udorn air base thailand photoswhat happened on the belt parkway today

Youll want to look way down at the bottom of the file to see what the final decision was. EVER!! We protested but accepted the fact drink or die of dehydration. Stationed at Korat Thailand 1974-1975. Could be mixed up on Battalion designation, not sure. would like to hear from Robert Fisher or BD Cleeton. Was a field service mechanic on heavy Equipment also motor pool Sgt. Any help will be appreciated. If anyone remember him please contact me. My last post was at the CIA ramp guarding barrel and a C-123. I am still trying to fight this though. He was stationed there from Oct 67-Oct 68 as part of 432nd & 7/13AF HQ. I have been asked to present my Video Play at the Library of Congress this summer. the lima site was attacked by rockets in 1971 while i was there. I remember the Klong with its sickening smell. He always told me to keep all of his military papers. I was originall stationed at Ramasun Station when arriving in country 1974. What would pictures of Thailand be without some of these? We had 2 men from the elect. If anyone has information on Agent Orange that proves that AO was there during that time frame, that information would be greatly appreciated. Classified the same. He was NCOIC of Jag claims office. My brother David Chavira Jr was an Air Force communications specialist who was posted at Udorn from 1969 to 1970. Not killed by the guard. Anyone willing to share photos or maps, etc? Does anyone know how to contact others on this forum ? I served in USAF at Korat RTAB 73-74 with 388th Fighter Wing MOS 461 Munitions. For those in the same situation, I will provide three words. What they did to everyone is terrible and not just. I also served at Takale Thailand during 1968. I met a lot of you folks as we took requests that ranged from the music of Chicago, Blood Sweat & Tears, etc. I always noticed that the ground between the interior and exterior fence line virtually had little if any vegetation. Since then Ive had cancer , neuropathy in my feet and have had Asthma a number of years. Delivered medical supplies throughout Thailand. This also caused his wife not to receive survivor benefits as well. is not right!!!! No place to stay at that time at Takhli. Gregory Soccio - Soccio1 AT verizon.net ([email protected]): I was stationed with the 6280th Combat Support Hospital unit at Takhli, Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand from October/November 1973 through August 1974.I am looking for any service members who served at Takhli and would be willing to write a "buddy letter" describing your memory of the base layout and any memory of herbicide . Jet engine mechanic on J75 for Thuds F105. Royal Thai Air Force Bases. passed away at the age of 82 on March 1, 2021 in Albuquerque NM. God Bless All. The RF-101s were sent to assist Royal Thai AF RT-33 aircraft in . On December 24th, 1975, I began four months of Hell while defecating 10-20 times per day while continually bleeding from the strain. I was first diagnosed with Parkinsons in 2005. In turn, Oxidative Stress is shown as the primary cause for VITILIGO to occur. Stationed with the 5th RRU Det D in Nung Sung Thailand , 1966, 67 U.S. Army lived in tents several miles from Udorn Airbase. That, I was defending freedom and those who were While in the storage section , myself and others would be in or around the inventory shack on the holding row . He stayed at the hooches where he spent 10 hours a day. Bang Sare is roughly half way between Sattahip Port and Pattaya Beach. I have given up. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. Returned on a 30-year non-disclosure for witness to Genocide. Stationed at Takhli from Jan29 to Feb70 with the 355th FMS as OIC of the Accessory Sys. I request anyone with knowledge of what my brother did please share it with me. IWCS TERMINAL , JOINTLY MANNED BY US ARMY AND PHILCO FORD CONTRACTORS . Well I got called up and guarded the base perimeter. Walt C passed away 2020 from intestinal cancer. I believe theres another reunion in the works for 2024. I was diligent, forthright and honest with my I did have Prostate Cancer, thinking to apply to VA again, but was too busy, that 20% got me free medical care, took my prostate out, too large for radiation, as well as all the above, so prostate was cut out, and other trips to the ER, here and elsewhere, always went back to my VA PCP at VA McClellan Park, and she set me up for followup appointments for PT, GI, etc. I left to go state side in June, 1966. I am a former marine semper fi. However I am pretty sure building 1665 was where I worked but have not found a map labelling it as the Battalion Operations Center. I learned of my exposure to Agent Orange on April 29, 201947 years after the fact. My husband was at Udorn and died at 48 from massive heart attack. The 83rd eventually transferred to Udorn, where it morphed into the 7th RRFS. You can find a full copy of Operation Ranch Hand which states that all South East Asia bases will have the areas around the perimeters sprayed and and the run ways will be kept cleared for the planes, put that report in with your claim as proof of what they did. John A. Madden, Jr. and Capt. Worked in the ammo dump..any buddies out there? Stationed with USAF 73/74 at Ramasun Station. I wish there was a way for you to contact me but it looks like the rules dont allow for emails to be exchanged. Crewed a Spectre on Mayaguez recovery. Hope this helps you out. Developed prostate cancer in 2020 and type 2 diabetes. My boots on the Ground on a recovery in country has no documentation as it was done under the cover of night to recover a aircraft that had an engine failure. I am currently appealing the denial of a claim for hypertension and have a claim for stage 3 kidney disease as secondary to the diabetes type II pending. Id like to know more details if possible. I noticed some people spraying in that area and ask if they were spraying for mosquitos , and was told yes with some new stuff called AGENT ORANGE! Still fighting agentorange heart surgery 2007. My husband (Arthur) worked in Bangkok, Thailand for Philco-Ford Communications and Satellite Division from 1967 to 1969. Served in Thailand one year west of Sakon Nakon at the Phi Kio (Signal site) 1st st Bde, Vietnam,29 Sig Grp, Feb 68 69. Not so Silent Partner: Thailands Role in Covert Operations . God Bless all of you. He never smoked. The VA is a waste of time. My departure was further delayed after my personnel file was found due to my civilian flight air restrictions. There are several of these sites scattered around the world. I believe I have bladder cancer as a result of exposure to AO. Luckily I had a copy of the orders for same and was approved for compensation last year (2019). Was stationed at Takhli from 7/67-7/68. I served at Ubon, 72-73 on the line in security forces. All I can say is thank you to those who served in Thailand. VA acknowledged in my claim I was exposed but denied my issue. Luckily I actually had a hard copy of my travel pay ticket showing the transit route and signed by some ops Officer so I could collect my transit pay. In other words letting us die and saving money for the Government. PTSD but Is a Moral Wound. Located in NKP RTAFB in the 56th Field Maintenance Squadron.If you have info please contact me! Finally, today, 02-12-2020, I spoke with an ADVISOR at the Federal Bldg in WLA and felt good about what he told me. Denied 3 times. He died April 2020, he had type 2 diabetes, heart problems and was on dailyze three times a week.Being retired and covered under tricare for life he saw civiiian doctors and no one every asked if he was expost to AO. Takhli was being reopened at time and the conditions were deplorable. My dad was a strong person so Im wondering what happened then/there that would have scared him so much. Nakhon Phanom is on the map titled U.S. I had to get my APRs for proof I was TDY at Tahkli. After his discharge, David was adamant about not disclosing the nature of his duties, citing a written and signed document that prevented him from doing so. I was stationed at Ubon RTAFB IN 1971/72 as a B57G maintenance crew chief. I was first denied by the VA, but quickly GRANTED a VA Disability when the Dale K. Graham Veterans Foundation required a higher level review. See why you should visit this farm near DC that was once a covert military base. I was a crew chief on EB 66 ECM aircraft. The use was directly across from the ,RED HORSE, heavy equipment AO. Administration and Operation. Some of us rented bungalow downtown as well. I am 75 years old and not sure how much time I have left. If he was assigned to a PPIF, he was at the end of the flight line which was very close to the perimeter at the very end of the base (runway 12 across from the Weapons Arm & Dis-Arm dump. Im from Michigan as well as my grandfather, if anyone has any bit of info for me that would be great, appreciate you for your time. I was stationed at Ramasun Station in the 6924 Scty Sq from Dec 74 to Mar 76. Found out I have N. I lived and showered on base and had no idea where water came from. I worked at the AGE shop. Debellevue, scored four kills flying with Capt. The date on the order is: 1/15/1968 and the other last names listed are:Fisher, Samson, Proctor, Mapano, Shively, Dyson, Sadler, Dorenzo, Gregory, Fountain. Sent another request for reconsideration in 2022, it takes months awaiting that response.Problem is I do not have copies of TDY orders from 50 years ago. I have since developed NON HODGKINS LYMPHOMA STAGE 3 CANCER a VA PRESUMED AQUIRED DESEASE from exposure to AGENT ORANGE. The first base of operations for American forces was at Takhli Royal Thai Air force Base, which is located approximately 144 miles northwest of Bangkok. The set, however,has a significant limitation: It was printed in 1960 and thus predates the arrival of most American military personnel to Thailand. With credentials, youll be invited to join. Was stationed at Ubon from 1970 to 1971 working on Project Igloo White. Can barely walk because of the pain. My above comment forgot to mention my unit was with the 56th Field Maintenance Squadron (OPERATION RANCH HAND) NKP. - I was stationed at Ramason-7thRRFS-ASA base monitoring & intercepting VC, NVA & CHI-COM units during 70 72 (05H MOS) following a stint in Phu Bai, Vietnam. Then again in 74 75 for 8 months at Utapao for the cambodian air lift.I joined the navy in 76 and started having sever head aches that resulted in nerological problems.Brain damage. We had a well and filtering plant for our water needs. Assigned as an Three T-28 Trojans taxi at Udorn. Were you on the Flying Tiger Airline that set the brakes on fire when we landed hot in Yakota Japan? Response to Charles Ernest Hill 12/20/22. The club house building is still intact and pretty much original, although the barracks block is long gone. Traveled down to the beach for burgers, etc., at the snack bar,and out the gates to town (Newland). . Squadrons of F4Cs, the coolest plane ever. we lived in the contonment area which is where i got bladder cancer from AO. The only pavement was where they parked the Bombers and Tankers and the runway. He ha all the diabetis, two open heart surgeries and parkensons. If you havent found the RoseGarden website, I encourage you to. His doc stated that he had diabetes before the cancer. I recall 1-2 days where there was a thick chemical fog over the base in U-Tapao; not sure whether this was AO. Why did the Air Force deny for 50 plus years that we were sprayed. I served at Udorn RTAFB from SEP 69 thru AUG 70. I was Security Police. s/ pete NIH says that on of the possible causes for IBM is contact with a Toxic Substance I believe the seed for IBM for me was planted 68/69 while stationed at Korat and flying cobat mission in Vietnam. I was diagnosed with diabetes, hypertension, and prostate cancer in 2015 no family history of any of these. Stationed Udorn Apr 69 thru Apr 70.Worked control tower as air traffic controller.Had heart attack in 2012,,Ischemic heart disease is a covered ailment. I hope it will help. Ramasun Station, Thailand. He was 72, far too young to die! froze my buttox off there. This second edition waspublished by USARPAC (United States Army Pacific) onNovember 1, 1969. I believe I was exposed to AO, and on one occasion went to sick call with small blisters on both arms. I only found out that agent orange was part of my life. I have not tried to file with the VA. Find this document! It covers all the toxic burn pit issues for the Gulf Wars and also amends the most recent SEA OA requirements to include all service members during that period in all the associated countries by eliminating those proof of use, perimeter, or date requirements. We had 197 people on board with gear and just cleared the fence at the end of runway leaving Holloman. UDORN ROYAL THAI AIR FORCE BASE Udorn Royal Thai Air Force Base is the home of the 432nd Tactical Fighter/Reconnaissance Wing, and is the only wing of its kind in Southeast Asia. Like MIKE I.no.324 I was stationed at Takhli Thailand from Dec.65-66. Still searching, so If anyone has some evidence. Trying to contact a Stephen N. Wood. The mortars never got off. The form IBM. I have several of the illnesses associated with AO. Check Herbicide Spraying in Thailand and variants to find an abundance of information on the net. During that mortar attack. Sawadee!! The VA thinks I am making it up on my AO Exposure Claim. I was at Camp Samae San, Sattahip. Evidence of exposure to AO to Diabetes then to Pancreatic Cancer. Never a smoker! VA states I gotta prove it, thats its agent orange connected.VA government. I was a Security Police K9 handler. Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? I am currently engaged in filing a claim with the VA for medical complications stemming from significant exposure to Agent Orange while stationed there. I have a question directed to anyone who can offer an answer even if it is of a general nature. Like to hear from anyone from CAFB, New Mexico , if you see this. My DD214 shows SEA duty time and other overseas time but when (after 3 years waiting) I finally got my full records set I could not find orders for several such trips, and I dont recall if I ever got any officially. out of all the dogs that were in Thailand and Vietnam , only 3 made it back( whats it all about). Look to see if there is a Disabled Veterans Office like the one near us at VA Mather in Sacramento, CA. stationed at Korat Airbase in 1973-1975 looking for a medic by the name Wayne Berry. I was stationed in NKP from 1970-1971. I was in the Marine Corps stationed on MCAS Rose Garden in Nam Phong, Thailand with Task Force Delta from May 28, 1972 to April 14, 1973. I have suffered diabetes, and a rare skin disease Bullous pemphigoid. The only thing he disclosed was that the lives of men depended on how well he performed the duties and responsibilities assigned to him. NKP RTAFB 1971-1972 in the 56th FMS . I am looking to document the guard duties we had to perform to protect the base when we were under suspected attack. I am fully disabled now to due my back injuries. Birth President was Herbert Hoover #31 Filed VA claim in 2005 was denied 10 years and going. I was at the RoseGarden appx May 72 to Jan 73: aka The C Rations Era and would love to connect with any of you. Did you by any chance know him? I have no photos om me at the base. TDY to Korat from Sept 72 until March 73 working on the Wild Weasels from McConnel. And then in Korat,Thailand at Camp Friendship, with the 12 M.P.(CID). Worked 50 yards from airbase perimeter. definkyely exposed to herbicidee. Another 200 yards & it would have been IN our barracks!! Our work shifts were 12/7 during my time there. Looking for info for my dad Steve Furches . Needs help please. Accept for a couple of pictures taken on the second floor of barracks 2155, I have no proof that I was even stationed there, no orders, no performance reports, no VSM(ended in Jan 73, even though I refueled B-52s that were still bombing Laos and Cambodia). I was told if I was in Vietnam regardless where I would receive full benefits. We had a large latrine/shower room, as well as a company office where the officers and first sergeant had their offices. location at U-Tapao. 8th TFW / Telecommunications / UBON June 1972 June 1973. I was stationed Udorn RTAFB 74-75 Corrosion Control, flight line and beyond. I know we were exposed to Agent Orange several times. may result in removed comments. I was assigned to Ubon RTAFB (7/71 6/72) and, Don Muang RTAFB (8/73 8/74 & 8/74 8/75) with the U.S. Air Force Postal & Courier Service (UAFPCS) on all three assignments. I was stationed at Korat RTAFB 1974-1976 worked A7Ds, F-4s, and AC-130 Gunships. I was stationed in Korat in 1967 with the 561st. I have no paperwork of any kind! . The headquarters for PALACE DOG was at Udorn Air Base, Thailand. (Photo credit: library of Dick Hammaker; used . unless clearly stated otherwise. Hi there. Looking for Dave Easley Smitty from Texas and the list goes on. Started at UTapao in73. I was in Ubon Thailand 71to 73. Im looking for information (maps, what was sprayed, etc.) I was tdy all over Thailand, I dont have any pictures or anything that I can provide evidence of AO, I cant even remember the camp name. I wish all my fellow veterans who served in Thailand to get the recognitions we deserve. In effect they gave me the run- a- round. CLL cancer diagnosed 2017. I was diagnosed 3 years ago with two forms of bladder cancer. Im looking for any info about the men he served with, they may have been engineers Im not sure but they did alot of nuclear testing. 20 years later I developed Diabetes and have since gotten Neuropathy of both feet and legs and mild in my fingers, lost all my toes on right foot and some partial loss on left foot. Much time i have since developed NON HODGKINS LYMPHOMA STAGE 3 cancer a VA PRESUMED AQUIRED DESEASE from exposure AO... Site was attacked by rockets in 1971 while i was in Vietnam where. Farm near DC that was once a Covert military base sergeant had their offices runway Holloman! Usarpac ( United States ARMY Pacific ) onNovember 1, 2021 in Albuquerque NM town ( Newland ) APRs! Some evidence the age of 82 on March 1, 1969 claim in 2005 was denied years! Then Ive had cancer, neuropathy in my claim i was diagnosed 3 ago. 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udorn air base thailand photos