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Enter your password where necessary and then click on the "Log in" button to log in to Metamask. If you're using an NFT marketplace like Opensea, locate the "Transfer" tab after you have chosen the NFT. To buy an SCA edition 2 Token, head up to: label Properties expand_less About META ELEMENTS FOR SCA expand_more ballot Details expand_more META ELEMENTS FOR SCA more_horiz A L I V E people 9 owners If you stop here, you already have a deployed NFT contract that can be easily minted from yourself. Contract Internal Transactions as a result of contract execution on the Ethereum blockchain. Charging a specific amount to call a function is relatively easy, with a few caveats: Note that in addition to the new constant and the new require() line, you should also add the payable modifier to the function itself. But I believe something like that. Choose the NFT you want to send. Tools. When buying and selling crypto is easier than shopping on Amazon. Make sure to use the "Vote Down" button for any spammy posts, and the "Vote Up" for interesting conversations. Your contract now charges 0.08 ether to call the mintTo() function. Other than quotes and umlaut, does " mean anything special? transaction for decentralized marketplaces to function. In order to obtain your "seed phrase" from Metamask click "settings" and click "reveal seed words". OpenSea: Wyvern Exchange v1 Source Code OpenSea Collectibles NFT Marketplace Token Contract Overview ETH Balance 0 ETH Eth Value $0.00 Token Holdings $44,465.05 (107 Tokens) More Info Private Name Tags Add Contract Creator OpenSea: Deployer 1 at txn 0xedf9fbcf691727068c9fd67f018bc7db73eacdbc198ad48f11cc75fe8baaa1d3 Token Tracker Thankfully, OpenZeppelin has implemented several solutions to protect against reentrancy exploits that work out-of-the-box for most use cases. title pretty much says it all, haven't minted in a while and set up a custom collection mistakenly believing it would actually create a custom contract, but noticed the contract address on etherscan "opensea shared storefront", NOT a custom collection contract address. I am not exactly sure what is going on the backside. The full code for the sample can be found on Github. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Where does etherscan gets contracts code? Other Features on Etherscan Apart from tracking transactions and gas price, there are many other features available on Etherscan. To access the funds in an address, you must have its private key. Scroll down and click on the drop-down arrow on the 'Details' tab. Adding metadata and payments to your contract, 11. On OpenSea, each user has a "proxy" account that they control, and is ultimately called by the marketplace contracts to trade their items. Adding metadata and payments to your contract, 11. To enable withdrawing from a smart contract, you will need to implement a method that does that. 0x939C8d89EBC11fA45e576215E2353673AD0bA18A, A wallet address is a publicly available address that allows its owner to receive funds from another party. Custom sale contract viewing your options, 4. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The tutorial assumes you have some familiarity with coding, but are brand new to the world of Web3 and smart contracts. Make sure you don't share your seed phrase for any accounts containing Mainnet tokens! The typed signature request will be different depending on which contract you're interacting with. Note that this addition does not mean that OpenSea itself has access to the items, simply that the users can list them more easily if they wish to do so. After deploying to the Rinkeby network, there will be a contract on Rinkeby that will be viewable on Rinkeby Etherscan. Ultimately you are trusting that the smart contract that you approving is written correctly and is bug free so that it will only transfer tokens that you expect. Without a database, it's impossible to get this type of information with the speed that is required for a web page. #freemint is live freemint 2 per wallet, all holders can claim $bean3 Official website: Contract: . We're doing this through a community of passionate . This website uses cookies to improve your experience. If you run the npx hardhat command, you'll notice that a new task -- verify is added to the task list. Connecting wallet for read function is optional, useful if you want to call certain functions or simply use your wallet's node. Last night, reports surfaced that NFT collectors had been losing NFTs and Ethereum from wallets. Enter your address into the search bar and click the search button. Once you connect with your account, they show you your tokens. This will verify and publish your contract, and you can go to the Read Contract section of etherscan that it gives you.. However, it won't be very easy for your future collectors to discover and mint from this contract themselves. Anonymous play on awesome games - sign up now for 25 free jackpot spins - worth $100s! Once you have located the NFT you'd like to transfer, select it to begin the sending process. The malicious wallet made its first transactions back in December, but reports of phishing activity only began yesterday. The completed code can be viewed over on our Github repository, Lets dive right in and create a development environment, [Optional] Manually deploying a SeaDrop-compatible contract, 2. Etherscan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Ethereum, a decentralized smart contracts platform. Would the reflected sun's radiation melt ice in LEO? Because without it, you would have to query every NFT address for every user address. 3. This can later be changed with transferOwnership. You should set this contract address and the address of your MetaMask account as environment variables when running the minting script: At this point, we've deployed our first smart contract on the Rinkeby network and minted some new OpenSea creatures on our contract. Should all NFT minting contracts be ERC-721 complient? Open up the new nft-tutorial directory in your IDE of choice and create a new file inside contracts/ called NFT.sol NFT.sol // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT pragma solidity ^0. This exposes a few new functions in our contract that enable withdrawing from the contract. OpenSea help docs describe and show images of a collection creation process . Note that there is not much changed here, other than importing the PullPayment.sol dependency and making our NFT contract extend that contract. Exchange between any crypto or fiat, effortless and instant, 0x59cee19e2a0e5a8b38c8914781f99e247347fd77ed17925baa487ba000554be0, 0x2a2ed50d5afa3d2492b4513d520b62e228f864be7d85174b724dec4ccee12542, 0xdb4e55831e6ba9771f347e44297e9928d7d913d3d919f13a523be5af0868c2a7, 0xe9790506cb58fef922bf787c8d97585f5dac0a06c7ccc8ae4d9b3e7e8252533c, 0x52cf9b0b3d6859c13ec97783158b8f6424240a63c2095c577fd3562fb7dd9720, 0x3be1ff3e00f9c90804dd65a80fe98f35fd745b0524441eec3ee2d8090c4fd76c, 0x35ceb80772ea3540a78cfdf825997cb4056db3f7eaa24cecef7651acf1991176, 0xb4db2f060def66b588eaf3e551f4e7f1f66897467f8250834d6f572dff8bc47e, 0x918469f2b49b34f4259a397365a3bb8a0dac3cf4f89fd667e76491855e44ef09, 0x29967725b738ad46c17b93ee793e9ad9d7073f6bda6c4fafed3709e686cf405d, 0x34a854fc3a9d62c0d70cd95821d74c3ccba1ed5a4ba22509e7b030bbb2e20755, 0x068905b78c7b297986c33b6a3bfc9d347aef05ecb97e6c23c97e570fbe51a670, 0xe408e36bfb79c9becf6995fef5af07c1ed598753edeb8a7f775d33830a092ab1, 0x3dd8086d1ff064c9f75eebc99f87bddb2bed1398c42f23a98f16b591a53b2517, 0xd6fa328d9a3a13a66e5825abd0a28a5960971eb30758c9eaaf1ae6fd848ddbb2, 0x4269947f0a51e6606faef143f78ec9fd315bdb7dedf6bb4ca0ffddc3c9076dea, 0x3d4aebc7bff4bd8083572f64504a570c5ace9c6537984340422687d92cec3093, 0xb149a11119270d3af835bf6a1854fe790b8985a06ba6b42637b9f0f19c38c6b5, 0x00d3cd243be5459a8d1fef8a72188a45257a7cff81ea71fd34ce37e02f8201bf, 0x94cde7a77eb1d668800b5fbe07451bcece146b5bab98e92c2f36d9db3ecee8dc, 0x8260b283d77591e760a8e59bb37440175812a7e33f30382d8502be7e0135c7f7, 0xd1364ef97e0f5e18eaef474cc86d931d8eeee4b6289350c6cdb2eff67963bf1e, 0xd08effb742ac03389bf1cfb14b0e29151f52d6b3a74179a04d4a822afab839b6, 0xa8df0befaed9255cd99211a843315e82bf7062ed8848585935ac5695d413e797, 0xd39575d9f3ee8cf7994de39943d843f6781de8a0fdb1d8b8027a6d5650a73244, 0x383434d0938b7b33642b25c30c5a5897a600438bf5da866a669a38a9820148c7, 0x44358f061beff9e6a29bfe5ab3487f0236b611d66ac4337c1870398b2e60a0f1, 0x9f813c01958c8e0e8b3899535c17302114b73ce67817465c7bbef0e836646d6d, 0x22cbe281cdb5a55aa069d923d012c944494fe63d6b353f4aba8a5a1020e9e003, 0x4771b8a186ca9f8f110aacebcd948b847fd31400448e02256a5591fe38406a7a, 0xdaf2c544d41bd8305c9597a3d9100b06343dfcadd7d4782755c81ee354d85af5, 0xc0afbe705d5a30a8ec0a4519a93202a883a459cd07a17d4b74b95a0b7a198292, 0x1dd0e712be448533fd1f4a2e99fc3a59bb95884ade5bf4944408efcc77462b8c, 0xbaa288d9feb19c2ab6ab563e2d9e755bc6676678b9fd2f1d6b244873d33e4981, 0x10f2d4f1b59069b25e6ebeaaa84d3254d4c006a4d3ab2aa24a03c2dd56b485ca, 0xc70f17f39d51ba020e59425b922119ce9a4257ad8d36ade72d8286c5a80db300, 0x55e060bcd4d29a4c361b246c09625469af94fa94a1a3d6777d2d1c5df1e1ae99, 0x914dde5b1ebd810cd003a92929f1f12616e5b23f73a8f30928ad1ecafd77f5a3, 0xa1addd0e30b6a4a574bd6727349b54b5ca920a400a7a5fadba47123368c1218a, 0xcaf685dca079501dc911846c0eaf0de60b4c8e9da56f9bcc88072efd5f4876ab, 0x207df9bd7e4cea5bacb2f9e1eaa4b90172b304c3295f9bb32f1ccbe26b6eae24, 0x35673857bd11637f068ae72903a75c8a15a403eb5343450d3a692a416e3456bd, 0x747f09b67389bd4c6f9cf4a86396f7da07bf9094e5f353d66bd9fd444bcc02a7, 0x39ae874fbaa404f11c74609dd4cdadbab08bf3d7e63b192f3c7bf35a8caadf95, 0x9aa5c18ef520aed02545bfb9008bd6b431e11d8f85cefcbc9a043bf72b0d66b2, 0x1c58f068528ae97674f2cf6f88fc94bfa87ff7d66ac32a95f09800e334d668b6, 0x1dbd689df6394a983c37035c60458889785df268cd242ed75aac00c98a0ae937, 0x430e649ec1a91e0d6c0e2940895f2324cd17aa3dbf8523ceef25b5faeae565b9, 0xf8522b589066ab308143b1572529bb5a092881c4f1c303fa0f46269ae026f34b, 0x93ffeb14e8b8e952a0e8c465424b93b5983554b5caa42b805d4bcf7f1e977825, 0x9bc85a51ff46d4855649c3052cf3be05a19d9830e44268f6d49ff13e26a3e754, StorageWriteRemovalBeforeConditionalTermination (medium/high-severity), AbiReencodingHeadOverflowWithStaticArrayCleanup (medium-severity), InlineAssemblyMemorySideEffects (medium-severity). 2. When signing a transaction granting setApprovalForAll you are saying "I trust this smart contract to be able to transfer 100% of my token X" where X is the token contract upon which setApprovalForAll is being called. You can find the ABI in the build/contracts folder. In order to get Ether into your Rinkeby MetaMask account, you can use the Rinkeby Ether faucet. Hardhat and Etherscan have made it very easy to verify smart contracts by providing an extension package that automatically adds the appropriate verification tasks to the Hardhat CLI. Does the double-slit experiment in itself imply 'spooky action at a distance'? Hold on to this address, since we will need to use it in the next part of this tutorial. Let's learn more about the metadata associated with each CryptoPuff. The require line will cause the function to not succeed in executing (and not charge users money) if the condition passed to it resolves to false. To deploy the Creature contract, simply check out the repo, get a free Alchemy API key, and deploy with Truffle: If you're using Infura API already, you can also use the INFURA_KEY environment variable instead of ALCHEMY_KEY. .env, and avoid checking it in when committing your code. By continuing to use this website, you agree to its Terms and Privacy Policy. There are many great alternatives to these tools that can also be used, and we are always open to feedback on better practices and improvements. If I create an NFT on OpenSea and click the contract ID in the chain info, I am taken to Etherscan to a page that shows a token tracker called OpenSea Shared Storefront. Keep in mind the transaction records will have OpenSea's fee and the project's creator earnings (if any) automatically deducted. It will make available the modifier onlyOwner, which can be applied to your functions to restrict their use to the owner. Etherscan's NFT Tracker tracks minting and trading transactions from a list of supported marketplaces. ERC-20 Token Transfer might have Failed. Adding this modifier to your functions will make it so that only you (or the owner) will be able to call that function. rev2023.3.1.43268. We can now run our new tasks using the Hardhat CLI to quickly repeat common actions: Note: you might get a message from ethers.js that you are being throttled by Alchemy. Get up to 30 ETH Bonus and 10 free spins. I came across this while looking at their reference code (which depends on a now 3-year-old MultiToken-Contract implementation and needs all in all some downgrades of Node and other tools in order . Is my first contract in this tecnology. By default, the owner account will be the one that deploys the contract. They are listening to the Transfer events. You can read more about Access Roles on the OpenZeppelin documentation. Users can also interact and make transactions to the contract directly on Etherscan. The Ownable contract module can be mixed-into contracts to provide basic access control mechanisms. Exchange between any crypto or fiat, effortless and instant, 0x776944fc9cb70ac130026ff31bfea75d4156c6fd456a82016802964655baf18d, 0xf2fcaddd5a1ac1e8dea7ba2ea874978a4b75a679610ad721293381fbc9edc819, 0xe5fb1b3226e4d549fa77eada73819a8c19010491022e207b9e27c5cf9348ddb8, 0x894e2b7fff34b4f6947c9d9a4b1e46dd1ede784520764507d1e787f5b8ab6df3, 0x30910e03eab5268efbbd6b734190d8dbb9e1b03b7bcf49fc06e279edf9fc8ea1, 0xd0dd09c71d7e9ec58c8a42592672c5e84b271794c30e38ae67a575fc0aff361d, 0xe6689ac0d4acfdea443f3b7d885a98c8ae926cfe4d2e4652020f62b2779d024b, 0x7b5fe4844c48f46cd9c787cea0ce711527e31fa214b883666c3e7edb21e8d70d, 0xcf31294d7fca399e3f8a012c57d29ac4003f6a0a0ef0e15b223f7d02e4fa3d62, 0x789cde33c6205837412794ccfd0f38dd83351e305783e4cf9cf525ddd9af7a2d, 0xcb60b51f2570fda1fa9a274e85d867d49f5f77f1fcd34b07d3e60b31b0e53020, 0xd7fdf6181ce1c04e20efad2c565d8be00206659592bb234f41b8c4d24de697ec, 0xb48976dbb3a0598324081241805fcfa2a79fc1928cc03e50c1784a05a304f0fe, 0xbf59075cd278838cc387f560a58332e8d3f161053b09228fa4363362709b7cd1, 0x96e9850c88123574b6f8f30b3731fa5ee57fc3bcb462e2c8c2a9d1a79589e89d, 0xd1294d5adf491c6d6a13f406999630d8ed3e5805082aeaf447ac642f2254823b, 0xba30d6bcd49ab1d887425266f7d3be63e4748973ee211468ebc8d35b2eba0968, 0x0079628875876cab1296e75d93352ebb6ddfd923724727d8e567960f7034e96c, 0x9fc48de60cea6cf513ce39d0fe6eeda9e2023748152e8feaa8313906253a7a0d, 0x56208d3a51189b4b785e671b0d14cce01d5011e86395db572c67efe07643081a, 0x1fbc95f18cd3114e3dbafa29c30090239b6a52824c04ea7969d0e783ccb9c8a4, 0x3053e6903bb9a31b382cc2bac9b1c16b1bad2bcba789bffb4e27c7c6edabbcc6, 0xa095e4799c318974feba6e782d3de48718e8d69fb2807c3e03a19f47683fd4d6, 0xbbd64099067c6b6d8ba4490f8332b92edcd0da5e01edf9808b0452014779198f, 0x21990f08ee619b477cceb6fd850ffb741d842cc066b41ed3581a0bf90846f93c, 0x40547fcbd965a6fbeb8a435434dbed0c6da608412815a212f088483c7cc038f8, 0xfbbc9ec8c860388b2fd703484117d60c487fbf1e91addca17ab02ca5d2235bc3, 0xb6e31aa8fe65319d175dc3757821654f07a64c50f8c21a318a9249b2dbee49bf, 0x86112f45e29871b3a330c07d05f71b85f43b4b894f023b6f05772eaf71689ba6, 0xf11a5f4ae2b693adbbb8e38235398a5e3f6efddd999f2621a0d43175e3a3d05e, 0xfe6f0516d66b6d267f96a808080167ac06e27dc99b2af5183dc37faefdd58185, 0x4d209b36989b87af3544f46434632b6bf102477cd1e01f2a5c30e6489957e7db, 0x428c4a9f9ef2db713b3e141987494d14ad990dee4dd5d8e1df5de05ea52cda9c, 0x6fc879a112375fd65624695b720c8342f322baec27f99a7116de491a3fb6595a, 0xa0f7743be8167d9da034efe8fde34c23187844ff2b1a4a48f63ab4be30c25eb9, 0x8fca9126703604d4bd7c9093a237064062c85481b7bdfb4b1597498d6ea6f4d8, 0x6ee5d5e689798568b1f45de39355d878ef0fc1363714301fd4d69b57aa36dd3b, 0xb5795f23f7c40544125825413424b49f866b2678ffe998727a35ab721463143a, 0x2cdfed1860cb6a729ccd2ae29a9f92aec219b469edf00c4214b53ab959c41889, 0x5947910702ad1e255f2271c6a0e922094026a39555d454d270bb178f57bd6ae6, 0xf5dfffa4061fff25f4112a6ec6c1bf0f423ef62f694c4770cf9133e760178eb6, 0xeed584331958f392537bef3bd070fc729b8359e96d89cb26d2a6a76b3707ffd0, 0x55eb9abf5d1d1c7005995c32816eecec217d3629e4ed9ba42f5069d96f1c185b, 0x8a6ef9dcc410bf5b9e62082c3461a247ccc196c493d290f2860ebc696b9ef9e3, 0xe3a3a23774cd9140fff5475d8a83c2f9bca53396a5ff3acd410ab60de5e98449, 0x4235283d425bab30ea2cfd74083257b949ad7e0ebdb4ec293f5216a8d5c4788a, 0xc590cfdd1560a6cb5379d8502a7883664d3b586349c4a912815aa668e2f5fd9c, 0x792afabffa546824b702891dfee700404e3e810e77fcf18be943502766f49ae3, 0x54fb05e2557c5b60750dce20e2ca1a0d1db7cbc8333d5aef2d673dd1833e4489, 0x98365b135c4ad686d709a00d935ef226128a301a9bac89f659004eb1027f12b7, 0xd626c250f1a9d70d57b350e8b61939edc5d023ddac8af48db06dbfa75d909599. Discover more of Etherscan's tools and services in one place. 1,000+ Casino Games & 40,000 Sports! Pioneered by CryptoKitties, ERC721 is the latest standard in non-fungible tokens. You can find the address of the deployed contract in the output of the deployment command and find it on Etherscan by hitting the URL: #1 Ethereum Crypto Casino & Sportsbook Claim Bonus. ERC 1155 with EIP 2981 royalties, OpenSea-specific additions, and token/edition hard caps Overview. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Many projects like to charge a cost to mint from their contract. 60a080604052346100235733608052610c7690816100298239608051816103c50152f35b600080fdfe60806040526004361015610013575b600080fd5b6000803560e01c9081634ce34aa21461006657508063899e104c1461005d5780638df25d92146100545763c4e8fcb51461004c57600080fd5b61000e610362565b5061000e61027f565b5061000e6101ab565b346101465760207ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc3601126101465760043567ffffffffffffffff8111610142576100b5903690600401610149565b9133815280602052604081205415610116575b8281106100fa576040517f4ce34aa2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008152602090f35b8061011061010b6001938686610532565b6105c4565b016100c8565b807f93daadf2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006024925233600452fd5b5080fd5b80fd5b9181601f8401121561000e5782359167ffffffffffffffff831161000e5760208085019460c0850201011161000e57565b9181601f8401121561000e5782359167ffffffffffffffff831161000e576020808501948460051b01011161000e57565b503461000e5760407ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc36011261000e5767ffffffffffffffff60043581811161000e576101fc903690600401610149565b9160243590811161000e5761021590369060040161017a565b919092600033815280602052604081205415610116575b8181106102685761023d8486610acb565b6040517f899e104c000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008152602090f35b8061027961010b6001938587610532565b0161022c565b503461000e5760207ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc36011261000e5760043567ffffffffffffffff811161000e576102cf90369060040161017a565b33600052600060205260406000205415610316576102ec91610acb565b60206040517f8df25d92000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008152f35b7f93daadf2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006000523360045260246000fd5b73ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff81160361000e57565b503461000e5760407ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffc36011261000e5760043561039e81610344565b6024359081151580830361000e5773ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff90817f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001633036105085761041f6104188473ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff166000526000602052604060002090565b5460ff1690565b1515146104b657816104a6846104767fae63067d43ac07563b7eb8db6595635fc77f1578a2a5ea06ba91b63e2afa37e29573ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff166000526000602052604060002090565b9060ff7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff0083541691151516179055565b60405193151584521691602090a2005b506040517f924e341e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000815273ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9190911660048201529015156024820152604490fd5b60046040517f6d5769be000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008152fd5b91908110156105425760c0020190565b7f4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600052603260045260246000fd5b6004111561057b57565b7f4e487b7100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000600052602160045260246000fd5b35600481101561000e5790565b356105c181610344565b90565b60016105cf826105aa565b6105d881610571565b0361061357806105ed602061061193016105b7565b906105fa604082016105b7565b60a0610608606084016105b7565b92013592610712565b565b600261061e826105aa565b61062781610571565b0361069657600160a08201350361066c5780610648602061061193016105b7565b90610655604082016105b7565b6080610663606084016105b7565b92013592610882565b60046040517fefcc00b1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008152fd5b60036106a1826105aa565b6106aa81610571565b036106e857806106bf602061061193016105b7565b6106cb604083016105b7565b6106d7606084016105b7565b90608060a085013594013592610990565b60046040517f7932f1fc000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008152fd5b9092604051926000947f23b872dd00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000865280600452816024528260445260208660648180885af1803d15601f3d1160018a51141617163d151581161561077c575b505050505050604052606052565b80863b15151661076e579087959691156107bc57602486887f5f15d672000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008252600452fd5b156107f657506084947f98891923000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008552600452602452604452606452fd5b3d610835575b5060a4947ff486bc8700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000855260045260245260445281606452608452fd5b601f3d0160051c9060051c908060030291808211610869575b505060205a91011061086057856107fc565b833d81803e3d90fd5b8080600392028380020360091c9203020101868061084e565b9092813b1561096257604051926000947f23b872dd000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008652806004528160245282604452858060648180885af1156108db5750505050604052606052565b8593943d61091e575b5060a4947ff486bc870000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000085526004526024526044526064526001608452fd5b601f3d0160051c9060051c908060030291808211610949575b505060205a91011061086057856108e4565b8080600392028380020360091c92030201018680610937565b507f5f15d6720000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060005260045260246000fd5b929093833b15610a9d57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