how bad are restricted view seats her majesty's theatrewhat happened on the belt parkway today

I did find parts a little too loud though - more volume does not mean more emotion and means some of the music sounds less dynamic than it should. It would seem this row has been made smaller due to the premium seats in front of it, but having the asile seat meant I could stretch my legs out fully was the only saving grace. Looking to bag the best seats in the house? John Owen Jones has ruined any other Phantoms for me and sadly, Ben Forster just didn't have the gravitas that I would have liked. At about 11am he called me forward and offered two seats at the end of row E and row B (front row). ___________________, Went to see "Phantom of the Opera" on Tuesday 27th June 2006, it was BRILLIANT! Lets get it clear: Paul Johnson of Port Talbot could not be more wrong in his summary of Brian McCanns performance as understudy Phantom. It looked like there wasn't enough people to fill the stage and the grand staircase made a loud noise whilst being folded away, drowning out theorchestra. There is no allocated seating, either, so there is often a bit of a wild stampede for good seats as soon as the curtain parts. I got another half price ticket, this time for the stalls, row N seat 14 for the matinee performance on March 13th 2007. We were on the balcony in row B. The only understudy was Christine Daae which was played by Tabitha Webb. But no; I wouldn't say spacious, but my knees - when seated naturally - didn't hit the seat back in front, and there was a little room to move around. And, given the new awareness of safe spaces, its generally not too confronting to sit in the front row. I thought I must have been tainted having seen the movie far too much, and that it was just me who was mildly disappointed by the acting efforts of Earl Carpenter and Oliver Thornton. After reading everyones reviews here, I was conscious of the need to sit back, but felt no need to lean forward. The management pairing of Barry James (greatest Thenardier in my opinion) and Gareth Snook are the best I've seen, they work well together. The thundering Overture sets the show off into a great whirlwind of excitement, and the show lives up to all of the hype associated with it. Ticket prices. I hoped, given the intermission, he would have time to recover - but it was as if he had given up. I have since listened to the music from the original cast (Michael Crawford and Sarah Brightman), but in my opinion, Earl Carpenter (Phantom) and Rachel Barrell (Christine) are far more talented. Not the best start to Phantom really and I was quite cross. But who knows, you may be walking around this space freely, or clumped together in a tiny corner. We knew the night before via Twitter that John Owen-Jones would not be the Phantom due to illness but knew that we would be in safe hands with Scott Davies as the understudy. My friend who came with me has bought me the CD of the show so I can sit on this computer and drift back in my mind to that memorable Saturday afternoon matinee 2 week's ago. The bar only obstructed the view of the orchestra pit which was hardly a problem. She completely screwed up the last part of 'Think of me' which was already shorter than usual I think due to her vocal limitations. He sang brilliantly in the title song, and in 'Music Of The Night' he acted and sung flawlessly. There . If anybody sees just one show this year make it "Phantom of The Opera!!" Result! Grand Historical Tour. Nearly all seats have an unrestricted view. I cannot recommend this show enough, and we will all definitely be going again. Save your money for the tour, guys - at least they *have to* keep that one sharp. While its largely true of all the big venues, its especially true of the Princess: those back rows of the grand circle (the top level) are ludicrously high, and watching a show from them feels like peering at an ant colony from a helicopter. Katy Hall as Christine was magnificent, her voice was excellent and she acted well in addition to singing well. We sat in the Grand Circle D17 and D18 which is right in the middle. Phantom never lets us down, another amazing experience in Her Majesty's Theatre from start to finish and is even better that the Las Vegas production of the musical. I somehow managed to miss seeing Phantom of the Opera until the end of May 2005. During the second I saw Katie Hall. Ramin Karimloo was spectacular as the Phantom. Saw this last night (30th March 2005) and unfortunately we didnt enjoy this show. Phantom will always be a bit special to me as this was the first musical I ever saw in London - I can still remember being blown away by the experience and it made me catch the musical bug - I've seen Phantom at least 5 times from both stalls and dress circle but hadn't seen it in London for a few years (but had seen it in New York when I was on honeymoon). The walkway down to the Phantom's lair was a really slick and effective trick, and had you believing they were really walking downwards. I saw Phantom of the Opera on 12th July 2012 with a friend. RECOMMENDED: How to score cheap theatre tickets in Melbourne. It depends so much on the show. We paid top price for them but well worth the money. You'll have either an incomplete view because of the position of the seats, or something may be in your line of sight - like a pole, speakers, or the sound board. This one runs and runs. It's no longer a big universe with lots of little characters, it's a small universe with a few big characters. It only emphasis's the passion! I deliberately didn't buy the cheapest tickets available as I wanted a good quality viewing experience, but I fail to see how we had anything other than the worst seats in the house. Belonging to the 6 footer club, I have not yet had trouble fitting into seats at Her Majestys. The show is still one of the best I've ever seen and it's amazing how long its been running. Stall tickets on Ticketmaster for Jersey Boys, for example, range from between 45.70 and 91.40, with most seats in this section priced at around 67.20. You don't miss a thing at these seats, and they made the show much more enjoyable. All I can say is if I ever did it again (and I won't) I would avoid these seats. 2nd in line, and I got 030 in Stalls for 25 - way under Balcony missing a few of the stuff like Phantom on a set-piece high and the chandelier going up. Went last night (8th January 2018) sitting in N14 in the stalls bought for 40 through the London Theatres January sale. My favourite are in the middle of row C stalls, front row of dress circle and even front row of upper circle is fine, a bit more distant but offers good value for the money. This book defends the claims of historical-critical research into the New Testament as necessary for theological interpretation.Presenting an interdisciplinary study about the nature of theological language, this book considers the modern debate in theological hermeneutics beginning with the Barth-Bultmann debate and moving towards a theory of language which brings together historical-critical . The storyline is cringing to say the least, but romantic in the smallest sense, and the image that is associated with Phantom is one of love. If you're in the stalls you won't see the chandelier fall or like below the knee on everyone. ________________________, I was on holiday with my family all the way from Brisbane Australia and me and my sister went to see "Phantom of the Opera". Performance schedule. _________________________________________. Amazing view of both the entire stage and the orchestra put. Another joined at 9am by 10 am there were probably 12 people in the queue. Millions of people can't be wrong! Until Saturday 1st April 2023Earl Carpenter will reprise his role as The Phantom. __________________________________. for a total of only 50! __________________________________________. I will be going back soon to see this wonderful show! I felt the seat was more comfortable as well, maybe as a result of me not having to crane my neck from side to side and upwards. The young man sitting behind me (who was taller than me) spent the whole performance with his knees banging against the back of my seat! Also for this show we got Harriet Jones as Christine and she had such contrasting frightened and sexy sides! I find it bizarre that you would attack the staging and fly work of "Phantom". There are still rumours of dead spots around Hamer Hall, where the music is dulled by acoustic blackspots, but we think this is largely apocryphal. We had hoped to see the incumbent Phantom, John Owen-Jones after being mightily impressed by his latest performances in the 'Les Mis' tour and the 'Three Phantoms' concert but unfortunately illness had struck and so with much trepidation we took our seats to watch his alternate Scott Davies. The show starts with an elderly Raoul (in a wheelchair) buying a music box at an auction at the old opera house that had being previously haunted by the phantom. Good meal, and good seats (A24 and A25, front row of Dress Circle.) Keep up the great work, team Theatremonkey, you are the best in what you do! I loved it. Phantom of the Opera, 14Apr2019, I wanted to watch the play so bad, I took a chance on the seat. Now, I always find Music of the Night the most boring song in the show - but this time I was completely gripped by it. she was blo*dy brilliant. Evening Performance on Monday 28th November 2016. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Otherwise they were excellent seats. 8 Grand Circle K8 reviews at the Her Majesty's Theatre (His Majesty's Theatre) General 3.5/5 View 3/5 Comfort 1/5 Legroom 4.5/5 Slightly restricted view 50% Avoid if you're short 50% based on 2 reviews Average seat price * min max 58.75 48.8 43.75 *based on 16 bookings made through various agents' websites. !LONG MAY PHANTOM RUN!!! They were very good seats as the bar was only slightly blocking our view. I truly wanted him to kick the Phantom's butt and get the girl, ha ha. ___________________________. I really dont waste much energy crying over spilt milk. This will give you the best chance at unimpeded views. As soon as Rachel began to sing her first solo of the evening I got that same feeling I did as the music began, although this time more intense. The view was very good (except for the lady in front of me who had quite big hair) but apart from that, no complaints, plus you get a fantastic view of the Phantom up to no good in the rafters. Brian McCann (named as swing on the website) donned the mask and was completely ill-prepared for the role. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. _____________________. I am now hooked and want to go and see it again. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Yes, it looks great and familiar tunes always make for an easier evening out, but why does all the emotion have to be so overblown? Alf Sofia Escobar is a superb Christine, young and naive, and in fine voice. P.S. This show, along with 'Les Misrables', is one of the "crown jewels" of West End theatre. This is a Paris set, gothic Andrew Lloyd Webber musical with Cameron Mackintosh in charge of the spectacle. The only point from Theatre Monkey's review that I do agree with is that Christine should definitely have got the Phantom!! I sat in the GRAND CIRCLE in Row H seats 26 and 27. He is a very strong Raoul, not foppish and weedy at all. The whole show is hidden behind a huge chandelier, and some very talented singers. The size and space of the seats is uncomfortable enough to start with, but the added discomfort of the heat made for a very unpleasant and painful experience. In placing before the reader this unabridged translation of Adolf Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, I feel it my duty to call attention to certain historical facts which must be borne in mind if the reader would form a fair judgment of what is written in this extraordinary work. Right on, monkey - what a lacklustre event Phantom at Her Majesty's has become. I am only 13 and have seen over 20 musicals in the West End. The story is fiction about a masked musical genius living in the catacombs of the Paris Opera! Killian Donnelly as Raul was very endearing - he has a nice voice and his acting was wonderful (and what a lovely chap he is too in real life! Cannot see the top level of the stage and the top level of the set. I sat down and realized that my feet were dangling in mid air as I couldn't reach the floor. Went to the stage door. I would recommend row D and above. It was probably the best birthday I could give my little girl. It gave the whole performance a strident edge that I did not enjoy. I really did have an excellent time and I would want to see it again. I know this is musical theatre and that perhaps it requires more suspension of disbelief than other theatre, but in this case the only thing that could have suspended my disbelief was if you sentenced it to life. _____________________________________________. Firstly, I should say that our seats were perfect. I had to tilt my head a few times (Phantom on the proscenium arch; the chandelier crash), and the dry ice gondola ride probably looks more impressive from a few rows back, but being so close to the performers, being able to see every nuance, is just marvellous. Christine was also very good and played the character well. We were in Row B, which is the first row, I am only 5' 2" and my knees were crushed against a low black wall between me and the orchestra, sit further back for a much better view. Alex was very charming, the nicest actor I've ever met. I was a little worried when I read about the huge cast overhaul that had been made a couple of days prior but I needn't have worried - I found the show magical, I sat mesmerised throughout the whole performance and had constant shivers running up and down my spine that started the moment they raised the chandelier at the auction house to the very end, it was wonderful! However, the Grand Circle does give you good views of the Phantom up to his tricks which is quite good fun to see. Thanks for subscribing! I felt sorry for Earl that he had to work with such a bad performer who was overacting all the time. Final comment, absolutely brilliant show, would thoroughly recommend it, want to go again, and again, and again. I had an absolutely brilliant view here. The Theatre advised me where the best seats were and this was reflected in the top price 58 (we paid 38) they were emphatic that the seats we had were not restricted viewing. I will say it is hard to decide where the good seats are. Any of the first four rows, in the centre sections, are fine but the best are dress circle A 21 and 22. Also from the grand circle you get a great view of the chandelier rising ad when the Phantom is up above the arch. The gentleman that previously wrote in the defence of Raoul lacking charisma is so correct in what he says, yes this is how Raoul is supposed to beI think that those who slate POTO have no appreciation for this form of entertainment which is absolutely fine as we all have different tastes but hey just admit that its not for you, there's no need to rip it apart.take note Theatre Yes he's contemporary and rocky but it is what it is. Nic Greenshields was in the role, however! __________________________, We saw the show for the first time on Saturday 7th October 2006. Andrew Lloyd Webber is a musical genius and Phantom of the Opera is not to be missed. Multiple emails bounced between me and a specific person, wanting to know the date I phoned, the exact time, who I previously spoke to, the number I phoned from.. (all of which I was unable to provide) This went on for a week, and finally they said they were unable to find any trace of my call, as I was unable to provide enough information, but they did not doubt that I had indeed phoned, and that i was told incorrect information, and that they would refund me the full price of one of my tickets. _____________________, I went to see The Phantom of The Opera on the 1st December 2009 with a group of friends. *based on 16 bookings made through various agents' websites. Kleenex was my friend that day. I found myself having to look from side to side on occasions and had to look almost straight up to see the Phantom in the chandelier. _____________________, Saw Phantom this week (December 2010) for the first time and was blown away! We uncover the best of the city and put it all in an email for you. When we left and teemed out onto the street we saw an advertisement for the forthcoming De Niro movie, 'What just happened?' Visited 25th February 2014: evening performance. Couldnt have asked for a better first experience of The Phantom of the Opera. ___________________, Firstly, I would like to thank the Theatremonkey's frequent updates of special offers, which is where I searched for a fabulous offer to see "The Phantom of the Opera". Edward Bernstone Yes- the show had an amazing and powerful setbut if you can't see itwhat's the point? Didn't like this musical - worst musical I have seen in West End. ___________________________. The leg room however was ridiculous, and I couldn't have my legs directly in front of me. Have a look at the view. We disagree. The staff member who checked our tickets told her co worker that she was, and I quote, "f@#king wasted last weekend" not the sort of language you expect! I suppose for me this was a last minute choice, and I was interested to see what the experience was like from the front row - but was worth it to hear the orchestra so close up and see it from a different perspective and for 57 certainly feel like I got my moneys worth and didn't feel ripped off. I thought I'd be cramped - but I'd sacrifice that for our experience- and it shouldn't affect my much more reasonably sized wife. 2008: Just for the record, in early 2008 the monkey finally watched the screen version of this show and actually preferred it to the stage one sure, the lyric is still crass in places, but the revised script and actual cinematography made it like the show a whole lot more than in the theatre! (phantom fan) Menander, as has been said in the last chapter, once more rescued the stage of Greece from barbarism. Rachel Barrell was also excellent as Christine. read more. I had no idea such incredible music could be ruined so easily. Even if there was someone sitting in E1, I think the rake would have been sufficient to see over their head. Sitting anywhere else in this row, I would have had to change seats, as I physically wouldn't have been able to last the duration of the performance (34inch legs) Thankfully, the overwhelming performance and amazing view made me quickly forget about the leg room, but feel this should be mentioned when you buy the tickets. (ironic statement). The melodrama is what makes the story so interesting. Coupled with a very limited choice of seats, I went for these. Website: Although, perhaps not the strongest Phantom vocally, Scott provided his audience with a performance that was powerful and innovative. We managed to get seats in the stalls, row M 17 to 19 and were very pleased as the visibility is great. 'Wishing you were somehow here again' in the grave is a richly powerful song, and the lead roles had voices which were shattering. J Middleton of Sheffield I own; POTO compact mirror, a POTO monkey music box that plays "Masquerade", a POTO mug and a framed POTO poster with all my tickets in..does that make me a sad Monkey???? Though properly portrayed as the era of 'Protestant Ascendancy' it embraces two phases - the eighteenth century when that ascendancy was at its peak; and the nineteenth century when the Protestant elite sustained a determined rearguard defence in the face of the .

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how bad are restricted view seats her majesty's theatre