movies of Frank, and Eric inevitably said to his mother, Tell me the story again., During Thanksgiving weekend 1974, Erics mother replied, Ive told you this story a hundred times, a thousand times., Eric said, Just tell me it one more time.. But, Eric wondered, what sort of secrets might his father have known? Although the belief that LSD causes birth defects is quite controversial in scientific circles, it seems to be widely accepted by the public. Just outside was a broad terrace with old lawn chairs facing the lake, and a set of wooden stairs going down 50 feet to the water. Of course, only a genius can when in concert with another genius like Hugh Montague. In a nuclear age, Eisenhower could not risk telling the Russians or the Chinese that were willing to go to all-out war to get our prisoners back, Mr. Santoli said. Frank Olson went to work on a Monday morning and resigned from his job. If I can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call upon me. The success of intelligence operations almost always rests on the ability to transmit information clandestinely. Are you in any way motivated by ideology over this? the man from Fox News asked. Next there was Dr. Lashbrooks strange behaviour when the hotel manager Pastore arrived in the room to tell him that his colleague was dead on the pavement below. President Truman announced that the United States had developed a hydrogen bomb. In fact Frank Olson was recognizable after forty-one years in the grave. Sidney says, Stop the car. He pulls out a dart gun and shoots this big eucalyptus tree with a dart. In 1953 the story was that Frank Olson fell or jumped out the window due to job-related stress. Decades have gone by, and he has spent them investigating his fathers death. Edge weapons Yes, Dr. Gibson said, my father would go into his study after dinner and start typing on an old Smith Corona typewriter. (That town was named for two nineteenth century survey parties who happenedaccidentallyto meet up there.) According to an undated statement made by Lt. Col. Vincent Ruwet, Olsons supervisor at then Camp Detrick, during the period prior to the experiment my opinion of his state of mind was that I noticed nothing which would lead me to believe that he was of unsound mind. This assessment was said by Colonel Ruwet to be founded on professional opinions and C.I.A. In the biological realm, there is little that any terrorist group could concoct that Fort Detricks dirty tricks department, as veterans call it, didnt think up decades ago. 12.22 He graduated from Columbia University / College of Physicians And Surgeons in 1984. .In Dr. Leviskys laboratory at York College the remains of Dr. Olsen were kept in a secure vault under lock and key while Jack Levisky and his assistant, Sherry Brown, worked to macerate (deflesh) the bones. Wait a minute, I said, it is possible that there is somebody in there. After all these years there may be no possibility of following up to find answers to these elusive and sometimes disturbing questions. This culture of secrecy had also contaminated the family from within. To wit: Was Frank Olson deliberately assassinated? Now Im gonna give you another assignment. Most of the tests Olsons team carries out in the Caribbean and on the Alaskan tundra deal with relatively harmless bacteria, but some tests are conducted using actual pathogens called hot stuff., 14.20 Voice of Norman Cournoyer: Well, not all that much. On occasion he might be given a drug to elevate his mood prior to interrogation; marijuana, heroin, and sodium pentothal have been shown to overcome a reluctance to speak. Dulles was alarmed. I wish to express my appreciation to the many loyal readers, and above all to the contributors who made my editorship such a rewarding endeavor. His concept of being a real American had changed. A week later, Eric flew to Massachussets to meet Cournoyer in his home. With only an hour between the time Lashbrook was slated to meet with Mulholland and Frank Olsons next appointment with Dr. Abramson, it might have been simply out of convenience that Lashbrook suggested that Olson and Col. Ruwet accompany him on this visit. Then, in 1977, two exceptionally diligent Agency researchers processing a Freedom of Information Act request for former State Department officer John Marks decided to double-check the Budget and Fiscal Sections historical archives. Our mother passed away in 1993. Because LSD-25 is colorless, odorless and tasteless, it could possibly be used clandestinely for the contamination of food and water, although the data on its stability in solution are conflicting. As the biochemists SOD colleague Ben Wilson would later tell author John Marks, Olson was psychotic. Part of that assumption was formed by Sargent because he had come to see Frank Olson as a somewhat naive man: locked up in his lab mentality was, I recall, one of the phrases Sargant used. As far as that program was concerned, disclosure was already well underway. For days afterward, Olson was withdrawn. The stamps on the passport, which declare that the bearer was on official business for the Department of the Army indicate a pattern of travel that took Olson between various British military airfields, France, Occupied Germany, Scandanavia and the United States between May 1950 and August 1953. White supposedly killed some Japanese spy with his bare hands while he was on assignment in Calcutta. In another sub-project of MK-ULTRA code-named MK-NAOMI, the CIA had bankrolled SOD to produce and maintain vicious mutant germ strains capable of killing or incapacitating would-be victims. His reiterated one-liner to me during my telephone call was I have nothing to say on the matter.. Yes they tried to take care of our father, my brother and sister and I always thought. It was still dark outside when two grim visitors arrived at the Olson house in Frederick, Maryland, two days after Thanksgiving. William Buckley,Spytime: The Undoing of James Jesus Angleton. Samples of hair are taken as well, and if the body has recently died, urine is removed from the bladder for drug testing. We also noticed immediately that he had a hemorrhage, which we call a hematoma, which is under the skull by the frontal bone. Eric Newell Olson (born September 27, 1955 in Rochester, New York) is an American molecular biologist.He is professor and chair of the Department of Molecular Biology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, where he also holds the Robert A. Welch Distinguished Chair in Science, the Annie and Willie Nelson Professorship in Stem Cell Research, and the Pogue . Bissell, on the other hand, was more open-minded, said Gottlieb. Norman told Eric that the Artichoke story was true. But his new life abroad offered little insulation from the past. They were using Nazis, Cournoyer said, they were using prisoners, they were using Russians.. It just fell dead. Some of the people they interrogated died. In addition, we learned that the nature and thickness of the window glass, although altered at the time of our on-scene investigations, was identical to that of a window in an upstairs unit at the hotel. According to the CIAs version of events, Olson agreed to check himself into Chestnut Lodge, a Maryland sanitarium staffed by psychiatrists who allegedly had special security clearance. The Olsons would still get invited to neighbourhood picnics and other community events but there didnt seem any reason for them to be there any more. Ive ruined my life, he says in one interview. As Ive tried to tell you it conceptually rests on the idea that there are two vectors in this story and they only intersect in one place.. Working with four researchers, Marks painstakingly went through the papers, cross-referencing the material, finding clues wherever he could. I also learned upon a visit to the window shades manufacturer in Alexandria, Virginia, that the shade, if drawn, would have impeded Dr. Olsons exit making it implausible that he could have exited with it drawn at the time. Ohio State quarterback C.J. Late the next day, according to the C.I.A. Olson was in serious trouble and needed immediate professional attention. Agreeing to make the appropriate arrangements, Lashbrook then phoned Gottlieb. Today we want want to try to give you some idea of what this journey has been like, and tell you something about the unfamiliar American territory we have discovered. Ruwet and Robert Lashbrook, a C.I.A. Theirs, after all, is a world of secrets. It was said not to be the hotels policy to reveal the names of its guests since they might be temporarily resident there, shall we say, under circumstances possibly compromising their marital vows or otherwise. As Alice would later note, it wasnt the best choice of movies, given her husbands mood. Turning to her husband she [Diane] said, If it werent for The Shadow you might never have contacted Dr. Starrs.. Railey couldnt say just when he had figured out that the guy who had gone out the window in New York was one of the men who had stayed in his cottage a few days earlier. Spores will be released in order to test the citys vulnerability to an act of Russian sabotage. Although he remained handicapped for life, he compensated by teaching himself to become a graceful square dancer. Eric finds himself wondering about a lot of things. The family now came to the painful realization that Frank Olson might have been murdered. At mid-centuryThe Sphinxstood as Americas oldest and most prestigious magic magazine. These discussions with Dr. Di Maio, along with my review of the vast documentary evidence regarding Dr. Olsons death and the congressional investigations into it, convinced me that an exhumation was warranted. Marks book ran 264 pages. There are no rules in such a game. POISONED SKY, Screenplays: But in reality, the participants, one of them Frank Olson, were to be placed under the influence of LSD. THE ASSASSIN The laugh was an attractive and alarming trait, because sometimes he would laugh about things that weren't funny at all. I am eighty-two years old and Im no longer afraid, he said. He said he planned to leave the Army and retrain as a dentist. By then, Olson had become increasingly paranoid, as the CIA report put it, and was convinced that the Agency was putting Benzadrine or some other stimulant into his coffee to keep him awake. Right after Olsons death, the C.I.A. I focused on the Statlers night manager, Armand Pastore, who first found Dr. Olson lying supine and barely alive on the 7th Avenue west-side sidewalk; the Statlers telephone operator, who overheard Dr. Lashbrooks call from room 1018A following Olsons exiting the window; the priest from the nearby Roman Catholic Church who had given Dr. Olson the Last Rites as he lay dying on the sidewalk; and the New York City police officer on the beat who had responded to the death scene. Uncovering this story has been a decades-long agony for us as well. Eliot Foreground, Dr. Robert Lashbrook, the CIA scientist who brought Olson to New York to seek treatment. Movies, given her husbands mood from a CIA escort for psychiatric treatment the subject of history-altering assassinationsit whelp brood! Birth defects is quite controversial in scientific circles, it wasnt the best choice of movies, given husbands. Most of the subject, Suddenly, Eric flew to Massachussets to meet Cournoyer in home. 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eric olson harvard