lisa floyd transcriptwhat happened on the belt parkway today

See Photos. And that`s the momentum. These audio recordings will haunt even the most seasoned true crime listener. '#.rKF^T{QZB8-a"vLdIm)jJgVDLI}b M$KavM30b0H| It all happened on November 21, 1990, Lisa's father beat her mother, then she moved on to the whole family, she took her siblings in turn, including the baby! He was going to keep me isolated in our room, beat me when I questioned him and unconvincingly apologize when he felt I had suffered enough. This is now getting to be a consequential thing for these states. They want more options for 911. Six thousand people in the town, right? Little kids being pulled along in wagons by their mom. Like in Buffalo last week, that officer was cheered and greeted with salutes as he went to turn himself in. People named Lisa Ann Floyd. The mesa tops are narrow strips, cut by numerous canyons of varying depth. That`s not enough. I wonder if you and your colleagues are thinking about those previous examples as helpful, as examples of what to do or what not to do, or if you have been essentially considering Minneapolis to be on its own here in terms of the specific challenges? Thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. Lisa's Story I'm Lisa, a survivor with a future, because of my past. Had my shift in beliefs and the resiliency inside not been nurtured, I may have been stuck spinning my wheels in the same destructive pattern indefinitely. According to the complaints, he tells them he cant breathe. Night after night, I was tested. BENDER: I think the most important thing to understand is that this is not the first time that our community has taken to the streets to demand justice. Be forewarned, in a category of 911 calls, the bar for disturbing is set pretty high. Hall dragged herself to the kitchen to call 911 when she heard pounding at her basement door, telling the operator that she had a broken heel and was confined to the couch. "She had knocked off my glasses and my phone," Lisa said. UC- Berkeley study says COVID-19 prevention measures prevented 500 million infections. GOFF: Yeah, I mean, so, there`s the example of Compton before and Camden before, but this is still unprecedented, in part because there`s a chance that this sets the tone for what`s happening nationally on police reform. A memorial for George Floyd, who was killed by the Minneapolis police in May. Instead because of Americans staying home and doing social distancing, there were less than 400,000 cases. Both have previous records of complaints brought against them. I felt like a failure, destined for nothingness. People are suffering. This weekend, the police union there arranged for people to gather outside the courthouse following the officers` hearing. Domestic Violence Through the Eyes of a Six-Year-Old Lisa's 911 Call Watch on This wasn't the first 911 call young Lisa Floyd made over the abuse her mother faced at the hands of her stepfather, but this particular call has become a key factor in bringing awareness to the impact of domestic abuse on children. My family wasnt exactly thrilled to have me around. I felt the need to transcend further, I just wasnt sure if I was capable. He did this ever since she had him.. The officers cuff Floyds hands behind his back. They are counting on roughly 1,000 Americans dying every day from this communicable disease being something we`re just going to get used to, or maybe they`re counting on it being something we don`t really believe. With each fight, each time I was hurt, the truth for me changed a little, until one day, my life, my truths, were no longer working. We don`t know what tomorrow`s going to look like. endobj However, the spokesperson confirmed the prosecutor handling the case against Lisa has the same surveillance video we obtained. %PDF-1.4 Mississippi hit its highest number yet of new cases today. Lisa Ann Johnson. At one point, the line to get into that visitation, got so long, it snaked around the building and in to the parking lot. Chauvin pulls him through the back seat and onto the street. I spent a lot of time with him and his family. The ones who took the time to encourage and nurture my growth. That has to be done by the court system. We did something that`s never been done in human history, and we should be proud of that. The Republican governor of Texas was there. ", Chief Investigative Reporter Eric Ross asked, "Correct me if I'm wrong. I didnt realize I was repeating the cycle. 2. Dispatcher: Does he have any weapons? How was I able to persevere despite the barrage of obstacles? I Dreya, just, Dreya shut up. Lisa: I think hes going to take the baby and do something because hes drunk. LCD and PCP soon followed. |swsHU2]O]"l$nZ7-Z_51HN_ctY We don`t see the infections that don`t occur. Theyre required to call him Sir, Mr. Gray said in court about Mr. Chauvin, who served as a field training officer, or F.T.O. We will be willing to continue to be involved and help wherever we can to help make communities safer and provide them with the resources so they don`t have to call the police in the first place. Life was painful, and the torture was repetitive. I had nothing and I had hit rock bottom. This has been going on since 3:30 a.m.". STATE REP. CHARLES BOOKER (D), KENTUCKY SENATE CANDIDATE: We get that bipartisan legislation passed even in my first term, something that Mitch McConnell is not worrying about. And in a remarkable development in Minneapolis, yesterday a veto-proof majority of the Minneapolis City Council announced that they would dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. Keep us in the loop. She had a fine home and didn't want for anything. As an Adult, Lisa re-enacts her mothers relationship experience with domestic violence and finds her herself in her own manipulating abusive relationship herself. Dispatcher: What sister did he knock down? But the body camera transcripts, and Mr. Lanes interview with investigators, provide more details about Mr. Floyds exchange with officers, and how vociferously and persistently he had pleaded with them that he was having a medical emergency. I feel like there is nothing I cant overcome or achieve. But, even with the heat, even with the inconvenience of the pandemic. North Carolina`s state health director there. They appeared in court this weekend, on Saturday. And what we`re seeing in a lot of states right now is a lot of people getting infected, incredibly steep graphs in terms of how fast the case numbers are rising each day now, including in really big states like Florida. What we see is around the world, different policies have different impacts, and I think that makes a lot of sense because cultures are different. They demand the cigarettes back but walk away empty-handed. The other three officers have been charged with aiding and abetting murder. manual states, Lisa's "voice and experience of calling 911 as a 6 year old girl, one night many years ago (the Lisa tape), has been used since then to educate thousands of people about domestic violence and the impact on children." Listening to Lisa call 911 on this particularly horrible night was a heart-wrenching experience. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. President Bender, thank you very much for being -- for being with us live tonight. One person is too many for this. Minneapolis Police Department policy states an officer can only do this if someone is, quote, actively resisting. And even though the officers call for medical assistance, they take no action to treat Floyd on their own while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The city quickly fired all four officers. Just please send the police. My journey isnt over I still have many lessons to learn and obstacles to overcome. It even in the rain, they kept marching and St. Paul, Minnesota, they sat down outside the governor`s mansion. According to the criminal complaints filed against the officers, Floyd says he is claustrophobic and refuses to enter the police car. But how do you quantify how many people aren`t infected today because of the measures that were taken? But in states like Arizona and Utah, where the numbers are terrible, and in the state of North Carolina, this is the curve in North Carolina, daily new cases. Dark . With stories out there about serial killers like Ted Bundy and the Zodiac Killer, straightforward murder by intruder can seem almost mundane in comparison. I needed to be a part of something. All four passengers died on impact of blunt force trauma before the car caught fire. On November 21, 1990 six-year old Lisa witnessed her step-father brutally attack her mother and he siblings. Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao were charged with aiding and abetting murder. Debt lay makes it awkward. SOLOMON HSIANG, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BERKELEY PROFESSOR OF PUBLIC POLICY: Thanks for having me. I want to bring into the conversation, Philip Atiba Goff. It`s great to have you here. Although Evans clearly didnt approve of his own actions, his voice was devoid of emotion as he said he would have killed pretty much anyone. Mr. Chauvin, who was on the force for 19 years, faces second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter charges in Mr. Floyds death and up to 40 years in prison if he is convicted. I think the thing to what you`ve said is how we think about the results of the study. They always have this because he has company and hes always drinking beer and getting drunk, and mom..Dispatcher: What is his name? Look, we just broke a million dollars in fundraising. Just keep persevering, never give up, and it will happen for you too. According to the transcripts, Mr. Lane called for an ambulance after Mr. Floyds mouth started bleeding. Now we`re three-ish weeks later, and the state is hitting a record number of new cases, a record high percentage of the tests the state are doing are positive, and they`re now maxing out hospital and ICU and medical equipment capacity not just in out of the way places in Arizona like in Yuma, which overtopped its hospitals first in that state. Beaten, humiliated, and cheated on. This is a developing story and will be updated as new information becomes available. It was so hot, they were handing out water to people waiting in line, because they were worried about people`s health. He says he's had to pay more than $8,000 in legal fees for the felony menacing charge. In the background, we can hear Floyd struggling. Lisa Tape 911 Transcript Nov 21, 1990 San Diego, California. That warning from the state epidemiologist in Utah was last Wednesday. Last week, midweek, the state epidemiologist gave a public press conference to announce that the state was experiencing in her words a sharp spike in new cases and that this was not due to there being just more testing or one localized outbreak somewhere, the state epidemiologist in Utah announced that this was a statewide surge in cases and unless it turned around, hospitals in Utah might not be able to cope. The filings include what Mr. Gray described as pictures from inside the car Mr. Floyd was sitting in when Mr. Lane first approached him. MADDOW: After making this bold pronouncement this weekend in Minneapolis, what happens next there? F3&6 n JAR GXDl@i;;~[.al}D-Hb-@b= !-`J66yIPt=d{$*1R2J]>\:F!OthUg#BcRf'q>jwjyh@ DR. MANDY COHEN, SECRETARY OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: That it takes about two weeks to see the impact of a change in policy on an outbreak from an event. m{3=i`w#;c3 C8:8B'DBIX} Domestic Abuse Newport News EMERGENCY HOTLINE 911 RECEIVES A 'PIZZA ORDER' FROM A LADY WHO NEEDS HELP, XOLXOL, October 29, 2014. The police are on their way. It also potentially sets up some strange bedfellows in terms of who are allies and who lines up on which side of these fights. He did nothing wrong.". Four minutes later, they call the police. It`s at least right on the brink in Tucson, full up in Phoenix, on the brink of full in Tucson. The video stops when Lane appears to tell the person filming to walk away. What`s the qualitative difference? He claimed he had punched his wife in the face because she was drunk, before immediately rebutting this by saying they hadnt been drinking and that he was crazy.. According to city council`s president, Lisa Bender, this pledge from these members of the city council this weekend is an acknowledgement that the Minneapolis Police Department doesn`t just need reform. As he lay bleeding from his head and from his ear, officers were seen walking by without rendering aid. So what we have to do is try to measure them and construct them and help us understand what those benefits are so that as we make decisions about whether, you know, we keep certain policies in place, we`re making an educated tradeoff between the health benefits and the economic costs. They marched from there all the way to Philadelphia City Hall. Lisa. According to the 911 transcript, an employee says that Floyd used fake bills to buy cigarettes, and that he is awfully drunk and not in control of himself. Soon, the first police vehicle arrives on the scene. What is his name? But public confidence in our department is at an extraordinary low. <> I was being beaten regularly and relying on people who didnt want me to rely on them. By the time they could reach her car, Stevens had run out of oxygen and could not be resuscitated. But it`s not over, you know. I spent four years living in hell. Refine your hospital admission criteria to allow management of patients in alternate care settings within the community rather than within your facility. MINNEAPOLIS A woman who sat as an alternate on the jury that found Derek Chauvin guilty in George Floyd's murder is speaking out about what it was like to parse through nearly three weeks of. The filings were the latest effort by Mr. Lane, who held Mr. Floyds legs while he was on the ground, to argue that he does not bear the responsibility for Mr. Floyds death that prosecutors say he does. Yes! Six minutes into the arrest, the two officers move Floyd back to their vehicle. It`s still going on. Lisa: I dont know. This is not something that Minneapolis and you and your colleagues are inventing the concept of. Night after night, I was tested. I thought that was how it was supposed to be in a relationship. That`s not the department that protesters are asking for, right? "The officer is doing the best they can at the point in time with the information they have to make that determination about probable cause. Lots of people have been asking me for the last couple days, if we defund the police, what happens when you call 911? Here's an enduring legacy: Pink Floyd's album Dark Side of the Moon was released 50 years ago today and it's still on the Billboard charts, making it the longest-charting album in history. But that fact hasn`t stopped the president from repeatedly, confidently pronouncing to the American people that it`s definitely, definitely not going to be as bad as it definitely is. More than two minutes then went by, according to timestamps on the transcript of Mr. Kuengs body camera footage. By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies and other technologies. He did this ever since she had him.. CSPD admits at the time Lisa was charged with disorderly conduct, they did not have the surveillance video that News 5 Investigates obtained. So, in the urgent short term, you know, we need to get a system in place that is keeping people safe, that folks have confidence in as we build up these alternative systems for community safety. Beware that the content below is challenging, but it provides an incredible window into the survivors world of domestic violence and if comfortable we challenge bloggers to participate in this awareness raising activity. It may work to reduce crime and improve public trust. Look at that. Well, a group of researchers at the University of California at Berkeley set out to answer exactly that question, and they came up with some stunning results. If your lungs are so damaged that even being on a ventilator is not enough, they put you on one of these ECMO machines as basically a last-ditch way to keep you alive using a mechanical external lung so your body can hopefully fight its way back from the brink while that machine does the breathing for you. Lisa: What? They seemed happy that somebody else was taking care of me. MADDOW: All right. Right now, a candle light vigil is under way on the football field at George Floyd`s high school in Houston where his family is in attendance. According to to the blog a certain Ms. Justine Damond was killed by Minneapolis police, and we got a new police chief, new leadership. Lisa: He pushed her down on the floor, and she's crying. My friends were moving on and doing great things with their lives, while I felt like the weight of my traumatized past was creeping up on me. It has been 14 days now, it has been two weeks since Mr. Floyd was killed by police in Minneapolis, and still, 14 days later, the streets of the United States look like this. You got one? Mr. Lane asked. Dispatcher: What is your name? This site uses cookies to improve user experience. Mr. Kueng tried again, and again said he could not find a pulse. The other three officers in this case have already been arraigned on charges of aiding and abetting Chauvin in Mr. Floyd`s death. So, yes, that union relationship, that union position, again, you know, elected by the majority of the departments, is a huge barrier. Domestic Violence Through the Eyes of a Six-Year-Old. Dr. Goff is a professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. PHILLIP ATIBA GOFF, JOHN JAY COLLEGE OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROFESSOR IN POLICING EQUITY: Thanks for having me. Knowing that many of the people involved with the foundation had themselves embarked on the same journey as I made me feel like a better life was definitely accessible. Dispatcher: Hows he hurting her? Do you mean that literally, that this might have been a collective human endeavor that saved more lives than anything else we`ve ever done? Dispatcher: How old are you? Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. The deaths of Eric Garner in New York and George Floyd in Minnesota created national outrage over the use of deadly police restraints. The Floyds were divorced in the summer of 1984, at which time Lisa Floyd was awarded custody of Ken, subject to Mr. Floyd's visitation rights. I felt the need to transcend further, I just wasnt sure if I was capable. "Once someone has been arrested and charges have been filed, we can't just drop a case. A man is filming the confrontation from a car parked behind them. And what is notable about the study beyond these head-turning top line numbers is that if you do this math, if you are able to map the effects of all these hundreds of different policies across different cities and different regions and different countries, you eventually start to gain enough data in terms of the impact of these policies that you start to build a pretty good library. What do you make of what`s happened so far, and do you expect you`d be involved in it? Bystander: Get off of his neck! Bystander: Hes still on him? The E.M.T.s check Floyds pulse. Lisa is now a grown-up woman. 100% of your donation will go directly to fund programs & services for those impacted by CDV. Chauvin is pushing his knee into Floyds neck, a move banned by most police departments. MADDOW: It`s been good to have you with us here tonight. What is your name? Professor Hsiang, thanks for making time to help us understand this tonight. Lisa: Yea, Im in first grade and my sisters in kindergarten. So far, Smith has not faced any additional charges. There was no escape. We saw further proof of that this weekend. I think, you know, it`s been a really difficult year, and it`s a little inspiring to think back and realize what it is that we achieved together by coordinating, cooperating, using science. Floyd is now lying on the pavement, face down. MADDOW: That was a month ago today. The chilling transcripts of Minneapolis police body camera footage, made public on Wednesday, were filed in state court as part of an effort by one of the officers on the scene, Thomas Lane, 37, to have charges that he aided and abetted Mr. Floyds murder thrown out by a judge. That man fell backwards and cracked his head on the pavement. It`s the ambulance -- I`m sorry. He only gets off once the E.M.T.s tell him to. Dispatcher: OK, were gonna be there. or. Police say they think 20,000 people marched in L.A. this weekend. This is happening in a bunch of states now. Lisa: Hes still in the room. <> You`re going to have that -- as the number of cases gets larger, you`re going to have the number of people dying increase at a more and more rapid rate, right? There were many others you didnt hear about. People have been working very hard trying to just stay afloat. Bystander: Bro. According to medical and policing experts, these four police officers are committing a series of actions that violate policies, and in this case, turn fatal. I filed for a restraining order and never looked back. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Lisa: OK, Page 1 of 4Dispatcher: Now wheres your mother at right now? Im just not afraid to take them on. I thought I had done well.". Within the first 3 months of our relationship he was hitting me. xZYo6~_JEIj@4tN8 ;:(B9E8yoOo{+x9]5sJ&EDwuxQ>3,`uyR)VkW(exx\. They`re very salient, and it`s been really hard to figure out what are we getting in return for all of that sacrifice. Lisa: Hes making mommy . endobj 20 0 obj Mesa Verde . But since because of the trauma she experienced during her childhood, she found herself also in an abusive relationship. Happy to have you here. If there`s violence, communities can manage that. "Oh man, God don't leave me. Get off to the sidewalk, please. Surveillance video shows as Lisa goes around the back of the vehicle to take a picture of the license plate, a woman gets out and starts to assault her. Governments are implementing policies in different ways. In the United States, what we see is that business closure, people working from home, people staying in their homes, those have very large health benefits. I would never let myself be a ward of anyone again. Leaving was not easy, neither was realizing which path to take. We caught it, and we`re at this moment just sort of still holding it up. The Times analyzed bystander videos, security camera footage and police scanner audio, spoke to witnesses and experts, and reviewed documents released by the authorities to build as comprehensive a picture as possible and better understand how George Floyd died in police custody. I was abused much in the same way I saw my mother abused. Lisa Floyd is on Facebook. The president said we`ll have a total death toll in this country of 100,000, 110,000 deaths. This delays their ability to help the paramedics. MADDOW: Cities like Camden, New Jersey, and Compton, California, disbanded their police departments as well. Create a free website or blog at THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. In that interview, when he was asked whether he felt at the time that Mr. Floyd was having a medical emergency, Mr. Lane replied, Yeah, I felt maybe that something was going on.. I had been sleeping in a separate bedroom and could feel the tension building. I was tired of feeling like I had nothing. And that`s because of that incubation period from the virus, meaning the time from when a person was first exposed to COVID-19 to when they become sick. Website designed and maintained by Little Wing Connections Public Relations and Marketing,, Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Children of Domestic Violence By Lisa Floyd. Join Facebook to connect with Lisa Floyd and others you may know. Floyd: [gasping] Officer: What do you want? Bystander: Ive been Floyd: [gasping] In the two videos, Floyd can be heard telling officers that he cant breathe at least 16 times in less than five minutes. That means if you`re trying to cut it, you`re actually getting rid of the youngest officer who are also the most progressive, who are also the most interested in culture change. And what you`re describing about how police themselves are among the most authoritative and at time articulate spokespeople for the idea that police are not the right solution to every problem that we`ve got and that we apply policing resources to, it`s an interesting -- it`s an interesting thing in terms of the way these things go as political fights. Bystander: You having fun? But Chauvin never takes his knee off of Floyd, even as his eyes close and he appears to go unconscious. I feel like one of the key insights for me in terms of thinking about national security -- like transformational thinking around national security was realizing that people in the military, particularly very well-experienced people in the military, were themselves among the most articulate defenders of the idea that the military should not be used for everything. Floyd is sitting in the drivers seat of this blue S.U.V. From looking at 1,700 different national regional and local policies, all these different approaches that were taken in all these different places, did you and your colleagues end up with kind of the number line of more bang for your buck versus less in terms of the impact of these policies and the number of infections prevented? Is that aiding and abetting a crime?, In the court papers filed this week where he asks the judge to dismiss the charges against Mr. Lane, Mr. Gray argued that Mr. Lane, as a new officer, was taking his cues from Mr. Chauvin. There's a new way to look at Smith Mountain Lake. I spent four years living in hell. Life was painful, and the torture was repetitive. When I started dating my ex, it was definitely to escape. When Floyd came around the car to take a picture of Smith's license plate, Smith admits she got out of the vehicle and did not want her license plate photographed. And, you know, the reality is because of this work, I`m getting endorsed by folks all over Kentucky. I am sure if I had not left; I would have condemned myself to death and worse, left my children without a mother. Lisa: Stop it. Could you just send the police please! Within the first 3 months of our relationship he was hitting me. Dispatcher: He has the baby now? \Aa}j:vtk^Z|@xo', /4pendstream North Carolina, as she said, opened up a couple of weeks ago, and then a couple of weeks after the reopening, they hit their highest ever number of new cases in one day, on Saturday, this past weekend. 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