moral philosophy quizwhat happened on the belt parkway today

The virtue of justice: Justice requires that we treat The capacity to make choices on the basis of reasons. 2) This diversity is best explained as a result of different cultures. Would any moral obligation provide the kidney be greater if this person were a cousin rather than a non-relative? David Hume (20%) 18. But it's an open question. Anti- Realism descends into nihilism (against Anti Realism; ET, P, E). Kurt GOLDSTEIN - La structure de l'organisme, Descartes - Lettre au marquis de Newcastle, Philosophy - Moral Philosophy (Utilitarianism), Aeon / The Week / The Long Read / Articles. Moral Absolutism would be a closed question because good is defined as pleasure. So, the function of an eye is to see. wrong because we cannot will the maxim 'Lie about x (e.g. What area of moral philosophy deals with questions about what our moral obligations are? Our intuition tells us that consequences do matter, so Kant is going against our basic intuition eg lying in the Kant's Axe example would bring the most happiness. Can emotivism make sense of how we use moral language? You cannot do both, and there is no way to save everyone. That is maximizing the positives and reducing the negatives. Byron Almen, Dorothy Payne, Stefan Kostka, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. Who counts? a. normative b. meta-ethical c. empirical d. descriptive Descriptive claims are relevant to ethics because When you say 'killing is wrong', you don't think you are jut expressing a feeling, you genuinely believe that killing is wrong. Thomas Hobbes, so far your readers (including yourself) are collectivelyAquinas 75%Kant 72%John Stuart Mill69.2%Jeremy Bentham 66.8%Aristotle 63.6%St Augustine 58.2%Spinoza 56.2%Jean-Paul Sartre53.4%Plato 53%Ayn Rand 50.4%Prescriptivism 48.4%Ockham 43.8%Stoics 39.6%Epicureans 39.6%Nel Noddings 39.4%David Hume 34.2%Nietzsche 32.4%Cynics 31.4%Thomas Hobbes 27.4%, Hey- no wonder I tend to like your philosophy! if we eat meat that is industrially produced with low welfare standards. 1) For any x that has a function, a good x is one that performs its function well. Spinoza (44%) 12. Flashcards. Created by. Multiple-Choice Questions According to Kant's approach to moral philosophy, ethics is based on: a. the consequences of one's action. c. La expresin pases del centro se refiere a los pases subdesarrollados, como Ecuador.</p><p>d. 5. Hume says it is an IRRATIONAL INFLUENCE as facts are true or false, whereas moral judgements are just expressions of emotions. Proving an opinion to be correct and Persuading someone to accept your proof, describes the values that people actually hold The existence of moral disagreement. The Principle of Utility The view that an act is right if it produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number. 4) So, only a good will is intrinsically valuable. How does Prescriptivism avoid the problems faced by Emotivism? Say nothing; your job is to be supportive and participate in your friend's happiness. Too focused on individual flourishing. Saying 'Lying is wrong' means 'I disapprove of lying, now do so as well' and as result you also disapprove of lies. *Relationship between conduct and character, *What does it mean to be a person of character (or a good person)? 1) Facts are not motivating, eg 'Paris is the capital of France' does not make us act. What is your moral philosophy? beings? Hume's Is-Ought Gap (against moral realism) (against moral naturalism). So lying is wrong. I have no idea what any of the Lord of the Rings and most of the Harry Potter characters are like. It sets a unique ID to embed videos to the website. Lying is a deficiency of truth telling, so it is a vice. Any social and economic inequalities must satisfy two conditions: Anscombe claims that it is not profitable to do moral philosophy until we have an adequate philosophy of: a. religion. The systematic use of critical reasoning to try to find answers to fundamental questions about reality, morality, and knowledge is called _____. To determine when a moral rule is appropriate Kant proposed two Categorical Imperative (Kant) 1. The word or phrase that you choose must express roughly the same meaning as the italicized word in the passage. You see an advertisement from a charity in a newspaper about a person in severe need in Australia. This desire to be moral seems to be widespread among humans (innate or learned). Kant (60%) 6. Indica si los apartados son verdaderos o falsos, marca con segn corresponda: a. But closed questions can only receive one answer because the answer is true by definition - i.e. If the modifier is incorrect, write the correct form of the modifier above it. We should consider the interests of each person fairly in all situations. They are not expressing a proposition that can be true or false. Results are being recorded. In the following sentence, decide what kind of complement the underlined word is. Moral principles including those that are self-evident by observing nature and revealed through religion. b. Utilitarianism is an example. A consequentialist theory is one that is based on what? Punishment When do we retaliate against harms, and why? analytically true. 'Horse' can be reduced and defined, whereas 'yellow' is indefinable. by catherineshackelford_10876. Second form of the categorical imperative: In You are one of the few people who can provide the kidney. Morality Play. Some people could live a virtuous life but not reach eudaimonia eg if a nurse works in a war out of duty rather than enjoyment and then dies, she would have been virtuous but didn't reach happiness. So, we have a perfect duty not to steal. Empirical fact: Stealing usually causes more harm Cynics (0%). propaganda in a just war may be necessary to deceive the enemy or maintain morale at home. Hume's Fork (against moral realism) (against moral naturalism). Example 1. Jean-Paul Sartre (68%)10. what I want but cannot afford)' to be a universal law. When Kant gives the categorical imperative 'do your duty', he is actually giving the hypothetical command, 'do your duty if you care about being a good person.' Test. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visted in an anonymous form. Analyze concepts, examine the hidden presuppositions of moral opinions and theories, offer criticism and constructive accounts of the moral phenomena in question, and criticize strategies that are used to justify beliefs, policies, and actions. 0 Essay(s) Pending (Possible Point(s): 0). Chapter 1 - The Responsibilities of Engineers, Judaeo-Christian Influences on Philosophy of Religion. Lo absoluto es la realidad ltima de las cosas, pues es aquello que no depende o est condicionado por nada para ser. According to Natural Law Theory what do we need to use to find our "end" in life? Anything could me morally justifiable if it leads to pleasure for the majority eg torture. The propositions that help prove your argument are called what? How to be a virtuous person? There are at least five major ones a person can follow. --If you use people for your own benefit that is not moral, Principle of Utility (Also known as Greatest Happiness Principle) --If you act on a moral rule that would cause problems if everyone followed it then your actions are not more Justice demands that the stolen goods be returned to their owner or compensation paid and the thief be punished proportionately (to re-balance the wrong). Those actions which we are responsible for because we choose them ie they are not forced. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. 1. Yey! *Look deeper, *What it means for something to be morally right is that it's commanded by god This cookie is used for storing the navigation and click stream data. How did nationalism and militarism contribute to conflicts among nations in Europe? A maxim which, although it is not self-contradictory, cannot be consistently willed eg don't help others; A world is possible in which no one helped anyone, but no one would will to live in this type of world. Can rule-consequentialism give a better account of our moral obligations that typical act consequentialism? Flourishing or happiness. Flashcards. Aquinas (77%) 6. Kant (93%) 3. (criticism of emotivism). Are you the type of person who will trick someone into falling by a banana peel or will you warn them before they slip? BUT, there has been moral progress eg slavery and so there are moral facts. "Black and white" - Fairly clear and straight forward, most people feel the same way about: stealing, murder, honesty, charity. Comments. these cases, rather it is correcting other wrongs. 3) So there is no one moral reality, rather a competing set of different moral views. St. Augustine (42%) 15. States that we are physical beings. It could do this if We have other quizzes matching your interest. Animals can want things, but only humans can will them. In these cases practical wisdom must be used to Moral Realism that there exist such things as moral facts and moral values, and that these are objective and independent of our perception of them or our beliefs, feelings or other attitudes towards them. They're saying is that the only thing that makes a person happy is what makes a "beast" happy. Sentience The capacity to feel pleasure and pain. is usually the mean. Are you morally responsible for the continued blindness of the person who would have been treated had you made the donation? Moral Philosophy Quiz 1 Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by jmartin17 Terms in this set (57) Myth Narrative story with a "profound" truth, handed down across generations because easy to remember. Multiple-Choice Questions. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. There are moral truths which can be discovered through reason. It clearly isn't necessary for having a good life. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. Rule Utilitarianism: Yes, because rules are broken. What if there was two rings of Gyges and one was given to a virtuous man and one to a criminal? Introduction to concepts in moral philosophy. Moral Philosophy Quiz Here 's another fun one (via Dr Freeride ): The list below is modified by your input. 'Act only on that maxim which you can, at the same time, will to be a universal law.' Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Sometimes, taking people's property is right (e.g. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. The Open Question Argument (moral non naturalism) (G E Moore) (against moral naturalism). You have a brother. This wouldn't be as tiresome if we hadn't heard the same speech earlier this week. Top Moral Philosophy Flashcards Ranked by Quality. Simulated killing would be morally bad if it gave us Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. THEREFORE, moral judgements are not beliefs (against cognitivism). Quiz: Are You A Lion, A Tiger, Or A Bear. This shows which actions are morally permissible. Intro To Philosophy Quiz Part- III Sample Question The following view says that you are free in the sense that when you do an action, you could have done a different action instead: Determinism Libertarianism Compatibilism Fatalism Intro To Philosophy Quiz Part- IV Sample Question Each virtue of character is the mid-point between two vices, a vice of excess and a vice of deficiency. . John Stuart Mill (84%)3. A form of COGNITIVISM and MORAL REALISM. (contradictions in the will), The issue of clashing duties (against Kant). John Stuart Mill (100%) 2. cruel), but that doesn't mean that you should lie This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. What Do Moral Philosophers Do? b. Normative ethics. a. What are they suggesting? has exceptions: E.g. ***What is the case, prescribe the values that people SHOULD hold Sullivan ?\underline{? The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Advertisement". There is no strong The principle or guiding intention behind an action. This is a quiz that reveals how moral you are as a person. (If your comment is too long, first try breaking it into two parts.). Moral judgements are universal and you cannot make exceptions for yourself. There are at least five major ones a person can follow. Ockham (50%) 17. eudaimonia, so we may treat them as we wish Every argument must have one, and only one what? 'Lie' describes telling a falsehood with the intention to deceive and the emotive meaning of 'lie' is to express disapproval of telling such falsehoods. Religious Studies. Played 38 times. 6. I, of course, never feel bad\underline{\text{bad}}bad about receiving candy. Morality sometimes requires clear cut answer eg in cases of abortion. Rule Utilitarianism: We should follow those rules end because according to Kant, an animal is not a Others, e.g. Cynics (27%) 14. of your responses that should reveal some interesting things about your moral not analytic). Nel Noddings (67%)12. The "invisible" ring that allowed Gyges to gain entry into the royal palace, kill the king, and seduce the queen. not be the same as what you would actually do. are false but ordinary people think that some John Stuart Mill (100%) 2. That God's hand brings events to pass as he works out the salvation of his children. Achieving the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Virtue Ethics applied to Simulated Killing (!!). Are you morally responsible for the blindness of the drinker? Mackie's Argument from Queerness (against realism). There's a vacancy in a lab which is working on chemical weapons. If you believe you ought to pay your rent, then you must also believe that anyone in a relatively similar situation to you ought to pay their rent. Providing the questions for all of life's answers. You will find there b. physics. Nihilism claims there are no values at all. Don't act in a way which you could not accept anyone else acting, at the same time as you are. informed. When he himself took the final version of the test, he scored a 61 out of 63or, "You might be Peter Singer . Congratulations! They produce hypothetical imperatives eg IF you want to pass the exam, revise. Plato (52%) 8. . Send a Message. David Hume (55%) 11. Beliefs alone do not give us reason to act, whereas moral judgements do give us reason to act. Created by. Jeremy Bentham (100%) 2. Kant argues that there is a single supreme principle of morality. In each of the following sentences, insert commas where necessary. (According to Aristotle). tiffany_jansen. Prioritize your choice above: Low Priority High Priority 15. Take this test to see which moral philosophy you follow the most closely. 2. A character trait which enables a person to live well as a human being eg courage. Play. False Distinguishing between good and evil is not a concern of moral philosophy True An ethical theory need only be clear to be appropriately characterized as a good ethical theory. Explain. Bentham's Psychological Hedonism as a form of Moral Naturalism. We won't flourish/be happy by stealing - e.g. Doesn't matter/Dislike all answer choices. Potentially, feelings that could cause real violence may be reduced by simulated killing. First form of the categorical imperative: Stealing is (It is possible to tell the truth excessively and this is 4. Emotivism cannot account for moral progress (criticism of emotivism). good=express approval) vices, i.e. All rights reserved |, Contains spam, fake content or potential malware. Judgments based on considerations of how other people are to be treated, and how others interests are to weigh against their own. The world is a machine 2) Other valuable things eg power can be used immorally, but a good will is always good. Kohlberg Et Al 1981: The Philosophy Of Moral Development, Gudjonsson And Bownes: The Attribution Of Blame And Type Of Crime Committed, Philosophy & Dilemma and Foundation of Morality. Hey, check out this interesting 'Morality test' that we have created below. Jean-Paul Sartre (62%) 5. animal rationality, especially in chimpanzees, This cookies is installed by Google Universal Analytics to throttle the request rate to limit the colllection of data on high traffic sites. Give it a shot and see if you are angelic or borderline evil. The principle of utility is a combination of what? anxious but shabbily dressed person to come out 'It is as if I had said "You stole that money", in a peculiar tone of horror'. Also I don't know any of the morals of any of the characters so I couldn't pick even if I wasn't that. It is OK to poison a rat, even though the rat suffers and is quite intelligent, because the rat is vermin - a pest. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The only thing that is good in and of itself is pleasure; the only thing that is bad in and of itself is pain . Which theory is a consequentialist theory? Secondly, the HC is time consuming and complicating, which makes it difficult to apply consistently. ~ Dr. James Rachels, John Rawls (1921-2001) Killing or to take sadistic pleasure in pretending to kill others or spend excessive time on it. Pleasure is the natural property and happiness is the moral property. theory makes out that we are making a huge Question 5. Kantianism and Social Contract theory focus on the individual decision makers while Utilitarian theories focus on all affected parties. Abbie_Schoberg4. we will fear being caught and punished. Delete Quiz. False Is morality possible? Quiz & Worksheet Goals These assessments will test you on the following: The. Utilitarianism Applied to Eating Animals (!!). It is free! Eg a dad who plays with his child out of love is better than a dad who plays with his child out of duty. Thomas Hobbes (31%) 13. A situation arises where you can either save your own child from death or contact the emergency services in order to save the lives of ten other children. 2) In order for x to perform its function well, it requires the virtues relevant to that function eg a good harp player requires dexterity, a musical ear etc. You should respond with what you think is the morally right thing to do, which may b. the categorical imperative. Looking at your answers, we have analyzed that you are a person with morals and some instances but not always. Flashcards. Ayn Rand (52%) 6. Equality Everybody is morally equal. It also stores the information regarding which server cluster is serving the visitor. and animals can suffer, so they count in the Kantianism Act 2.Utilitarianism To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Virtue Ethics does not provide sufficient guidance about how to act (against VE). Something is desirable if people desire it wisdom to work out when. My results, shortly after completing Carolyn Mason's 200-level Ethics class: 1. Don't treat anyone, including yourself, in a way that disregards their dignity and uses them simply as a means to an end. Im pretty happy with it even when I read the questions differently it just promoted Ockham and Kant a little but overall not much differenceand Nietzsche and Ayn Rand down the bottom group (athough I have some sympathy for Hume) and JB and JSM up the top. Surely if you claim there are moral values, as anti realists do, then these moral values need to exist in reality. Browse through all study tools. *What it means for something to be morally wrong is that it's forbidden by god You pass someone in the street who is in severe need and you are able to help them at little cost to yourself. Therefore, moral statements are meaningless. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Moral judgements are categorical not hypothetical. This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. Korsgaard argues that: a. motivational skepticism is always based on content skepticism. This cookie is used for load balancing, inorder to optimize the service. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Interested in the philosophical status of moral judgements generally by asking questions such as 'Can moral statements be true or false?'. Lesson 1: Introduction to the Liberal Arts Tradition (Preview Content), Lesson 2: Intro to the Paradigm for the Liberal Arts Tradition (Preview Content), Lesson 3: Introduction to the PGMAPT Paradigm, Lesson 13: Philosophy and Natural Philosophy, Lesson 17: Culture, Calling, and Curriculum, Supplement: Revised Edition Overview with Dr. Kevin Clark. So, we should live so we experience the most amount of pleasure with the least amount of pain. By taking this philosophy test, you can find out whether your ability to work with numbers or how satisfied you are with your life suggests anything about what perspective youll have on some of the most meaningful questions about existence. Ockham (7%) Although to be honest, I'm still pretty undecided about meta-ethics, which seems strange to me. Do you think the lack of long-distance trade hurt society during the early Middle Ages? Eg; George has a PhD in Chemistry and he is anti chemical weapons. -We understand temptation will come Educated 3. Leisure Philosophy in Greek Philos = Love b. knowledgeably simulated killing, no real person is being killed (we Lesson 1. Empirical facts: Is simulated killing enjoyed? Match. Aquinas (65%) 6. Your own philosophy might match one of them, or take bits from two or more. Lying makes this impossible as it deceives people. 31 Cards - 1 Decks - 1 Learner . account for good, eudaimonia, relationship. Aristotle's account of virtues is circular (against VE). Do you think that assisting the suicide of someone who wants to die - and has requested help - is morally equivalent to allowing them to die by withholding medical assistance (assuming that the level of suffering turns out to be identical in both cases)? Are your moral obligations to people in your own country or community stronger than those to people in other countries and communities (assuming no unusual circumstances - for example, suffering because of famine - in either your own country/community or other countries/communities)? Moral language makes claims which are capable of being shown to be either true or false. preserve life (e.g. 1) All duties take the form of imperatives (commands) suffering and unhappiness) than not where a potential murderer's intended victim is)' to be a universal law. However, don't let this lure you Like just cause it might not be ok to kill someone doesnt mean its ok to walk away. PHILOSOPHY - Problems Of Evil And Suffering . Nietzsche (49%) 13. Practical wisdom tells us when it's virtue or vice. You are required to send a person a gift, and you have bought a bottle of drink to send to them. Moral language does not make claims that can be shown true or false. We also have a full podcast episode about Moral Discourse and the Value of Philosophy that you may like: Click here to access other streaming options and show notes. Ayer's Verification Principle (against moral realism) (against moral naturalism). John Stuart Mill (85%) 4. Thomas Hobbes (78%) 5. Fundamental beliefs. greatest number, in the long run. 1/10 Why is being dead a bad thing? Anscombe criticizes as absurd Kant's idea of: a. the thing in itself. This is a quiz that reveals how moral you are as a person. | Take this test to see which moral philosophy you follow the most closely. -We take courage Gain a better idea of your position on fundamental questions about the world with our new assessment, Learn Your Philosophical Beliefs, which will walk you through the latest research on the relationship between peoples philosophy and their psychological traits. They aim at truth. ANTI REALIST and NON COGNITIVIST. ), Visitors: check my comments policy first.Non-Blogger users: If the comment form isn't working for you, email me your comment and I can post it on your behalf. Moral philosophy is concerned with distinguishing between actions that are praiseworthy and those that are blameworthy. Be based on logical reasoning Nel Noddings (39%) 16. But, Naturalism jumps from an 'Is' to an 'Ought'. Makes the claim that if the premises are true then the conclusion is probably true They would all be "virtuous". ***Philosophers. Ockham (32%) 13. VE has no decision making procedure for dealing with difficult cases. You are contacted by a refugee group that desperately needs somewhere to house a person seeking asylum who is being unjustly persecuted in a foreign country. Act so that you always treat both yourself and other people as ends in themselves, and never only as a means to an end. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. are similarities between some of the scenarios. You May Get Moral Looking at your answers, we have gathered that you are a person with high morals and people seem to think highly of you. --If you act on a moral rule that would cause problems if everyone followed it then your actions are not more 2. Kant (45%) 14. A duty based ethical system. What was the relationship between Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina? Hume's 3 challenges to Moral Realism (Fork, beliefs aren't motivating and Is-Ought Gap) are arguments for emotivism. greatest number, in the long run. The supreme principle of morality. Moral principles are found by using logical reasoning based on facts and commonly held values. And another Cantabrian at that! Flashcards. Use the underlined Academic Vocabulary words in your answers to the following questions about "House Taken Over": How do the brother and sister function once they shut the back door? Do you know what your views on classic philosophical questions are? *John Stuart Mill was one, Together the principle of utility and the principle of psychological egoism exhibits a harmony of interests. Act Utilitarianism: We should tell lies if it makes more people more happy than either telling the truth or saying nothing. Stealing is never the mean: So it is a vice - wrong. Are you morally obliged to do so? Rational choices are free and Think you can pass the quiz? It is too far to jump from a fact to a moral judgement. This cookie is used to a profile based on user's interest and display personalized ads to the users. You gotta give more nuanced options between the yes or no spectrum. when the obligation is 'weak', failing to do what is obligated of you is still a Honesty or truth telling is a virtue - telling the truth "Morality consists in the set of rules, governing how people are to treat one another, that rational people will agree to accept, for their mutual benefit, on the condition that others follow those rules as well." A rational study of the rules of conduct known as morals that describe how people should behave. c. How did technological innovations change the way World War I was fought? Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. Happiness may have many definitions such as: advantage, benefit, good, or pleasure, Rules are based on the Principle of Utility Pop references are lazy. *Does it exist? Stealing shows an excess of desire for property (greed?). Flashcards. *The criminal would do bad things You live in a country where the police are generally trustworthy. HOWEVER, he is also anti realist because it claims that all moral judgements are false ie errors, because there is in fact no moral reality for them to refer to. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! All of our actions are motivated by pleasure, therefore we ought to maximise happiness. This action will also remove this member from your connections and send a report to the site admin. Rule util: Would a rule for a vegetarian / vegan diet Study Moral Philosophy using smart web & mobile flashcards created by top students, teachers, and professors. "If you want y, then do x." catharsis). 1 The Biggest Question of All Time 2 . Arbeit und Alltag - Employment and daily grind, Emotionen, Gefhle und Einstellungen - Emotions, feelings and attitudes, Augustine And Human Nature, Death And Afterlife, Knowledge Of God, Perception as A Source Of Knowledge (no idealism), Epistemology philosophy AS course booklet. to avoid starvation). If I personally believe that something is moral if it follows an individual's framework, then how am I supposed to pick a Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings character? Learn. 'correct' or 'incorrect'. Kant ignores the value of certain motives (against Kant). Util would say he should takes the job to maximise utility by stopping the weapons being made successfully. Ksmith4538. Prep for a quiz or learn for fun! Kantianism, Social Contract, and Rule Utilitarianism all use moral rules to determine if an action is moral Are you morally obliged to do so? Therefore ignoring animal happiness is a prejudice - called speciesism by Singer. 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moral philosophy quiz